Shinigami's Full Level Becomes a God

Chapter 81 Do You Want To Learn Kaidō? (36)

"You are Liuyun, right? I've wanted to meet you for a long time!" Unohana Retsu took the initiative to throw a kind smile at Liuyun. She has an outstanding temperament, gentle and elegant, and will bring people a unique sense of intimacy invisibly.

"Want to know me for a long time?" Liuyun was taken aback, feeling very surprised.

To be reasonable, apart from meeting Unohana Retsu once at the conference, the two had almost no interaction, not even a conversation.

Why did Unohana Retsu suddenly want to know him?

Liuyun was confused and couldn't think of a reason.

"Is it because I performed too well at the conference?"

Liuyun frowned slightly, he thought about it but gave up the idea. If this is the reason, then Unohana Retsu would have come to the door when he arrived at the Baidaomen, but Liuyun did not find her in the crowd that day.

"Or... because of Captain Zaraki?" Liuyun looked hesitantly, he turned around and stared at Zaraki Kenpachi lying on the bed, with many doubts in his heart. For some reason, he always felt that there might be some special connection between Unohana Retsu and Zaraki sword 9078.

"That's right, don't forget that you are the most outstanding talent that Soul Society has ever seen, so I naturally want to know you." Unohana Retsu smiled beautifully.

"It's a great honor. I've known you for a long time, Captain Unohana Retsu." Liuyun bowed slightly and said modestly and politely.

Whether in terms of appearance or temperament, Unohana Retsu is perfect, almost impeccable. Being able to be valued by such a perfect woman is a pleasing thing in itself, and naturally Liuyun will not reject this secret.

What's more, after becoming a member of Gotei 13, it is always a good thing to have an extra staff.

On the side, Madarame Ikkaku asked: "Captain Unohana Retsu, are you here to heal Captain Zaraki under the order of Captain Yamamoto?"

"That's right."

Unohana Retsu nodded and said, "I heard that Zaraki Kenpachi was seriously injured in the duel with Liuyun, so I came here to heal it. But...what happened to make him look like this?"

In Unohana Retsu's vision, Zaraki Kenpachi lay dying on the bed, bloody and bloody all over, his dark skin was covered with layers of blood scabs, "It looks horrible as if it's not human.

She turned around and stared at Liuyun solemnly, as if waiting for an answer.


Stared at by Unohana Retsu, Liuyun lowered his head in embarrassment, and said, "Zaraki Kenpachi was seriously injured because of a slash I made when I was a little serious."


Although he was prepared in his heart, Unohana Retsu's pupils contracted suddenly when he heard it with his own ears, and he was still very shocked.

Just a little seriousness can bring Zaraki Kenpachi to the brink of death.

Then if it is taken very seriously, how terrifying will Liuyun's chopping be?

Unohana Retsu was shocked and couldn't imagine.

Although this statement is exaggerated, unexpectedly, she did not doubt what Liuyun said. However, Unohana Retsu thinks so, but her adjutant doesn't think so.

"A little serious?"

Kotetsu Isane didn't change his face on the surface, but secretly sneered with disdain: "I'm afraid he said that deliberately in order to steal the limelight in front of the captain, right? That's Zaraki Kenpachi, one of the most powerful Shinigami in Gotei 13, who would be killed by him Knocked down by a [slightly serious] slash? Don't be kidding!"

Kotetsu Isane's impression of Liuyun was more on his performance at the conference, although Liuyun's performance was amazing, able (cabj) to suppress many seats. But she didn't think Liuyun had the strength to challenge Zaraki Kenpachi.

If Kotetsu Isane knew that Liuyun slashed Zaraki Kenpachi mercilessly for fear of killing Zaraki Kenpachi by mistake, he would be completely stunned.

In fact, Liuyun didn't even use one percent of his strength!

On the other side, Unohana Retsu came to the edge of the bed. She looked at the injury on Zaraki Kenpachi, frowned, and said solemnly: "Such a serious injury, in other people's words

I'm afraid he's dying. That is to say, Zaraki Kenpachi's special physique can resist it. "

At the end, she said in a deep voice, "Liuyun, you've hit hard!"

"That... I have already shown mercy."

Liuyun shrugged helplessly, expressing his innocence. Even a slash with one percent power is considered too heavy, he really has no choice.

This feeling of being misunderstood is really uncomfortable. After all, his power has already broken through the sky, and it is not easy to perfectly control his own power.

Unohana Retsu seemed to see Liuyun's embarrassment, waved her jade hand, and a touching smile appeared on her beautiful face again: "But it's okay, under the healing of my Kaidō, Zaraki Kenpachi's injury should heal soon."

"Kaidō?" Liuyun asked in surprise.

"You just joined Gotei 13, so you probably don't know much about Kaidō."

Unohana Retsu explained patiently: "Kaidō is a kind of Kidō, and its effect is healing. The difference from Bakudō and Hadō is that not all dead Shendu know Kaidō, and only the fourth team members are good at Kaidō. Although the other team members have A few people can use Kaidō, but they are not very Grandmaster, it is a medical method after all."

"I see. No wonder I don't know Kaidō." Liuyun nodded, having a general understanding of Kaidō.

Indeed, as a special medical method, only the members of the fourth squad will go to special practice. And when he was still practicing at Zhenyang Lingyuan Academy, his mentor never even mentioned information about Kaidō. As one can imagine, this is a kind of unpopular Kidō hate.

"It seems that my understanding of Shinigami is not thorough enough." Liuyun's eyes flickered, and he murmured in a low voice.

At this moment, Unohana Retsu placed both hands on Zaraki Kenpachi's wound, and green fluorescence emerged from the palm, constantly moisturizing the wound.

Afterwards, Unohana Retsu turned sideways, and when she found Liuyun staring intently at the fluorescent light, she asked with interest: "Liuyun, you seem to be very interested in Kaidō?"

"That's right." Liuyun nodded irrefutably.

"If you want...I think I can teach you myself!"

Unohana Retsu showed a charming smile at Liuyun, and asked softly, "Would you like to learn from Kaidō?"

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