Shinto Dantei

Chapter 1407 Six Times Immortality

"Master, are you okay?"

Outside, the golden-eyed old man was waiting anxiously.

When Zheng Jun informed him of this matter, he rushed here immediately.

The demonic energy inside was rich and shimmering with an unimaginable luster. Every collision of the demonic energy was accompanied by a shock between heaven and earth. He originally wanted to rush in, but he was worried that Ye Chen was practicing inside and this would disturb him. .

Fortunately, Ye Chen walked out of it in time.

"It's okay. There is a demon suppressed inside, and I have already killed it."

Ye Chen said lightly.

"It turns out to be a demon..."

Zheng Jun also wiped the sweat from his forehead. Since it was not a big deal, he felt relieved.

"Next, Boss Ye will continue to open Yeyue Tower in other ancient worlds and will talk to you. You have just taken office and need some means to stabilize your position in the Zheng family. I think this move can help you. !”

Ye Chen said calmly.

"Thank you, thank you sir!"

Zheng Jun's face instantly became excited. As Ye Chen said, he had just become the head of the family and needed to use means to stabilize his position, and opening Yeyue Towers in various places was a good way.

Some of the ancient realms controlled by the Zheng family were relatively barren and backward compared to the Spring and Autumn Realm.

If Yeyue Tower can be opened in those ancient worlds, it will bring a series of benefits.

Those who control the ancient world, that is, the elders of the Zheng family, will also support me more.

This is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone!

Ye Chen nodded, and then said calmly, "Golden Eyes, come with me!"

The two of them came to the main hall. There was no one here, and even Zheng Jun retreated wisely.

"Master is looking for me. What orders do you have?"

The golden-eyed old man looked respectful.

"Let me ask you, have you ever heard of Tiange?"

Ye Chen spoke directly.


The golden-eyed old man frowned slightly, "I've heard that this is a notorious organization. Their existence is a disaster for the entire starry sky! Throughout history, they have taken action everywhere, massacring all major races, and even I think the extinction of the Yu Clan may have something to do with them!”

As expected of the golden-eyed old man, after gaining golden-eyed vision, he was able to gain a deep insight into all of this with his series of investigative methods. Although he did not know as much as Ye Chen did, it was still pretty good.

"You are right. The extinction of the Yu Clan was indeed caused by Tiange."

Ye Chen paused and continued, "Then do you know if there are any wanderers from Tiange in this ancient realm?"

The golden-eyed old man shook his head, "In all the years I have been here, I have never heard of any wanderers. Of course, there may be some peripheral ones, but those are not worth mentioning at all."

"It seems that the number of wanderers at the true core of Tiange has been declining sharply."

Ye Chen was thoughtful, and based on the previous situation, the matter had almost come to light.

Not only did the people behind Tiange become low-key, but even the many wanderers in Tiange also shrank in number.

I don’t know what the specific situation is, and I don’t know if it’s good or bad.

"That's all, it seems I have to find time to go to Tiandao Academy and check out the ancient books there."

Ye Chen thought like this.

Regarding Tiange, it is always a thorn in the side.

Because he was involved in the incident in which the Yu Clan was exterminated, and the three black towers of the Yu Clan are also in his hands. Once these are known to Tiange in the future, he will definitely be targeted by Tiange!

Therefore, it is never a wrong thing to prepare for a rainy day.

After leaving the main hall, Ye Chen entered the cauldron.

Without saying a word, he started practicing.

During this time, I have been busy with too many things, so I have not been able to practice with peace of mind.

After absorbing the demon arm, Ye Chen was able to realize that he was only a little away from being immortal six times. This time in retreat, he was going to use many pills to directly reach the realm.

Rush to Immortality six times, conquer the Law of War first, and then enter the Black Tower to explore.

Improve your overall combat power.

Ye Chen had even planned everything that followed.

"Come on, elixir!"

He took out many pills from Najie in one go, all of which were auction proceeds.

That's the seven-line elixir!

Only those powerful forces can obtain elixirs of this level.

Ye Chen took a deep breath and threw the seven-line elixir into his mouth.


The air wave surged and exploded instantly!

This retreat lasted for three full months.

Fortunately, the final outcome is good!

Ye Chen reached the realm of immortality six times, and this was also the most anxious time for his promotion.

A law of war and a black tower containing secrets can only be obtained after promotion.

"I feel that the more advanced I am, the closer I am to the essence of this world."

A flash of emotion flashed in Ye Chen's eyes.

This feeling is very mysterious, and every improvement makes him feel completely transformed.

"Sister, send me to have a fight with Zhan Zhize. Maybe I can conquer him."

Ye Chen felt the improvement in his combat power, and his heart felt hot.

Every time you conquer the latest Dao, your combat power will increase.

Hopefully this time too!

The mysterious woman's beautiful eyes fell on Ye Chen. After observing carefully for a while, she nodded slightly, "Then I will send you in again. Remember, there are three opportunities in total, and this is already the second time!"

"Wait, what if all three opportunities are exhausted?"

Ye Chen was suddenly startled and couldn't help but ask.

"If the three opportunities are exhausted, you will no longer be qualified to conquer the principles of war."

The mysterious woman waved her hand, and Ye Chen instantly felt that there was an illusion in front of him.

The next moment, the figure appeared in that space again.

In front of me, the man punched me in the face without any hesitation!

The strong fighting spirit that burst out crazily impacted people's hearts and made their blood race.

Ye Chen released himself without reservation. After his promotion, he directly reached another level. Both his combat power and his vision were much stronger than before.


Faced with this man's punch, Ye Chen responded with great reluctance. After raising his hand to block it, he felt that the bones in his hands were almost shattered. A look of shock flashed in Ye Chen's eyes. Obviously, he did not expect that the other party would So powerful!

Sure enough, the stronger your realm, the closer you can get to the truth!

"here we go again?"

The man sneered, "You really don't overestimate your own capabilities. You still want me to surrender at this level!"

Ye Chen gritted his teeth, stepped forward one step at a time, and faced the huge pressure.

That familiar fighting spirit appears again!

Fight, fight, fight!

Be the enemy of all things and defeat them all!

Ye Chen's pupils became more and more filled with blood. After his body reached its peak, he punched forward boldly!

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