Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 325 Naruto’s eye replacement surgery.

After fooling around with Luo Sha and laying the groundwork for his future plans, Hatake Akira took Metkai back to Konoha.

However, after returning to Konoha, Hatake Akira did not let Metkai leave his side.

Just kidding, in Metkay's current state, any violent movements would cause a terrible chain reaction. Hatake Akira didn't dare to let Metkay move around at will.

But it is not an option to always keep Metkai by his side. This will not only affect Hatake Akira's normal life, but also be quite unchanged for Metkai.

"By the way, it's not convenient for me here, but that doesn't mean it's not convenient for the teacher!"

An idea flashed in his mind, and Akira Hatake had a good idea.

After all, Mt. Myoboku is one of the three holy places. The toads living there all possess special skills and have much better physiques than the villagers of Konoha.

Moreover, when Metkai went to Mount Miaomu, if he couldn't hold back his strength and destroyed some buildings, it would have nothing to do with the Leaf Village, and it would have nothing to do with him, Akira Hatake.

The most important thing is that Miaomu Mountain is large and can fully meet the daily training requirements of Metkai. Even if some flowers and plants are damaged, it will not make people feel distressed.

"Kai, come here."

With a decision made in his mind, Hatake Akira waved to Metkai who was standing behind him.

"What's wrong, Ming."

Metkai let go of the wheelchair and tiptoed to Hatake Akira and asked.

Metkai's actions are a bit funny, but behind the funny, there is a majestic power that can destroy the world.

Because the Eight Gate Dunjia Formation is always open, every step that Metkai takes now leaves two clear footprints on the ground.

If he didn't tiptoe and move forward boldly, Metkai's feet would probably become big pits instead of just footprints.

Moreover, the space barrier around Metkai has been reinforced by Akira Hatake. If it were in a normal state, even Metkai's tiptoeing would cause a certain degree of damage to the surrounding environment.

This is the disadvantage of suddenly gaining great power, especially for physical masters like Metkai. Power that cannot be controlled is a burden to them.

Metkai naturally noticed the footprints he left on the ground, and a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face.

To be honest, no one would believe that a person who specializes in physical arts can't control the power in his body.

"Kai, I believe you have also noticed the problems you are facing now."

Hatake Akira pointed at the series of footprints left by Metkai on the ground, "You cannot control the powerful power. If you continue to stay in the village, it is tantamount to a time bomb. There is no telling when it will explode. .”

"So for the sake of the safety of the Konoha villagers, I want to send you to Miaomu Mountain and let you practice there for a period of time."

"Miaomu Mountain?"

Metkai obviously knew where Miaomu Mountain was, "I don't have a contract with Miaomu Mountain... I might not be able to go there."

"You don't need to worry about this, I can take care of it for you."

Hatake Akira raised his hand and waved, and the space barrier was quickly opened into a circular passage. On the opposite side of the passage was the boundary of Miaomu Mountain.

"Is this okay?"

Metkai was a little hesitant. Hatake Akira's doing this was tantamount to "smuggling". Not only would he be embarrassed if he was found out, but an accident would also cause a fight between the two parties.

"It doesn't matter, I'll help you fight if something happens."

Akira Hatake comforted Metkai, and then pointed at the space passage, "Hurry up and go. Sensei and Kakashi are also at Myoboku Mountain. You will definitely not be bored when you go."


Once he heard that Namikaze Minato and Hatake Kakashi were also at Myoboku Mountain, Matt Kaiden immediately became energetic.

Responding enthusiastically, Metkai raised his legs and walked into the circular space passage.

When Metkai entered, Hatake Akira closed the space channel as quickly as possible as if he was afraid of Metkai's return.

Just kidding, those toads at Mt. Myoboku still dislike Hatake Akira, how can he guarantee Metkai?

It's nothing more than tricking Metkai in first, and leaving the rest to Minato Namikaze...

After closing the circular space channel, Hatake Akira breathed a long sigh of relief, and Metkai finally sent him away.

Turning his wheelchair, Hatake Akira wandered around the streets of Konoha, and after turning around, he arrived at Namikaze Minato's home.

After thinking about it, Hatake Akira wheeled his wheelchair to the door of Namikaze Minato's house, reached out and pressed the doorbell.

"Kushina-sama, it's me."


With a soft sound, the door was opened, and Uzumaki Kushina and Uzumaki Naruto in her arms appeared in front of Hatake Akira.

"It's Ming, why do you have time to come here today?"

"Sister, didn't I discuss with the teacher about transplanting a pair of eyes to Naruto? I happened to be passing by today, so I stopped by to have a look."


Seeing Hatake explain his purpose straight to the point, Uzumaki Kushina was a little surprised.

However, she still stepped aside to make way, "Ming, you come in first, and we will discuss things about Naruto."

Without being polite, Hatake Akira wheeled his wheelchair into Namikaze Minato's home, and Uzumaki Kushina also closed the door the next second.

To be honest, Uzumaki Kushina didn't want young Naruto to be transplanted with this or that. Let's not talk about the good and bad, but she couldn't get over the hurdle in her heart.

But then again, what parent doesn’t want their children to have a brighter future?

Just as Namikaze Minato and Hatake Akira said at the beginning, as long as Naruto is transplanted with the Sharingan, Naruto will definitely become a member of the Six Paths in the future.

On the one hand, the reluctance in her heart, and on the other hand, Naruto's broad future, Uzumaki Kushina is inevitably caught in a contradiction, and has been unable to make a decision.

Akira Hatake was not in a hurry, nor did he try to persuade Uzumaki Kushina. He just walked around the living room very relaxedly, looking for some snacks or something.

"Ming, are you sure there won't be any problems after Naruto transplants the Sharingan?"

After swallowing the nuts in his mouth, Hatake Akira answered Uzumaki Kushina's question, "Nothing will go wrong, Master-girl."

"Orochimaru's clone technology is already very mature, and the pair of Sharingan transplanted by Naruto are still cultivated based on Naruto's blood. There will be no rejection reaction after the transplant."

"Don't worry, Master. Teacher and I will never make fun of Naruto's body."

"Then...when shall we go?"

Uzumaki Kushina made a decision in her heart, glanced at Naruto sleeping in her arms, and then looked up at Hatake Akira.

"It's better to choose a different day than to hit it. It's good to leave today."

"Okay, let's go."

Uzumaki Kushina nodded, followed Akira Hatake, and entered a circular space passage. The two large and small disappeared in place in an instant.

Orochimaru's secret experimental base.

With the strong support of Akira Hatake and Minato Namikaze, Orochimaru is definitely the happiest person in the shinobi world.

He doesn't have to worry about anything, he just needs to plunge into the experiment and do some research that he likes to do.

For Orochimaru, this was a magical day.

Of course, without the constraints of Akira Hatake and Minato Namikaze, Orochimaru would have been happier.

But just when Orochimaru was happily doing research, Akira Hatake appeared next to him with Uzumaki Kushina.

"Ming, long time no see."

Orochimaru smiled and said hello, then turned his attention to Uzumaki Kushina and Uzumaki Naruto.

"Oh, there's Uzumaki Kushina and Naruto-chan too, nice to meet you."

Although Orochimaru was smiling and saying hello, his cold smile still felt weird in the eyes of Uzumaki Kushina. She instinctively took a step back and looked at Orochimaru very warily.

Orochimaru smiled indifferently, looked away from mother and son, and looked back at Akira Hatake who was sitting in the wheelchair.

"Ara, it seems you have convinced Kushina and Minato."

"It doesn't matter whether you convince or not."

Hatake Akira shook his head, "How are you preparing here?"

"It has been prepared for a long time. I have even prepared the clones of the two brothers Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke."

Orochimaru had a smile on his face, "Don't worry, we are only one step away from my plan to create a god..."

"I warn you, you cannot take that step without my permission."

Akira Hatake warned Orochimaru with a serious look on his face, he had not forgotten his agreement with Otsutsuki Hagoromo.

If the reincarnation chakras of Indra and Asura were taken away without authorization before the bet was completed, Otsutsuki Hagoromo would have to come out of the pure land to fight Hatake Akira.

"I know, of course I know."

Orochimaru nodded repeatedly, "I'm just reminding you, you have to notify me as soon as possible."

"Of course."

Akira Hatake didn't want to continue arguing with Orochimaru about some bad things, so he went straight to the point.

"Orochimaru, where are the eyes you cultivated for Naruto, I want to see."

"Okay, come with me."

Orochimaru led the way, followed by Akira Hatake and Kushina Uzumaki, who was holding Naruto Uzumaki in her arms.

After passing through the long corridor, the scene in the experimental base suddenly became eerie.

Large and small cultivation tanks are neatly displayed on both sides of the corridor, and the human bodies cultivated inside are clearly visible.

Of course, in addition to the replicas, the bodies of some other animals were also soaked in the culture tank. Akira Hatake even saw some human characteristics in them.

"Orochimaru, what exactly is being cultivated in that culture tank of yours?"

Hatake Akira couldn't help it anymore, and pointed to a cultivation tank not far ahead, which contained a half-human, half-snake monster.

"It's just a failed product. It will be disposed of in a few days."

Orochimaru replied indifferently and continued to lead the two of them forward.

"What are you studying again?"

Hatake Akira continued to ask questions reluctantly, and he also had some guesses in his mind. Could Orochimaru be...

"I'm just studying the immortal mode in Longdi Cave."

Sure enough, Orochimaru's answer confirmed Hatake Akira's suspicion. He felt that the half-human, half-snake monster in the cultivation tank was not simple.

However, seeing that Orochimaru was unwilling to say more, Hatake Akira didn't ask any more questions.

You don't need to ask to know that Orochimaru's experiment definitely failed this time, and it failed very directly, with no gains at all.

Otherwise, judging from Orochimaru's tendency to show off his scientific research results, he would show off in front of Hatake Akira whenever he had results.

Instead of just taking your research results with you like today...

Soon, under the leadership of Orochimaru, the two entered an anatomy room. The culture tanks inside were filled with human or animal organs.

It was even more terrifying and eerie than when I was in the corridor before.

But Orochimaru turned around and looked at Uzumaki Naruto in Uzumaki Kushina's arms as if nothing was wrong.

"Leave Naruto to me and I will transplant his eyes right away."

Uzumaki Kushina did not respond, but glanced at Hatake Akira beside her.

"Don't worry, Master, there's nothing wrong with Orochimaru."

With Akira Hatake's endorsement, Uzumaki Kushina felt relieved and handed Naruto in her arms to Orochimaru.

However, he was not completely reassured. After handing Naruto over to Orochimaru, Uzumaki Kushina would follow him wherever he went, for fear that Orochimaru would do something to harm Naruto.

It's no wonder that Uzumaki Kushina was so nervous. The main reason was that the environment here was too gloomy, which led her to preconception that Orochimaru was a Frankenstein.

To be honest, as long as a normal person comes to Orochimaru's laboratory, even if he is not scared out of his mind, he will think that Orochimaru is not a good person.

Helpless, in order to appease Uzumaki Kushina, Hatake Akira could only follow her in a wheelchair, monitoring Orochimaru's every move with Uzumaki Kushina.

Orochimaru didn't care about this. He had already looked away from other people's criticisms, and at this time, he felt calm in his heart.

After making all preparations, Orochimaru slowly placed Uzumaki Naruto on the operating table, but the young Uzumaki Naruto was not afraid, but stared directly at Orochimaru with his eyes open.

"I'm going to start."

Orochimaru reminded him, and used medical ninjutsu to make the young Naruto faint, and then picked up a surgical knife.

Ten minutes later, Naruto's eye replacement surgery was completed, and his two original blue eyeballs had turned into the current pitch black color.

Orochimaru's medical ninjutsu was very strong. Naruto, who woke up after his eyes were replaced, neither cried nor fussed, and looked at the surrounding environment curiously as if he had no feeling at all.

"Okay, this minor surgery was successful, there were no problems."

Hearing what Orochimaru said, the nervous Uzumaki Kushina let out a long sigh of relief and her expression softened slightly.

Taking Naruto from Orochimaru, Uzumaki Kushina carefully checked Naruto's physical condition.

As Orochimaru said, Naruto's body did not show any rejection reaction, and the wounds from the eye replacement have also recovered as before.

"Orochimaru, my wife and I will leave first. If you have anything else to do, go to the Hokage's office to find Shikaku."

Without saying a word, Hatake Akira left Orochimaru's laboratory with Uzumaki Kushina.

"Oh, you are really heartless..."

Looking at the place where the two disappeared, Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, "Now that I've said that, I'll apply for another research fund."

After making up his mind, Orochimaru also packed up his things, left the laboratory and walked towards the Hokage Building.

As for Hatake Akira, he also returned home with Uzumaki Kushina at this time. He felt happy when he saw little Naruto having fun in the living room.

Akira Hatake is looking forward to what Naruto's future will be like without the Nine-Tails plug-in, but with the Sharingan!

I have a severe fever today and am in poor condition for writing. Please bear with me...

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