Shinto Dantei

Chapter 1364 The Corpse Disappeared (Part 5)

"Dad, do you want to go in and take a look?"

A junior asked.

The middle-aged man frowned. Zheng Fanyun's tomb was the highest-status tomb in the entire Zheng family ancestral hall. Logically speaking, the door of the tomb should not be open.

Even if there is something really wrong when future generations enter, they will carefully close the door when they come out, and they will be meticulous.

"You guys wait outside, I'll go in and take a look at what's going on."

The middle-aged man waved his hand and motioned for the other juniors to stand outside.

He took a deep breath and reached out to push open the door of the tomb.

When he entered it and saw the environment inside, his pupils suddenly shrank, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

" I dreaming?"

The middle-aged man stretched out his hand and pinched himself, trying to make sure it hurt.

It hurts, it’s not a dream!

Who can tell me why the coffin board of my Zheng family ancestor was pried open?



The middle-aged man could only feel his heart trembling. He took a deep breath and took a step forward, wanting to take a look at the situation in the coffin.

This doesn't matter, it's like thunder striking down!


Inside, the body of ancestor Zheng Fanyun was missing.

Are you kidding me? He didn't just die, he can still fake his corpse!

He has been dead for tens of thousands of years, and there is only a pile of withered bones left. Can he still run away on his own?


The middle-aged man sat down on the ground, his mouth twitching, and he was dumbfounded.

what is happening?

He thought hard and couldn't find the reason.

After all, why is this happening?

The middle-aged man was filled with shock. Just when he was about to leave, his eyes suddenly glanced away.

There was actually a line of words written on the coffin board.

"The Zheng family is a bunch of unworthy descendants, they don't even have any decent offerings of treasures!"

After seeing this line of words, the middle-aged man was confused.

what's the situation?

Why is there such a line of text?

First of all, it definitely cannot be left by the descendants of the Zheng family.

That is to say...

His pupils contracted violently.

The tomb of the ancestors of the Zheng family was visited by tomb robbers!

The entire skeleton was stolen.

The middle-aged man yelled and ran wildly outside.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

Outside, his son looked surprised.

"Get out of the way!"

The middle-aged man pushed his son away, ran frantically outside the tomb, took out the communication crystal, and started to contact Zheng Guyi.

As the current head of the Zheng family, Zheng Guyi has always held great power.

If there are any important matters in these branches, they will notify Zheng Guyi and let him make a decision.

The head of the Zheng family is in charge of almost all affairs, big and small!

"Master, no... it's not good!"

The middle-aged man's voice was trembling, and he even thought he was crazy.

But that’s the truth!

Zheng Fanyun's tomb was dug up by tomb robbers, and the coffin boards were even lifted!

"If there's something going on, please calm down before talking. Don't be so impatient. You're such a young man, and you don't even have this kind of concentration!"

Zheng Guyi's voice came, and the middle-aged man was scolded.

"Master, I...I really can't calm down!"

The middle-aged man took a deep breath and calmed down before saying, trembling all over, "I... I took our family to the Zheng family ancestral hall to pay tribute. I wanted to worship our ancestors, but when I came to Zheng Fanyun When I was in front of my ancestor's tomb, I found that the door was open a crack. I pushed in to see what was going on, and unexpectedly... it turned out to be that the coffin board of ancestor Zheng Fanyun had been lifted by someone, and the bones were missing, but there were still remains on it. Next line!"

When the middle-aged man explained all this clearly, Zheng Guyi fell into silence.


There was a cracking sound.

It seems that the communication crystal was crushed by him!

The middle-aged man was pacing back and forth on the top of the mountain with an anxious look on his face. Who was the tomb robber? He was so bold that he even dared to dig up the Zheng family's ancestral hall!

The Zheng family is the undisputed second largest family in this ancient realm.

Strong people emerge in endlessly and their numbers are countless.

Except for the Feng family, which is stronger, there is almost no force that can compete with the Zheng family!

Under such circumstances, you actually told me that my family’s ancestral graves were dug up?

After a cup of tea, a gap suddenly opened in the void. Zheng Guyi's figure, full of evil aura, walked out of the gap and said, "Take me and see!"

The middle-aged man quickly walked ahead to lead the way.

When Zheng Guyi came to Zheng Fanyun's tomb, he had already noticed the traces of outsiders coming from the meager elements in the void, which were very obvious.

Pushing open the door to the tomb and going in, what he saw made Zheng Fanyun's head buzz.

This...why is this?

He even thought that he had seen it wrong!

The coffin board of ancestor Zheng Fanyun was thrown out, and the corpse inside was missing.

Not only are the corpses gone, but the bead that was buried with them is also gone!


An uncontrollable aura of terror burst out from Zheng Guyi's body, and he felt that a murderous intention was constantly gathering in his mind. At this moment, his mood suddenly became very violent, and he just wanted to kill everything he saw. Light!

For the Zheng family, this is a lifetime of humiliation that cannot be washed away.

His ancestral grave was actually dug up!

The ancestor Zheng Fanyun is a totem-level figure to the entire Zheng family.

Now, even the bones have been stolen!

This is tantamount to a slap in the face of the Zheng family.

Once this kind of thing spreads, it will definitely be a serious blow to the Zheng family's reputation.

"My Zheng family ancestral hall is very secretive. Not only is it guarded by dedicated personnel, but it is also equipped with a magic array. Even so, it was stolen by someone. Who is it! It is impossible for an unknown person to have such professional techniques... …”

Speaking of this, Zheng Guyi's expression suddenly changed.

Wait, apart from ancestor Zheng Fanyun, have anyone else's corpses been stolen?

He suddenly thought of this level and ran out quickly, searching and exploring outside.

After going around, there is also a tomb with an open door.

After seeing the location of this tomb, Zheng Guyi's head exploded with a bang.

Because the tomb that was stolen was none other than the tomb of his biological father, Zheng Zhen!

He roared angrily and rushed into the tomb, his pupils blood-red as he searched frantically.


The coffin board was lifted and the body disappeared.

It’s the same situation as before!

"Who is it?"

Zheng Guyi felt as if his head was about to explode, and a burst of unconcealable anger burst out crazily.

Who, who dares to target his family like this?

Is he really not afraid of death?

Kill kill kill!

Strong murderous intent filled Zheng Guyi's mind.

So much so that even a pair of pupils turned scarlet, and he wanted to cut the murderer into pieces immediately!

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