Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 233: The confrontation between conservative and radical.

Why are the major hidden villages in the ninja world so secretive about their ninjutsu?

Why are the barriers to learning high-level ninjutsu set so high?

One is to prevent other ninja villages from obtaining the village's advanced ninjutsu through espionage;

The second is to better maintain the stability of all strata in the village through classification.

You know, ninjas are very good at espionage. If ordinary people can learn advanced ninjutsu, then all the special skills of the hidden villages will definitely be stolen.

As for the ninja grassroots in the village, that's easier to understand.

The most stable structure of human society is the pyramid structure.

In each hidden village, the topmost structure is the village leader. They have strong strength and control the village's voice and decision-making power.

Some of the ninjas in the middle are powerful ninjas who have mastered certain powerful ninjutsu. They are backed by their own families and are the mainstay of the village.

A little further down, there are the best civilian ninjas. They also have a certain degree of strength, but due to the fact that they are exposed to less powerful ninjutsu, their path to advancement is blocked.

The superiors in the village can use this to take advantage of the opportunities to learn powerful ninjutsu passed down through their fingers to win over them and make them become warriors who charge into battle.

The structures at the bottom of the pyramid are the largest and least powerful civilian ninjas.

They often only learned the ordinary three-body technique and some superficial physical techniques, and then were given the title of ninja by the superiors.

Dirty work, low-paying tasks, and cannon fodder on the battlefield are their destiny in this life.

After going through this, some outstanding people will emerge among the civilian genin, and then the superiors will follow suit and, as appropriate, based on their path of advancement, that is, teach the outstanding genin some more advanced ninjutsu.

In this way, a stable and perfect cycle is created, which allows the Ninja Village to maintain vitality and order while also receiving a steady supply of new blood.

After all, everyone wants to climb up, and the top ninjas who have mastered the way to climb up have become the goals they aspire to, and the people they must follow closely throughout their lives.

It's cruel, but this is the ninja structure of the major hidden villages. If you want to break this pyramid structure, in addition to being strong yourself, you also need to master the promotion paths of all ninjas, that is, various powerful ninjutsu.

Nowadays, Namikaze Minato has become such a person.

He wanted to break this cruel pyramid structure and also mastered the way for ninjas to advance themselves.

It can be said that Namikaze Minato is rebelling against himself and has become his own gravedigger.

Although this appears to be the case on the surface, the reality is somewhat different.

In Hatake Akira and Namikaze Minato's expectations, the pyramid is still the most stable social structure, which they are unable to change and do not want to change.

But even so, the master and the apprentice minimized the cruelty of the pyramid society by secretly exchanging concepts.

In Hatake Akira and Namikaze Minato's vision, they wanted to make the cake bigger by completely opening up promotion channels for everyone.

The bigger the cake, the more people will share it, and the darkness behind the light will be minimized.

As for letting the darkness disappear completely?

That is purely a dream and impossible to come true!

There is no absolute fairness in the world, there is only relative fairness.

But even so, the major forces that can do this are still very few. Even the Hidden Leaf Village with Hatake Akira's intervention is just getting started.

But now, just in the starting state, Namikaze Minato feels that he is struggling.

The reason is also very simple, that is, behind his move, there is a time bomb that is enough to completely destroy Konoha!

The secrecy of high-level ninjutsu is not enough, and the four hidden villages that are eagerly watching will definitely not miss this perfect opportunity to find out Konoha's bottom!

It is foreseeable that spies from the other four hidden villages will sneak into Konoha in various forms in the future, learn many of Konoha's advanced ninja skills, and then bring them back to their own villages.

Under the circumstances, Konoha's decline has become a foregone conclusion in the future.

But Hatake Akira was already prepared, and he was ready to implement a set of "robber" strategies he had formulated.

Namikaze Minato also agreed with this, and even said he supported it.

"Okay, the matter in the Ninjutsu Library has come to an end, so let's discuss the next topic."

Namikaze Minato cleared his throat, "I have formulated the following policies for dealing with defeated countries and defeated hidden villages."

He handed some documents that had been stapled in his hands to Hatake Akira, who was sitting at the front. After Hatake Akira took one himself, he passed the rest to the back.

Soon, an identical document was placed on everyone's desk in the conference room.

After everything was ready, Minato Namikaze spoke up again.

"First, the conditions for peace talks include but are not limited to compensation for war property losses, additional compensation for defeat, cession of territory, delineation of military buffer zones, etc."

"Second, we will ask the defeated countries to reduce the military expenditures of the hidden villages in each country, and ask each hidden village to limit the number of ninjas they have."

"The ideal situation is that the annual military expenditure of each hidden village of the defeated country should not exceed 1 billion taels of silver, and the number of ninjas in each hidden village should not exceed 10,000."

"Third, we will recover the tailed beasts from each defeated country. Whether they are jinchūriki or wild tailed beasts, they are all within our recovery range."

"Fourth, the daimyo of each defeated country must submit a written apology statement to the daimyo of our country, and pay an annual tax of 1.5 billion taels to our country and our Konoha Village."

"The distribution of the 1.5 billion taels of tax money is that the village will get 1 billion taels, and the daimyo will get 500 million taels."

"Fifth, in order to ensure the peace of the ninja world in the future, each defeated country and each defeated hidden village should hand over the sealed book in their own village and let us keep it for half a year."

"After half a year, we will decide whether to return or continue to keep the sealed books for them based on the performance of the defeated countries and the defeated hidden villages."

"Okay, that's basically what it looks like. After everyone takes a closer look at the document, let's vote on my proposal."

Picking up the tea cup placed on the podium, Namikaze Minato took a sip. After what he just said, Namikaze Minato went dry.

But before Namikaze Minato could put the tea cup back on the table, Sarutobi Hiruzen slammed the table in front of him and jumped up.

"The Yondaime, do you want to push the village and the Fire Country into the abyss of war again?!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen glared with a pair of bull's eyes and pointed at Namikaze Minato, "Except for the first of these peace negotiation conditions you just mentioned, you can barely read them, the rest are just bullshit!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was trembling with anger. He knew that Namikaze Minato was young and energetic, but he didn't expect that Namikaze Minato was so energetic now. He was completely arrogant and refused to give others a way to survive!

The five extremely harsh conditions not only disgrace the four major countries, but also dig deep into their roots!

"Sandaime, I respect you as the former Hokage, and I respect you as the leader of the Sarutobi clan, but what you said just now, can I consider it as your provocation against me?!"

Namikaze Minato tilted his head and his voice was a little cold.

Now in Konoha Village, he is the head of Namikaze Minato, and he has the final say!


That old fool, Hiruzen Sarutobi, is the one who is farting!

"The Yondaime, I apologize for my inappropriate choice of words just now."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was able to stretch and bend, and after slightly nodding towards Namikaze Minato, he turned and started a fierce attack on Namikaze Minato.

"The Yondaime, in my opinion, these conditions of yours are no different from a declaration of war. Whether it is compensation, taxes or the collection of sealed books from each village, this is contempt and trampling on them."

"So, as the Third Hokage and as the leader of the Sarutobi clan, I object to your proposal."

After expressing his resolution, Hiruzen Sarutobi turned to face everyone present and began his inflammatory speech.

"Everyone, although I have resigned as the Hokage of Konoha, I am still the Sandaime of Konoha."

"I know that the Yondaime is young and energetic, and he always thinks about pursuing the best interests in many things."

"But many things cannot be concluded based on a moment of enthusiasm. Not only will this not bring us peace, but it will drag us into the quagmire of war again."

"We are indeed a victorious country, and we should indeed face the defeated countries with the attitude that a victorious country should have, but we cannot make it impossible for them to survive because of this."

"Once people can't survive, they will naturally break the boat and choose to launch a desperate attack on us."

"I believe that everyone here has children, relatives, and friends. I also believe that everyone hates war, because war has taken away too many of our closest relatives..."

"So I beg you all to carefully look at the five peace conditions proposed by the Fourth Generation, weigh the pros and cons, and cast your crucial vote."

It has to be said that Sarutobi Hiruzen's role as Hokage for all these years was not in vain. At least the level of his impromptu speech was very high and his intentions were also very lofty.

But then again, the peace Sarutobi Hiruzen keeps talking about is a weak peace obtained at the expense of his own people!

Snap, snap, snap...

The corners of Hatake Akira's mouth twitched, he clapped his hands and stood up from his seat.

"Sandaime-sama, let's call you that for now."

Akira Hatake looked unhappy, "Have you been in a high position for too long and forgotten the cruelty of war?"

"Not only that, but you have forgotten the hardships, blood, tears, and sacrifices faced by frontline ninjas."

"Facing the joint siege of the four major powers, we won. Although it felt like a tragic victory, the results we achieved were brilliant!"

"In the Cloud Hidden Village of the Land of Thunder, the Third Raikage, the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki, and the Preparatory Raikage A all died at the hands of me and the Fourth Raikage."

"Not only that, after Kirabi's death, the Eight-Tails is now in our hands in Konoha."

"And the most important thing is that at this time, the number of ninjas that can fight in Yunyin Village is only about 8,000, and the top ninjas have basically been wiped out!"

"Looking at the Kirigakure Village in the Land of Water, four of the seven ninja swordsmen were killed, the third tail died, and the casualties of the ninja troops were also not small."

"Although compared to the Kingdom of Thunder, the Kingdom of Water's strength has been well preserved, but because of the geographical location of the Kingdom of Water, it has become a luxury for them to make a comeback."

"As for the two countries of Wind and Earth, Chiyo and the One-Tail Jinchuuriki of Sunagakure Village in the Kingdom of Wind were also killed one after another, and most of their ninja troops were also lost."

"In the Iwagakure Village of the Land of Earth, the ninja troops also suffered heavy losses. The top ninjas and two jinchūriki in the village were either captured or died. At this time, the Iwagakure Village is definitely in a state of weakness."

"What's more important is that there are now three tailed beasts in our hands!"

"Nine tails, eight tails, four tails!"

Akira Hatake glanced at Sarutobi Hiruzen, and then looked around at everyone in the conference room.

"Everyone, I think everyone can see that in this war, our country of fire is the biggest winner, and after this battle, the top combat power in the village can already destroy the four major countries in a short time. any country!”

"But correspondingly, how great our victory is, how deep the hatred of the four major countries will be towards us!"

"It can be foreseen that in a few decades, when the four major countries have finished recuperating, they will unite again to encircle and suppress our country. We have to guard against this."

"If we cannot defeat them once and for all, our descendants will forever live in an endless cycle of wars of revenge, revenge, and revenge."

"Everyone..." Hatake Akira clenched his fists, "If the four major countries still want to fight again, then let's fight again!"

"As long as the Yondaime Hokage, me, and all of you are here, we will fight with the four major countries as long as they want!"

"Even if it means destroying us and them together, we won't hesitate!"

"But as long as we win in the end, our descendants will no longer be trapped in an endless cycle of war!"

"Everyone... don't push the arduous tasks that we should shoulder on ourselves to our own children and grandchildren. That is a cowardly behavior and is contrary to the profession of ninja!"

"I've finished saying that everyone must repeatedly weigh the gap in strength between the enemy and us, and cast your vote carefully."

After saying that, Hatake Akira sat down again, and around him and in the entire conference room, a loud gasp spread like a wave.

Hatake clearly knew that most people present had already made up their minds!

Next, it’s time to witness history.

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