Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 131 The Suna Ninja troops were defeated.

Although the Fourth Kazekage Rasa is also a strong Kage-level warrior, his strength ranks at the bottom among all Kage-level warriors.

This is not to belittle him deliberately, but Luo Sha's Magnetic Escape Sand Gold has quite a few limitations.

The ability of magnetic release allows the Yondaime Kazekage Rasa to mix sand and gold into the sand, making the loose sand extremely heavy and dense.

The series of ninjutsu derived from this not only cover a wide range of areas, but also bring the plasticity and aggressiveness to a whole new level.

You can even fight with Ichibi Shukaku head-on.

But because of this, the Yondaime Kazekage's ability can only truly take advantage of it in the desert. After all, sand is an inexhaustible fixed resource in the desert.

But if the battle scene is changed to the rich and moist land in the Land of Fire, the moist soil plus the weight of sand gold will make it difficult for Luo Sha to use his unique magnetic escape sand gold. I don’t know how much higher it is.

It is originally the same ninjutsu. If Rosasa releases the ninjutsu in the desert, the chakra consumed is 1, but if the scene is changed to a scene other than the desert, the chakra consumed by Rosasa to release the ninjutsu is 1. will become 2.

Therefore, Luo Sha's combat effectiveness is closely related to whether his environment is in the desert.

On the other hand, Orochimaru, who fought against Rasa, did not have the trouble of having the fighting environment limit the performance of his own strength.

It is precisely because of this that the fourth generation Kazekage Rasa, who fought Orochimaru in the Land of Fire, not only did not take advantage of Orochimaru at all, but instead let Orochimaru suppress him and beat him.

And soon, the fourth generation Kazekage Rasa, who was gradually falling into a disadvantage, also gradually felt that his physical condition was constantly declining. As time continued to pass, he was very likely to die at the hands of Orochimaru!

Just when Luo Sha thought he was about to do something, suddenly a tailed beast jade beam of light swept across where he was.

Although he escaped in time, other ninjas in the Sunagakure Village near him were not so lucky.

Who would have thought that the One-Tailed Shukaku, who had been far away from the battlefield, would suddenly return to the battlefield in an instant, and then madly spray tailed beast jade beams at his own people?

"Share the blessing!!!" Luo Sha yelled angrily.

But just after roaring, the one-tailed Shukaku that had just appeared disappeared again, as if it had never been here just now.

Immediately afterwards, Orochimaru caught the gap between Rasa's stunned rage and rushed forward. He held a wind blade in his hand and slashed Rasa hard.

Wind Release·Wind Cut Technique.

It is a relatively common wind release ninjutsu, but its activation speed is fast and extremely difficult to detect, so it is a powerful wind release ninjutsu for sneak attacks and assassinations.

After all, the body defense of ninjas is not a bit weak compared to their attack capabilities. Cutting off the main artery in the neck will also kill a powerful ninja.


There was a sound of clothes being torn, and a wound diagonally downward from the collarbone to the navel was left on the Yondaime Kazekage Rasa's body.

Blood spattered, and even some internal organs had been forced out of the wound by the pressure in the abdominal cavity.

It can be said that Orochimaru's move directly took away most of Rasa's life.

Magnetic Escape Sand Gold·Absolute Defense!

Suddenly, Rasa, who was attacked by Orochimaru, subconsciously used his defensive ninjutsu that could be called a turtle shell.

A layer of golden, hard sand gold swept away Orochimaru, who was still trying to finish off the attack. In just one breath, the hard and highly malleable sand gold wrapped Luo Sha into a big egg.

"Haha, what a rogue ninjutsu..."

Orochimaru tried his attack power several times, but was helpless against this turtle shell defensive ninjutsu, and was unable to attack the fourth generation Kazekage Rasa hiding inside.

Just when Orochimaru was still trying, an eyeball suddenly appeared in an open space not far from the battlefield between the two, secretly observing Orochimaru's every move.

This is a supporting ninjutsu developed by Luo Sha after using his turtle shell ninja to provide himself with vision.

Magnetic Escape·The Third Eye.

Orochimaru didn't notice that Rasa, who could observe through the third eye, had a panoramic view of all the situations on the battlefield even if he was hidden in absolute darkness.

Magnetic Escape·Shajin Burial!

After locking Orochimaru's position, the seriously injured Rasa huddled in absolute defense. While covering his abdominal wound with one hand, the other hand controlled a large amount of heavy sand gold and attacked Orochimaru at an extremely fast speed.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you're already injured like that, but you can still use such a large-scale ninjutsu..."

Orochimaru jumped back, while constantly changing his posture so that he could better avoid the follow-up attacks of Magnet Release and Sand Gold Burial.

"The wet soil and the weight of the sand gold make this ninjutsu, which seems to be a huge threat, become a bit nondescript!"

Orochimaru finally murmured, the cold light in his eyes staring at Rasa who was still cowering in absolute defense, wanting to wait for the ninjutsu of Magnet Release and Sand Gold Burial to pass before rushing forward to give Rasa a fatal attack.

Absolute defense and so on, Orochimaru wanted to smash it to pieces!

Although Orochimaru was determined and had the strength to break Rasa's absolute defense, as the Fourth Kazekage, Rasa was at a disadvantage, but if he wanted to run away, Orochimaru would not be able to stop him.

Magnet Release: Sand Gold Burial is a large-scale ninjutsu used by Rasa in order to force Orochimaru back.

After seeing that Orochimaru was successfully repelled, Luo Sha jumped back and left the protective range of absolute defense. Then he temporarily gave up the pressure on the wound and quickly formed seals with his hands.

Magnetic Escape·Shajin Realm Method!

A large area of ​​spikes composed of gold sand sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain, densely filling the place where he and Orochimaru fought, and at the same time once again restricted Orochimaru's movement trajectory.

If Luo Sha was more rigorous when using this jutsu, this jutsu would have stabbed Orochimaru to the core.

Although Orochimaru, who has many life-saving ninjutsu, will not die, the trouble he will cause to Orochimaru will definitely be much more than using it this way.

But Luosha didn't intend to cause harm to Orochimaru when he used the Magnetic Release and Sand Gold Realm Method. He just wanted to slow down Orochimaru's pursuit so that he could evacuate the battlefield as quickly as possible.

As a result, just as the fourth generation Kazekage Rasa expected, Orochimaru did not pursue him immediately, and even stood still without moving.

"Orderly retreat!"

After withdrawing from the battlefield, the fourth generation Kazekage Rasa did not forget to give orders to the ninja troops in Sunagakure Village.

The ninja troops of Sunagakure Village, which had been hit by unexpected attacks one after another, did not think about anything else when they received the order to retreat. They naturally turned around and ran as fast as they could.

The "orderly retreat" order issued by Luo Sha became a joke with his head-turning escape method, which also gave Konoha ninja troops a chance.

"Kill! The sand ninja is defeated!"

"Kill! The Fourth Kazekage is seriously injured and unable to fight anymore!"

"Kill! Revenge your fallen comrades!"

"Kill! Drive them out of the Fire Country!"

When pursuing victory, there was no need for Orochimaru to issue orders. The Konoha ninjas followed their own thoughts and roared in pursuit in the direction of the retreat of the Sunagakure Village ninja troops.

The defeat of Sand Hidden Village has become a foregone conclusion, which makes Orochimaru's mouth corners slowly rise, and then he forgets to glance at the direction of Hatake Akira.

With just one glance, Orochimaru withdrew his gaze, and then focused on several ninjas from Sunagakure Village who were seriously injured and could not afford it.

"Using it as waste, providing some help for my research before you die can be regarded as the last glory of your life..."

"Orochi, I leave it to you."

Summoning a big white snake, Orochimaru pointed at the ninja of Sunagakure Village who was lying on the ground and still struggling to survive, and then left here leisurely.


A shrill roar came, and the seriously injured ninja of Sunagakure Village was swallowed by Orochimaru, who was summoned by Orochimaru.

And after swallowing it into its belly, the pure white snake was not satisfied, and immediately followed Orochimaru, its snake eyes wandering around the battlefield.

As long as there is a ninja of Sunagakure Village who is still breathing, the pure white snake will swallow it into its belly without mercy. Even if there are ninjas in Konoha who see this scene, they will not say "no" Character.

"Is this Lord Orochimaru's psychic beast?!"

"Very powerful and domineering, swallow a few more damn sand ninjas!"

"I wish I had a psychic beast like Lord Orochimaru..."

"As expected of Lord Leng, Lord Orochimaru, he is truly merciless towards his enemies!"

On the contrary, the Konoha ninja who saw this scene would sincerely praise Orochimaru or Orochimaru's psychic beast, and then join the army again chasing the defeated troops of Sunagakure Village.

Orochimaru didn't even explain, he just led the pure white snake behind him and slowly cleaned the battlefield.

After feeling that time was almost up, Orochimaru gave the order to stop the pursuit.

"Stop, go back to the battlefield and treat your injured comrades, then clean the battlefield and get as many things that are useful to us as possible."

Orochimaru's prestige is very high, and he led the inferior Konoha ninja troops to defeat the Sunagakure Village ninja troops that were far superior to them. This also made Orochimaru's reputation at this time even more powerful.

Orders and prohibitions are nothing more than this.

At the same time, Hatake Ming also rushed back to the battlefield that had gradually fallen into calm.

"Ara, what's going on with the One-Tail Jinchuuriki?"

"Dead, I may not be able to see Ichibi Shukaku in the next ten years."

"Is that so..." Orochimaru glanced at Akira Hatake in surprise, "From tomorrow on, your name, Akira Hatake, will be resounding throughout the ninja world!"

"I hope it's not too outrageous."

Akira Hatake didn't express too much. Being famous is something that happens, and Akira Hatake wouldn't force it if he didn't have it.

"You are very open-minded." Orochimaru reached out and patted Hatake Akira on the shoulder, "You go back and have a good rest. Just leave the rest to me."

"Thank you, Lord Orochimaru. I'll go back first."

"Well, have a good rest."

Seeing Orochimaru waving to him, Hatake Akira turned around and left, but his feelings towards Orochimaru had changed a lot.

Orochimaru is a complicated person, but if we talk about purity, Orochimaru is also quite pure.

He is a mad scientist!

Sometimes he is gentle, sometimes emotional, sometimes decisive, sometimes violent, sometimes cold, sometimes ruthless... But the series of emotional changes are only superficial.

Orochimaru's true heart has always been a feeling.


It's just that Orochimaru is in awe of life, and because of his awe, he has faith. Once he has faith, he embarks on a journey to pursue the true meaning of life at all costs.

As for Hatake Akira, he was also keenly aware that Orochimaru's attitude towards him was somewhat subtle.

This made Hatake Akira feel somewhat uncomfortable.

Could being targeted by Orochimaru? !

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