Shinto Dantei

Chapter 1341 The Forging Method of the Yu Clan

The mysterious woman's solemn expression made Ye Chen couldn't help but look shocked.

If she can be so serious, then things will definitely not be simple!

Unexpectedly, the treasures in the black tower were so important.

"Then when can I open it?"

These words made Ye Chen's heart itch.

How boring would it be if we could only look at such a precious treasure all the time?

"Wait until you become immortal at least six times!"

The mysterious woman said calmly.

"Six times immortal?"

Ye Chen showed a smile, isn't that unpleasant?

When he was in the Feathering Pond, he had already achieved immortality five times.

If he hadn't been promoted to five times of immortality, he might not have been his opponent after facing the strong man carrying the leg bones of the monster beast on his shoulders!

But now, you only need to advance to a small level to explore the treasures in the black tower.

This made Ye Chen feel infinite fighting spirit in his heart.

With a thought, Ye Chen walked out of the cauldron and headed to Qianfo Mountain.

When the monk Mingxin was away fighting, Qianfo Mountain was naturally left to the abbot Mingdu.

As for the Ming Dynasty, I eat fast and chant Buddha every day, and the pain gradually fades away.

It's obviously impossible to completely forget, but you can force yourself not to think about it.

When Ye Chen arrived at Thousand Buddha Mountain, the Buddhist disciples guarding the mountain outside saw this and immediately saluted respectfully, "I have met the young master!"

"Where's Mingdu?"

Ye Chen asked with a smile.

"Abbot Mingdu is practicing, I will take you to him."

The Buddhist disciple led the way.

Arriving in front of a treasure palace, he couldn't help but take a step back and said with a smile, "Young Master, please!"

Ye Chen pushed the door open and found Mingdu sitting on the futon, beating the wooden fish and muttering something.

"Ye Chen?"

He opened his eyes and saw a flash of joy in his eyes when he saw Ye Chen, "Why do you think of coming to me?"

"Ming Du, have you given up on refining weapons in these years?"

Ye Chen asked proactively.

"I have been studying the method of refining weapons, but unfortunately I feel that I have reached my limit and cannot go any further."

Ming Du sighed, with a look of helplessness on his face, "The inheritance I received at the beginning was from a five-star weapon refiner. Before I became an emperor-level weapon refiner, the things he inherited were very useful to me. After reaching the emperor level, After leveling up, I relied on the experience he summed up and took a few more steps forward. Until now, I have completely exhausted the accumulation brought by his inheritance... How many words did you bring from Tiandao Academy before? I am also reading a book about weapon refining. Unfortunately, there are some gaps in the middle, which prevents me from practicing. So during this period, I have been thinking about what the gaps are and how I can overcome them. !”

Seeing that Mingdu was still as serious as before, Ye Chen couldn't help but feel relieved.

Since he still has enough enthusiasm for weapon refining, he should work hard to help him achieve this goal!

Mingdu has a good foundation in weapon refining. If the Yu Clan's forging method is taught to him, it will definitely make him reach a higher level and reach another terrifying level!

"I have some forging methods here. Do you want to learn them?"

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows with a faint smile.

"It's natural to learn that."

Mingdu didn't show any signs of being outside.

"Okay, I hope you can be mentally prepared. If you learn these forging methods, not to mention the entire Lingtian realm, even the entire starry sky, there may not be anyone who can compare with you. You will become a hot and powerful weapon refiner. !”

Ye Chen's eyes were fixed as he asked, "Have you ever heard of the Yu Clan?"

The previous sentence made Mingdu a little surprised.

Is it that exaggerated?

To be honest, he really didn't believe it.

But when Ye Chen's words turned to the Yu clan, the smile on Ming Du's face suddenly faded.

Because he realized that Ye Chen was not joking.

"Feather Clan? You mean Feather Clan?"

Mingdu suddenly stood up, his eyes full of seriousness, "Is it possible that the forging method you mentioned is related to the Yu Clan?"

"Yes, you should take a look at this sword first."

Ye Chen took out the imperial-level fifth-grade Yu Clan sword from the ring.

Ming Du was so excited that he held the sword in his hand and played with it fondly.

The breath coming from above made Mingdu indescribably excited.

That kind of feeling makes people want to sink their souls into it!

This is the treasured sword of the Yu clan!

The Yu Clan is the race that is most proficient in the forging method in history!

It's a pity that after their demise, there was no history left at all.

It was as if he disappeared instantly without a trace.

Mingdu came to know the Yu Clan from the inheritance of the five-star weapon refiner.

It's a pity that even that existence couldn't find any trace of the Yu clan, let alone him!

As time passed, Mingdu completely gave up on searching for the remains of the Yu clan.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen could actually take out a sword that symbolized the supreme craftsmanship of the Yu clan today!

"This sword is really good. It is not only clever in technique, but also exquisite in craftsmanship! I read in ancient books that the reason why the Yu tribe is proficient in forging is because they have four hands and can control the power anytime and anywhere, even the slightest bit. There will be mistakes.”

Mingdu couldn't help but get excited, and there was a deep joy in his eyes.

But soon, he raised his head and looked at Ye Chen, "Is it just such a treasured sword? If it is just a treasured sword, it is simply a glimpse of the leopard, and it is still impossible to explore the foundation of the Yu Clan's forging method!"

"of course not."

Ye Chen smiled mysteriously and raised his hand, "Here, I'll give you a memory!"

As he spoke, Ye Chen sent the memory about the forging method in his mind directly into Ming Du's eyebrows.

The next moment, light flickered, and Mingdu's pupils opened violently.

From this memory, he had a profound insight into the Yu Clan's advanced forging method!

"This this……"

Ming Du was completely stunned.

He never dreamed that one day he would be able to spy on the Yu Clan's advanced forging methods!

"Yes, it is the Yu Clan's forging method, very complete from beginning to end."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "I teach it to you for a very simple purpose. I hope you can successfully understand the forging method of the Yu Clan and continue to carry forward this most glorious history of the Yu Clan!"

Mingdu froze on the spot as if struck by lightning.

After a long time, he couldn't help but raise his head and murmured, "It's really..."

This shocked him beyond words!

After all, receiving the inheritance of the Yu Clan's forging method is a gift from heaven for any weapon refiner.

Nothing can beat it!

"From now on, I will study hard and never let the Yu Clan's forging method be shamed!"

Mingdu stood up solemnly, his expression solemn.

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