Shinigami's Full Level Becomes a God

Chapter 85 Meteorite From The Sky (16)

The moment Liuyun opened his eyes, he suddenly found himself in another mysterious space.

That is the soul space of Zanpakutō!

Liuyun opened his eyes in confusion, and what came into view was the blue sky. Looking up, the scorching sun hangs high, the sky is cloudless, and the warm sunshine pours down on the earth.

However, what surprised Liuyun was that when he looked around, he suddenly found that there were no familiar buildings around him.

"here is..."

Looking around, there are towering high-rise buildings all around. The original quaint Rukongai disappeared, replaced by a bustling city.

There are no more three hundred and twenty blocks, no more Rukongai residents, and no Jing Ling Ting.

Everything has changed!

This place seems to be a world that is both strange and familiar, but Liuyun in it seems out of place!

"Did I go back again?" Liuyun frowned, thoughts surged, and long-lost memories once again surfaced in his mind.

Before crossing over to the Soul Society, he was originally an ordinary person with the power of "One Punch Man". Compared with the quaint Soul Society, the world he lives in is the same as the present world, with not only high-rise buildings, but also a large population and prosperity.

And the first feeling that Zanpakutō space brings to Liuyun is——familiarity!

Everything around seems familiar, but there is a sense of strangeness.

"Why did I come here? Could this be my true thoughts?" Liuyun frowned and kept looking around. He was surprised to find that there was no one on the empty street.

There was no sound, no figure, no bird or beast.

It was as if he was the only one in the whole world!

Naturally, a sense of loneliness enveloped his heart.

Liuyun seems to have gone back to the past, with innocent companions all day long, no companions, no family ties, and alone!


Liuyun's eyes were fixed, and his figure disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared on another street.


No matter how hard he searched, there was no trace of anyone. In the endless city, there was no sound other than his own footsteps.

He seemed to be abandoned by the whole world once again!

"Why did this happen? Didn't I get rid of loneliness this year? Why did I go back to the original point||?" Liuyun was full of doubts.

Although this feeling is too real, he still maintains his rationality and keeps telling himself in his heart-everything is false, this is just the soul of Zanpakutō

However, no matter how firm your heart is, if you immerse yourself in this lonely and hopeless atmosphere for a long time, you will eventually lose yourself.

Liuyun looked dignified, the only thing to be thankful for was that he was still holding the sealed state in his hand. This shows that the experience of this year is real and not just a dream!

With a thought in his mind, the majestic Reiatsu burst out of his body, sweeping around like a storm. Under Liuyun's control, Reiatsu turned into trickles, pouring into every corner of the city.

Before long, Reiatsu was on every street.

Unfortunately, the result is still disappointing. No matter how Liuyun sensed it, he still couldn't detect anyone's breath. The city seemed like an empty city, desolate and uninhabited.

The atmosphere is dignified, and there is a desperate silence in the air!

At this time, Liuyun couldn't help recalling what Teacher Shinigami had said in his mind.

"To be able to call out the name of Zanpakutō one day means that Zanpakutō has truly awakened. The only way to get Zanpakutō is to break it and let him say his name himself!"

"Beat him personally?" Liuyun murmured in a low voice. He suddenly realized something, and his eyes burst out with a flash of light.

Since the condition for awakening Shikai is to enter the soul space of Zanpakutō and defeat him personally.

That also means...

The soul of Zanpakutō is hidden somewhere in this city. Otherwise, Liuyun would have no chance to defeat him, let alone awaken Shikai.

This is not an empty city!

However, here comes the problem.

How to find out the spirit of Zanpakutō hidden in the city?

Liuyun expressed helplessness.

Just now, he had used his whole body Reiatsu to search almost the whole city, not even sparing any corner. Even so, it is still impossible to find out where Zanpakutō's soul is.

Could it be that the soul of Zanpakutō is able to evade Reiatsu's induction?

Liuyun was startled, as far as he knew, even Captain Yamamoto, known as the strongest Shinigami in the millennium, could not avoid Reiatsu's induction, so why did his own Zanpakutō soul have this ability?

Could it be that...

Thinking of this, Liuyun's heart sank. In his impression, there is only one way to avoid Reiatsu's induction, and that is not having Reiatsu himself, let alone relying on Reiatsu to fight

This is very similar to myself!

"Maybe my Zanpakutō soul also has the power of One Punch Man?" Thinking of this, Liuyun vaguely had the answer in his heart, and he already guessed what he was about to face

A monster with the power of "One Punch Man"!

Only by defeating him can Zanpakutō be truly awakened.

Just when he was lost in thought, suddenly there was a loud noise in the blue sky.


The deafening bang was as shocking as the roar of thunder. The moment the sound came out, the clouds in the sky disappeared, and even the blue sky gradually changed color

The sky was blushing one after another until it finally turned into a dark red that made people despair.

The sky fluctuated violently, the earth shook suddenly, everything seemed to be the end of the world!

"What's going on?" Liuyun stared at the sky in doubt, with a strong sense of crisis emerging in his heart.

Not long after, he saw a scene that took him by surprise.


I saw that the entire sky was covered, and a huge shadow slowly descended from the clouds. Not only that, just the destructive momentum alone makes people despair.


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