Shinigami's Full Level Becomes a God

Chapter 164 Rukia's Shikai!

As night falls, the stars are shining brightly.

After a day of hustle and bustle, Soul Society is peaceful again.

After killing Ezaki Aso forcefully, Liuyun finally completely convinced the Kidō people with his strong strength, and successfully succeeded the position of Grand Kidō Chief. After the inauguration ceremony, his image also changed.

In addition to the black death suit, he was also wearing a lavender robe with two special patterns that symbolized "Kidō" engraved on it. The whole robe looks elegant and luxurious, adding a bit of nobility to Liuyun, coupled with the gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, Liuyun's charm value has reached its peak all of a sudden!

After arranging the Kidō team, Liuyun hurriedly left the team building. Surprisingly, he did not rush to the 11th team's team building, but left Jingling Court directly.

His destination is the Maoyang Academy!

After leaving Jinglingting, Liuyun walked alone on the road leading to Zhenyang Lingyuan. Along the familiar road, he soon came to a familiar place.

After stepping into the gate of the academy, Liuyun didn't have too many thoughts, but went directly to the place where he and Rukia trained.

Although Liuyun did not go to Mao after returning to the Soul Society because of the suppression of Room 46, but after handling the team affairs, Liuyun rushed here as soon as possible, just to meet Rukia!

The cold wind was bleak, Liuyun stood alone in the center of the field and waited quietly for Rukia's arrival. When the soft moonlight shone on him, the purple robe that belonged to the Great Kidō reflected a dazzling light, like a streamer of light that made people ecstatic.

Not long after, there was a sound of footsteps not far away.

Da da da...

Liuyun looked towards the source of the sound and found Rukia.

Rukia trotted all the way, and soon came to the center of the field. When he saw Liuyun's appearance clearly, he couldn't help but marvel: "Liuyun, why are you wearing this suit?"

Smooth black hair, handsome facial features, tall and straight figure, luxurious robe, and that gentle smile.

Liuyun is an angel who descends in the dark night, anyone who takes a look at him will be deeply attracted by him.

Regardless of appearance, Liuyun's strength and status are no worse than Byakuya Kuchiki. No matter how you look at it, he can be called flawless!

"What, aren't you satisfied?" A smile appeared on Liuyun's face.

"No...after wearing this robe, you seem to be a different person." Rukia's face was flushed, and she didn't dare to meet Liuyun's gaze.

"Really? Then why are you shy?" Liuyun gradually approached Rukia, stretched out his palm and touched her head affectionately, and then made a move of "touching the head to kill"!

Immediately, the girl's heart was tightly grasped by him.

bang bang bang

Rukia's face was flushed, her heart beat faster, she still lowered her head, not daring to look into Liuyun's eyes.

However, the more she avoided, the closer Liuyun got to her.

Suddenly, Liuyun stretched out his hands to lift Rukia's cheeks, and then kissed her lips in a frightened slump.

"Hmm..." Rukia wanted to struggle at first, but she found that she was already tightly hugged by Liuyun. After feeling the warmth of Liuyun's embrace, Rukia finally gave up struggling and let Liuyun hug her.

The two kissed affectionately, and their emotions continued to blend. This kiss seemed to express their nostalgia for each other!

Not long after, the two finally let go, and Rukia curled up in Liuyun's arms like a little bird. Her cheeks were flushed, and she couldn't help but recall the "slap" thing that night.

"It's a good thing you're back, Liuyun." Rukia mustered up her courage and finally spoke up.

"It's nothing, I just went to Hueco Mundo." Liuyun pinched Rukia's nose "said calmly.

"Really? But what happened in the past three days?" Rukia asked curiously. From the time she entered the academy to practice, she had heard the evil name of "Hueco Mundo" more than once. It's a pity that not many people in the entire Soul Society can unravel its mystery.

"I hunted an Adjuchas in Hueco Mundo." Liuyun said lightly, not proud of killing Yammy with one punch, he thought it was a trivial matter.

"What, you actually hunted and killed Adjuchas. I heard that Adjuchas is not weaker than the captain. How did you do it?" Rukia was amazed at first, but after considering Liuyun's identity and strength, he immediately felt relieved.

Once any seemingly impossible thing happens to Liuyun, it means that it has become an ordinary thing!

"By the way, you didn't call me here tonight just to ask about my deeds, right?" Liuyun asked after changing the subject.

"That's right, I came here specially for you, there is indeed an important matter!"

Rukia's expression became serious, she took a deep breath, tried her best to adjust her emotions, and said excitedly: "Liuyun, do you know? I understand Shikai

"What!" Liuyun raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Rukia pulled out the Zanpakutō from her waist. While stroking the blade, she said ecstatically: "After experiencing that death, I deeply realized my lack of strength. When I returned that night After the Shinyang Academy, she vaguely felt that she was touching the edge of Shikai."

She went on to say: "In the past three days, I have conducted a retreat. Fortunately, through this year's special training, the Reiatsu in my body was able to break through the barrier in one go. Then in the soul space of Zanpakutō , I also defeated it, and learned the name Zanpakutō from its mouth."

"Then what kind of nature is your Zanpakutō? Kidō type? Or pure physics type?" Liuyun asked curiously. Everyone's soul is different, and the Zanpakutō category is also different, which is what he is most looking forward to.

"You'll understand when you see Shikai with your own eyes."

Rukia stood up, holding Zanpakutō's handle tightly with both hands, Reiatsu burst out in her body, and immediately shouted loudly.

"Ling dance, Sode no Shirayuki!".

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