The 10th division team affairs room.

The warm sunlight shines through the cracks of the windows and casts a slanted shadow on the ground.

Shiba Isshin, Matsumoto Rangiku, and Tōshirō are located in the center of the room, all focused on the sealed state placed on the wooden table. This sealed state is the prototype Zanpakutō that Shiba specially applied for Tōshirō in advance, the purpose is to awaken the power of Shinigami in the shortest time.

Shiba stretched out his finger wholeheartedly, pointed at the sealed state and said with a smile: "I see, little Tōshirō, from today this sealed state may accompany you for the rest of your life. For you, this means a new beginning, and the sealed state symbolizes newborn."

Tōshirō nodded thoughtfully, and asked, "Then what should I do to awaken the Shinigami power? I can't control that power in my body, otherwise, Rukongai's neighbors wouldn't be so afraid of me."

Tōshirō couldn't help but a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, although Shiba Yixin and Matsumoto Rangiku tried their best to explain to him, but he was still at a loss.

In the final analysis, this is still due to the inability to skillfully control the spiritual power in the body. 20

Shiba Yixin didn't respond immediately, he just smiled, and immediately went to the wooden table, grabbed the sealed state, and threw it to Tōshirō without warning.

"Hold it, then sit with your legs crossed, and place this sealed state in front of you. You will naturally understand how to do it then!"

Shiba clasped his hands wholeheartedly, with an expectant smile on the corner of his mouth.

Tōshirō nodded ignorantly, and immediately sat cross-legged according to the method Shiba wholeheartedly instructed. When he placed the sealed state horizontally in front of him, something happened to Bei Ran.

At this moment, the blood flow in his body accelerated several times, as if it was boiling suddenly. What surprised Tōshirō even more was that this boiling feeling was not the traditional hotness, but an extreme cold that made the hairs stand on end.

The cold air overflowed and spread to the surroundings continuously.

At this moment, it seemed as if the moisture in the air would condense into ice as soon as it came into contact with the cold air.

"Sure enough, it's an ice-type Zanpakutō, and this chill is stronger than any Zanpakutō I've seen before!"

Shiba's whole heart and eyes burst out with a burst of brilliance, because he was more and more looking forward to witnessing the birth of Dong Zanpakutō with his own eyes.


Tōshirō suppressed the severe pain and groaned again. He felt that his body was on the verge of collapse, and the Reiatsu in his body kept flowing as if going berserk. If not relying on tenacious will

I'm afraid he's going to faint.

Aside, Matsumoto Rangiku paced anxiously, there was nothing he could do at this moment, the only thing he could do was pray secretly, hoping that Tōshirō would be able to bear the pressure.


Suddenly, a majestic Reiatsu visible to the naked eye gushes out from Tōshirō's body. His immature face became extremely distorted due to the severe pain.


After Tōshirō let out a hissing howl, he finally fell into a coma.

However, something weird happened.

Even though Tōshirō is unconscious, his body still maintains an upright sitting posture with his legs crossed, as if being pulled by some force. More importantly, the surface of his body is covered with a layer of light blue Reiatsu, which seems to be constantly repairing the injuries caused by fatigue in his body.

As Tōshirō fell into a coma, the whole room fell into silence again, and a heavy atmosphere was faintly cast.

"Captain... what should we do?"

Matsumoto Rangiku was in dire straits, this was the first time she encountered such a strange situation. Even when she awakened Zanpakutō back then, she didn't cause such a big commotion.

Shiba said calmly, "Don't worry, the more it is like this, the more it shows how strong Zanpakutō is! I can feel the character of this kid, and I think he won't give up easily. As for whether Zanpakutō can be awakened, it depends on his creation in the soul space gone."

"Well, let's hope he gets his wish.

Matsumoto Rangiku sighed heavily and could only wait silently beside Shiba Yixin.

Here is another unique space.

No clouds, no rivers, no trees.

Looking around, there was nothing but snowflakes falling all over the sky.

The cold wind kept whizzing past, and there was an unknown dead silence in the air all the time.

When the ray of sunlight in the sky poured down on the earth, it was refracted by the ice on the ice sheet, emitting a dazzling light.

In the center of the ice field, a thin figure suddenly appeared.

With a pale face and blank eyes, Tōshirō didn't know what to do other than searching aimlessly.

"Is this the ice field in the dream?"

Tōshirō looked around in confusion, he was no stranger to this place. Because in the dream, he has come here many times.

Suddenly, Tōshirō remembered another important thing.

The ice dragon that once appeared!

Back then, by chance, Tōshirō had come into close contact with the ice dragon on this ice field. At that time, the ice dragon once asked him to call his name 500 times, but unfortunately the dream was interrupted in the end.

Is this another chance?

Just as Tōshirō fell into deep thought, Ridou's piercing voice suddenly sounded.


A huge gap suddenly opened in the center of the ice field, and a huge figure quickly rushed out from the center of the gap.

At this time, the cold air came from all directions, all gathered on the light group.

"Hmm... so strong Reiatsu, not inferior to Captain Shiba at all, is it that ice dragon again?"

Tōshirō covered his face with his arms, and couldn't even open his eyes because of the sting of the cold. It's just that he was very surprised. He was clearly in the middle of the cold air, but he couldn't feel the cold at all.

At this moment, that familiar voice sounded again.

"You're finally here, I've been waiting for so long!"

The moment he heard this voice, Tōshirō suddenly opened his eyes, only to see a huge ice dragon hovering in mid-air.

This time, Tōshirō was able to really hear its words.

"Come on, call my name, so that I can fight side by side with you!"

"My name is... Hyōrinmaru!".

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