Shinigami: Zanpakutō Of The Wood System, The Spirit King's Palace Transforms Into A Buddha!

Chapter 98 Espada Is Autistic! The Battle For The Strongest Fire Element!

at the same time.

Just across the Zaraki district.

and surrounding fringes.

Because the closure of the black cavity disappeared, it also became calm again.

Can be used as the origin of the Negación Beam!

The Void Palace occupied by the Arrancar Legion!

At this moment, it is another lively and sensational scene!

at this time.

Inside the Hueco Mundo.

Under the artificial canopy with blue sky and white clouds.

The virtual night palace looks like a huge castle.

Standing majestically in the middle of the vast white desert.

Look far away.

Can be clearly seen!

Above the Void Night Palace, two black gaps are torn apart!

Those two faint yellow beams returning from the Zaraki district!

Falling from the sky with a bang!

Straight down to the inside of the palace!


"Yammy and Ulquiorra..."

"They should have successfully completed their mission and returned?"

Under short sky blue hair.

"Leopard King" Grimmjow raised his head and said indifferently.

Although ranked sixth!

Medium status in Espada!


The aggressive and warlike Grimmjow!

Never cared about anyone!

Even when facing Aizen, he will always show dissatisfaction!

And this time.

When you know the target person of the test mission.

It's time for Bai Chen!

For my two subordinate officials who died in Karakura Town:

Dee Roy!

Xiao Long Kufang!

To avenge the two of them personally!

Grimmjow once recommended himself in front of Aizen!

Wish I could go to Soul Society alone!

While carrying out the probing mission, you will also take revenge on your subordinates!

So that Bai Chen will pay with his blood!


In the end, it was because of "personality reasons"!

It was directly rejected by Aizen indifferently!


While Yammy and Ulquiorra were away.

Grimmjow is pissed off!

Hold back the anger!

That's why when looking up at the Negación beam.

Annoyed and displeased expression!

"If there is still a chance to perform missions in the future..."

"Honestly... I wish I could hang out at the Soul Society too..."

not far away.

Weird looking!

Grim and ugly!

Nnoitra looking menacing!

Holding a huge sickle in one hand, he grinned and said in a cold voice.

It is not difficult to hear from the contemptuous discourse of these words.

Obviously in Nnoitra's eyes.

The Soul Society where the Shinigami belong!

That is Arrancar and Menos Grande.

A back garden that can come and go freely!

A food captivity filled with soul tonics!

at the same time.

Under the gaze of the Arrancars.

After Negación passed through the top of the palace, he saw that 933 was about to land!



"What's going on? Did I read it wrong?"

"Why is only Ulquiorra showing up!!!"

"Where's Yammy? Why did he disappear!"

"It's impossible to leave him alone in Soul Society!!!"

at first.

After seeing the familiar cold figure of Ulquiorra.

The Menos Grande and the Arrancars have not realized that something has happened!


When everyone's eyes move!

Look at another dim beam of light!

And after discovering that there are only empty floating stones inside!

All members of the Arrancar Legion.

Suddenly the collective froze in place.

Everyone has the same puzzled expression of frowning!

what's the situation?

Is Yammy going to hang up?


Even though that thought popped into my mind!

But only less than three seconds!

The Arrancars quickly shook their heads in denial!


Even if you stretch your hips again...

The title of "No. 0 Espada" is no better than gold!

But he is the mighty Espada after all!

Throughout the Arrancar regiment, and indeed the entire Hueco Mundo!

They are all strong ones!

How could it be possible to go to the Soul Society and get killed!

This is too outrageous!


"Tell me! What happened..."

"Why didn't Yammy come back with you?"

Before Negación disappeared.

Ulquiorra's figure landed.

Grimmjow, Nnoitra and the others asked impatiently.

And not just the two of them!

around the palace.

on the highest platform.

Starrk, Baraggan, Harribel!

These three top three Espadas with extraordinary strength and status!

It's also silently looking away!

Focus on Ulquiorra!

I am very curious about what happened!

It will cause Yammy to disappear out of thin air!


With the Negación beam disappears.

The sound of white soles hitting the ground.

In the atmosphere that gradually became silent, it was extraordinarily clear.


Feel the gazes from around you.

Ulquiorra raised his eyes and said in a cold voice with no expression on his face:

"As you can see now..."

"Yammy has indeed disappeared!!!"

Simple sentence.

But like a bolt from the blue!

Instantly blasted into the hearts of every Menos Grande and Arrancar!

At the same time, it also let the temperature of this empty hall!

In an instant, it dropped below freezing point!



"What's the meaning!!!"

"Yammy.....Could it be.....really dead?"

This moment.

Heard Ulquiorra's answer.

Then look at his cold, paralyzed face.

All Espadas included!

The expressions of everyone present suddenly changed drastically!

A chill ran down my spine!


"I know that with your personality, you won't make fun of your companion's life...

Falling pink bangs.

The mask is the glasses-shaped SzayelAporro.

Squinting his eyes, he asked cautiously, the common aspiration of everyone:

"Then may I ask..."

"Who killed Yammy!"

"Could it be that... the Bai Chen who is the target person?!"

When saying the name "Bai Chen"!

A drop of cold sweat rolled down SzayelAporro's cheek!

Be a Hueco Mundo scientist!

His position in the Void Night Palace!

Directly against Kurotsuchi Mayuri!

In addition to scientific research and transformation, it is also responsible for docking with the Aizen trio!


Information and details about Bai Chen.

SzayelAporro has delved into this a long time ago:

one a few months ago.

Suddenly it turned out.

And a genius monster who is rising rapidly!

A whole new category!

Wood type Zanpakutō with full attack power!


There is no more specific information!


SzayelAporro doesn't think so!

In the case of two Espadas dispatched at the same time!

Bai Chen only relies on the wood system Zanpakutō that can only be "Shikai" at present!


In the presence of Ulquiorra!

Defeat the two Espadas and take out Yammy!

And such a record!

Just listening to it is incredible!

It even made SzayelAporro feel extra ridiculous!

"That's right..."

"Yammy was killed by Bai Chen!!!"

Ulquiorra answered blankly.

And his words are like a nuclear bomb!

Completely detonated the atmosphere of Xuye Palace!

There was an uproar!


"Obviously as the target person being tempted..."

"Actually killed the mighty Espada in reverse!!!"

"And it is said that this Bai Chen is just an officer..."

"Impossible! Aren't Shinigami a bunch of trash?"

"Why is the combat power of even a seat officer so terrifying!!!"

Nnoitra's expression froze.

Grimmjow was stunned.

Starrk, Baraggan, and Harribel frowned!

at this time.

In the huge Void Night Palace.

Regardless of identity.

No matter the strength is strong or weak.

Almost everyone was shocked by this heavy news!

No one would have expected that at all...

Yammy who was alive and kicking not so long ago.

Actually in a seemingly risk-free invasion.

It was killed directly!

And whoever killed Yammy wasn't even Captain Shinigami!

Think here.

Skeleton Lord Baraggan standing on top.

Under the crown-shaped mask, an old face covered with wrinkles.

With a solemn face, he asked:


"During the battle..."

"You and Yammy probably didn't have a return blade, so that's why you let Shinigami succeed?"

Baraggan had just finished speaking.

The deep and heavy voice has just been transmitted.

Hearing his words, all members of the Arrancar Legion suddenly realized!


The emperor is right....(bdei)

It must be because of carelessness!

Or because of some unexpected interference!

So it will lead to until the dying!

Yammy didn't even have time to return to the sword, before he showed his full strength!

The accidental rollover was killed directly!


"At the end of the day, Yammy is too pretentious!"

"If he has a good brain, he should directly force him from the beginning.

"With the incomparably huge body of the angry beast!"

"Shouldn't the Soul Society be shaking just by stomping your feet?"

"How can Shinigami survive!!!"

Nnoitra grinned sarcastically.

He thought it must be the truth!

It's not that Bai Chen or the Shinigami are powerful!

Instead, it is because...

Yammy killed himself!

And Ulquiorra's inaction!

That's why such absurd things happened!


Nnoitra's taunting words.

Not even passing along the icy air yet.

Ulquiorra's next words.

But it made him paralyzed with fright in an instant!

"You guys think too much..."

Ulquiorra shook his head nonchalantly.

While speaking, the emerald green pupil light instantly became dim:

"Not just Yammy...."

"Even I was back then!!!"

"But in the end I still couldn't stop Yammy from being killed!!!"

In indifferent discourse.

revealed obvious self-blame.

And a trace of shame and sadness!


Even if the storm subsides.

Things have come to an end.

But he recalled the plight of being suppressed by Bai Chen during the battle.

Ulquiorra is outwardly unmoved.

But deep in my heart, I still have a grudge.

He even thought that he indirectly killed Yammy!


Ulquiorra blamed himself meanwhile!

The truth he revealed just now was to blow up the entire Xuye Palace!

"real or fake!!!"

"Even if the Black Winged Demon descends..."

"Still unable to prevent Yammy from being killed on the spot?"

"This is too exaggerated!!!"

This moment.

All members of the Arrancar Legion are autistic.

If the words just now came from someone else's mouth.

Menos Grande and Arrancars.

And sneer disapprovingly.

Think this kind of outrageous thing.

What nonsense! Not even a three year old would believe it!


Witnessed by the words of Ulquiorra!

Then you have to believe it!


As Aizen's most trusted subordinate.

And is itself one of the mighty Vasto Lordes.

Ulquiorra's character and status.

It is doomed that he has no reason, and he will not deliberately make things up!

That is to say...

This thing happened for real!

That Shinigami called "Bai Chen"!

Really with his "wooden Zanpakutō"!

Killed an Espada face-to-face with one against two!

"I didn't expect..."

"Shinigami's Zanpakutō so powerful!"

Also stand on a high place.

Uncle Wolf, Stadou, who had been silent before.

He who is the head of the Espada!

The character itself is Buddhist, do not fight or grab!

Not as good for fighting and slaying as other Arrancars!

With a fanatical pursuit!


After getting the truth.

Starrk's eyes gradually became hotter!

For Bai Chen, for Zanpakutō, more curious!

"Wooden family Zanpakutō..."

"If there is a chance, I really hope to experience it..."

"How strong is this Zanpakutō!!!"

Starrk muttered to himself.

And not just him.

As the ancient king of the virtual circle!

At this moment, in Baraggan's eyes, there is no longer a look of arrogance and contempt!

replaced by!

Surging fighting spirit and strong hostility!

And from this moment on!

Bai Chen and his Zanpakutō "wooden dragon"!

He was directly targeted by the Skeleton Emperor who was full of hostility!

at the same time.

Except without knowing it.

Became the enemy of all members of the Arrancar Legion!

Bai Chen has lifted the Shikai status.

After returning the Zanpakutō "wooden dragon" to the scabbard.

But was accidentally told by Chojiro:

"Bai Chen..."

"About your awakening of the dual element Zanpakutō..."

"In the latest remote communication just now..."

"I have already informed the captain of the "Great Fire Extinguisher Fan"..."

Come to Bai Chen.

Sparrow step Chojiro said solemnly.

"So?" Bai Chen asked back, "What did the captain say?"

"Will the old man plan to..."

"Put restrictions on my Zanpakutō?!"

Because of such a thing as "Double Line Zanpakutō"!

In the long history of the Soul Society past, there has never been one!


Considering the captain's conservative character!

Bai Chen will inevitably have some concerns!

In case the commander-in-chief orders it!

If there are strict restrictions on the accidental birth of "Big Fire Extinguishing Fan"!

This is not news that Bai Chen is happy to hear!


Chojiro's next answer.

But it proved that Bai Chen was completely overwhelmed!


shook his head.

Sparrow Chojiro smiled and said, "It is undeniable...the captain's character is indeed stubborn and conservative!"

"But he's definitely not the narrow-minded kind!"

Speaking of which.

Sparrow Chojiro lowered his voice deliberately.

Word by word, said in a deep voice:

"Bai Chen, you also know..."

"The chief captain, Zanpakutō Ryūjin Jakka, is recognized as the strongest in the hot department!"

"And after he heard about the powerful performance of "Hao Huo Fan" in the battle..."

"Specially commissioned me to inform you in advance in person!!!"

In fact, when it comes to this.

Bai Chen had already vaguely guessed.

Sparrow Chojiro wants to tell the next thing!


Just as he expected!

Because of the strong record of "Huo Huo Fan"!

The captain actually has a fighting spirit! He took the initiative to initiate an invitation to fight!

Hope Bai Chen returns to Seireitei in the future!

Under the witness of all Shinigami captains!

With his Ryūjin Jakka!

Come to a fair showdown with Hao Huo Fan!


The battle for the strongest fire element Zanpakutō!.

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