Shinigami's Full Level Becomes a God

Chapter 1 The Power Of One Punch Man

Soul Society.

This ancient world is divided into two parts, Rukongai and Jinglingting. Among them, Jinglingting is prosperous and prosperous, while Rukongai is desolate and backward.

As the guardian of the Soul Society, Gotei 13 also lives in Jingling Court.

At this time, in the deepest part of Jingling Court, there is a team building.

An old man with scorching eyes was standing on the central watchtower. He was staring deeply into the distance, and a strange light flashed in his deep eyes from time to time.

He is the captain of Gotei 13.

Yamamoto Genryūsai!

Captain Yamamoto squinted his eyes, calm in his heart. Over the years, Soul Society has been stable and prosperous, which not only reduced the pressure on Gotei 13, but also made everyone get used to ease.

Suddenly, a loud noise erupted from Rukongai not far away!


The deafening sound was accompanied by trembling vibrations. The ground shook, the houses vibrated, and the pavement of the street was constantly torn, and shocking cracks appeared.

"Huh? What's going on here?"

Commander Yamamoto's pupils suddenly contracted, and with his concentration, he also felt terrified.

The energy fluctuations from Rukongai were extremely terrifying, and even caused spiritual disturbances, and all the houses collapsed and disappeared into nothing. This level of power is far superior to any captain-level figure, and even makes Captain Yamamoto feel ashamed.

"Could it be that Vasto Lorde has appeared?"

This idea immediately popped up in Captain Yamamoto's mind. But he immediately shook his head abruptly, completely dispelling the idea.

In fact, even Vasto Lorde could not possibly possess such terrifying power.

So, what happened to the sudden change?

Is it a natural disaster?

With complicated thoughts, Captain Yamamoto disappeared instantly.


Captain's Office.

Captain Yamamoto stood by the window, frowning, looking preoccupied.

Suddenly, with the sound of hurried footsteps, the door of the house was pushed open, and a figure poured in.

"You're here, Kyoraku."

Captain Yamamoto turned around and said in a deep voice.

The leader of the Beijing band responded softly: "Old man, what happened to call me so urgently?"

Seeing Captain Yamamoto's dignified appearance, Kyoraku Shunsui's heart sank, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

Captain Yamamoto raised his eyes and said in a deep voice, "You must have sensed the powerful wave that came from Rukongai just now, right?"

Kyoraku Shunsui nodded undeniably. Recalling the shocking fluctuation just now, he still felt terrified. It can be said that that level of energy fluctuations is even beyond his comprehension. Looking at the entire Soul Society, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to possess such power, even the strongest Zanpakutō Ryūjin Jakka.

Kyoraku Shunsui pondered for a moment, then asked back: "Old man, what do you think, it must be Menos Grande's invasion?"

The captain shook his head and said: "Impossible, even Vasto Lorde dare not rush into the Soul Society, not to mention the existence of Vasto Lorde in Hueco Mundo is still unknown."

He looked at Kyoraku Shunsui and gave an order: "Well, you lead the members of the Eighth Division to Rukongai to investigate the situation, and you must find out the situation as soon as possible."

"Yes, sir."

Kyoraku Shunsui's figure flashed and disappeared in place in an instant.


On the other side, Rukongai.

The source of the energy disorder did not appear to be Menos Grande. The originally spacious streets became fragmented, and all the surrounding buildings collapsed. Strangely, there was even a human-shaped pit on the ground.

"Hey, did you accidentally time travel again?"

Accompanied by a helpless sigh, a figure emerged from the deep pit. It was a ten-year-old boy with regular features, named Liuyun.

Liuyun was originally an ordinary person, but got the ability of "One Punch Man" by accident. For this, he was deeply troubled, because no matter what he did, even a breath would cause a hurricane.

Over time, Liuyun was regarded as a monster and alienated by everyone. Because it was too strong, he felt lonely and lonely. This feeling made him feel very distressed.

"Where is this place?"

Liuyun raised his head, looked left and right, feeling strange.

"No matter what, this time, I must not easily expose my strength. I don't want to be treated as a monster again."

While talking to himself, Liuyun put his hands on the ground and stood up slowly. But it seemed that due to excessive force, the surrounding ground could not bear the force and collapsed.

"Oh, what a hassle."

Looking at the collapsed ground, Liuyun felt no fluctuation in his heart, and even took it for granted. Although this was just his inadvertent behavior, it was enough to cause huge damage.


Just as Liuyun was looking around, his stomach suddenly made a sound.

"Let's find food to fill our stomach first."

Looking at the ruined scene around him, Liuyun couldn't help but shrugged and walked straight to the next street.

At this moment, there was a commotion from behind.

Liuyun turned his head and found that many figures were approaching quickly. It was the eighth team led by Kyoraku Shunsui.


Kyoraku Shunsui paused, and then appeared in front of Liuyun in an instant: "There are survivors?"

He frowned and kept looking around. When he saw the almost ruined neighborhood, his heart suddenly sank, but he felt very puzzled.

"What the hell is going on here? There is no black cavity, and there is no trace of Menos Grande. Is it really a natural disaster?"

What shocked Kyoraku Shunsui even more was that he suddenly found that Liuyun didn't show any signs of Reiatsu fluctuations, just like an ordinary Rukongai resident, but he survived by luck.

However, just when Kyoraku Shunsui was surprised, Liuyun raised his head and asked back.

"Uncle, can you tell me where this is?"

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