Shinto Dantei

Chapter 1402 Someone comes from Xingchen Tower

The news that Zheng Guyi colluded with the demon and was killed by the golden-eyed old man spread throughout the entire Eternal Realm almost instantly.

After all, the Eternal Realm is very large, but it is closely connected with each other. If anything happens, other Ancient Realms will know it immediately.

In the world of beasts, the Feng family responded immediately.

They sent a message stating that they were very sad about Zheng Guyi's choice and hoped that the Zheng family could prosper under the leadership of Zheng Jun in the future.

Feng Tianming was so happy.

The Zheng family has always been a serious thorn in his side, and he can never find a reason to get rid of it.

Unexpectedly, the golden-eyed old man took action and killed Zheng Guyi in such a way.

They had vaguely heard some voices about Zheng Guyi's collusion with the demon, but they had never delved into it.

Now that the golden-eyed old man is knocking him out of business, there really can't be any reason.

In short, the Feng family is optimistic about Zheng Guyi's death.

The Feng family's future development will no longer be subject to any constraints. As long as they are willing, they can completely annex the share given by the Zheng family. Of course, the situation cannot be too ugly, and there must be time to buffer.

As for what the golden-eyed old man said about supporting Zheng Jun in taking charge of the family, how could Feng Tianming, as an old man, not see the twists and turns in this?

It was obvious that the two parties had reached some kind of cooperation.

Zheng Jun offered some conditions to attract the golden-eyed old man, asking him to pay for the Zheng family, or to completely unify the Zheng family in his name, and the golden-eyed old man got what he wanted from Zheng Jun.

In any case, even if the Zheng family falls, its own heritage cannot be underestimated!

"Wait a little longer. When the storm passes, it will be time for us to take action."

Feng Tianming is obviously very optimistic about the future prospects.

In his opinion, he will be able to completely unify the Eternal Realm in the future.

Once Zheng Guyi dies, no one will be able to compete with the Feng family.

As for the golden-eyed old man?

To be honest, Feng Tianming was not afraid of him.

Although his personal strength is strong, he suffers from the fact that he has not established his own force and only has a few followers.

And in a situation like that of the golden-eyed old man, it is absolutely impossible to grow for a long time!

In the void, a flying boat came.

On the flag raised by the flying boat, there was a flag with stars, fluttering in the wind.

This flag is the symbol of Xingchen Tower!

And this flying boat is the envoy sent from the Xingchen Tower headquarters.

On the deck of the flying boat, an old man with a restrained aura stood with his hands behind his back. Looking at the Spring and Autumn Realm getting closer and closer in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh deeply, "I think back then, I personally founded the Yeyue Tower in the Spring and Autumn Realm. I thought that as soon as I entered the headquarters, this place would be completely closed down. It’s really a change of things!”

When the old man spoke, a sharp look flashed in his eyes.

His combat power was obviously extremely exaggerated, reaching the level of seven times immortality.

Next to the old man, stood a young man. He raised his eyebrows slightly, "Master, the force that can destroy this Xingchen Tower must be extraordinary. I suspect it is the Zheng family!"

"The Zheng family? I don't think it's the Zheng family. There must be a deeper reason... Moreover, it has been so long and it is no longer possible to pursue it. Don't forget the purpose of our visit this time!"

The old man said lightly, "Yeyue Tower has been expanding very fast recently. In just one month, under the promotion of the Zheng family, it has replaced all the markets occupied by Xingchen Tower in the past. This is a very terrifying thing." Thing! The reputation Xingchen Tower has accumulated over the years has completely become a wedding dress for others..."

At this point, you can see a flash of worry in the old man's eyes.

Although, looking at the entire Eternal Realm, Xingchen Tower clearly has the advantage.

However, the basic foundation of the Spring and Autumn Realm has been completely lost. It is very difficult to re-establish the Star Tower!

After all, the last time Xingchen Tower was destroyed, so many treasures were lost. The damage to the reputation of Xingchen Tower was very serious. How can Xingchen Tower dare to show up now? Once exposed, many practitioners will pursue and demand compensation!

After all, Xingchen Tower lost someone’s belongings and must compensate!

But the key star building is gone, who can those practitioners ask for?

Therefore, this breath was naturally held deep in my heart.

"I think it is difficult to negotiate. I have met Ye Jin of Yeyue Tower. He is a very ambitious person. If he is willing to be the owner of Xingchen Tower, why would he need to go out and set up Yeyue Tower alone? And Ye Jin is willing to be the owner of Xingchen Tower. Yue Tower is gaining momentum now, and it’s not easy for us to incorporate it!”

The young man shook his head and expressed his opinion.

"Let's try it first. If Ye Yue Lou is really... evil, I wouldn't mind letting them disappear too!"

The old man looked calm and said word by word, "If Yeyue Tower disappears because of this, then there will be no trading treasure land in the entire Spring and Autumn Realm. Xingchen Tower can withdraw, but Yeyue Tower can't try to seize ours." Territory! No big deal, we’ll all be finished together!”

The young man couldn't help but tremble in his heart, but this was indeed the last resort.

When the flying boat arrived in the Spring and Autumn Realm, the old man put away the flying boat and rushed forward with the young people.

Arriving at the original site of Xingchen Tower, the old man's eyes narrowed slightly.

Although he had completely adjusted his mentality along the way, it was only when he experienced it himself that he realized how uncomfortable it was, especially when he had built the Xingchen Building by himself. Every brick and tile, Maybe I’ve touched it with my own hands!

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, everything has changed.

The Xingchen Tower, once the largest trading place in the Spring and Autumn World, has now become a pile of ruins!

In front of the Xingchen Tower, there were dozens of cultivators standing, their faces full of anger and indignation.

There were even more curses in his mouth.

"This Xingchen Tower is so shameless. We lost so many treasures, and they didn't even fart!"

"Yes, wouldn't it be shameless to rely on oneself to be destroyed? Who will compensate for our losses!"

"It really deserves to be closed down. People like Ye Yue Lou are very responsible!"

This group of people are complaining about Xingchen Tower's inaction.

But, to be honest, there is really nothing we can do.

If everything has been destroyed, what else can be done?

The young man's eyes turned cold and he wanted to say something, but the old man stopped him.

The old man turned around expressionlessly, "Let's go to Yeyue Tower to have a look!"

Arriving in front of Yeyue Tower, there are two completely different scenes!

The place is crowded and noisy, and the lively scene is even worse than the Xingchen Tower back then.

The old man stepped forward and said calmly, "Let Ye Jin come out and see me."

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