Shinto Dantei

Chapter 1417 Stepping to another level is a great responsibility

The dragon roared fiercely, setting off an endless energy storm in this layer.

After this energy storm spread out, it severely suppressed the world and erupted an unimaginable terrifying air wave.

It was as if countless sharp knives were stabbing at you.


For a moment, Ye Chen felt that the whole earth was shaking violently and shaking wildly.

The wind condensed, destroying everything, tearing everything apart, and even the sky and the earth changed color!

Ye Chen was almost blown away by this breath, but he still stood firmly in place, with a cold and fierce look in his eyes.

Even if you are an eight-time immortal, what can you do?

I will never retreat without fighting you!

Just like this, Ye Chen released the "War Law" and "Earth Law" and rushed forward fiercely.


A loud bang exploded!

Two terrifying auras fought together.

In the Spring and Autumn Realm, in the Night Moon Tower.

Ye Jin has been busy opening up Yeyue Towers in other ancient worlds in the Eternal Realm.

Relying on the influence of the Zheng family and the ability of the Yeyue Tower to expand rapidly, there will be seven Yeyue Towers in the future, which will be opened in other ancient worlds in the Eternal Realm at the same time.

After stabilizing its position, the Yeyue Tower will finally continue to expand outward.

The grand blueprint in Ye Jin's mind is being perfected bit by bit.

When the Yeyue Tower can be spread throughout the Eternal Realm, then his expansion can be stopped steadily.

"Although busy, at least there is something to do."

Ye Jin was lying on the recliner, leisurely, enjoying this hard-earned leisure time.

At this time, the communication crystal in the ring suddenly lit up.

The smile on Ye Jin's face froze. It was not easy to have a rest for a while, why did someone come to see him again?

He looked helpless and could only take out the communication crystal and inject spiritual energy.

"Boss Ye, is Brother Chen with you?"

The voice of Monk Mingxin came from the communication crystal.

"Together, what's wrong?"

Ye Jin was a little surprised, "He should be in seclusion practicing, why, do you have something to do with him?"

"Indeed, there is something. Recently, there are frequent fleets of demons passing through the Qinglian Realm. Something terrible must have happened. Although these demons have not attacked our Qinglian Realm, their destination is near our Lingtian Realm. We are worried that these demons have some ulterior motives. I hope you can help me contact Brother Chen and ask him to come back. Now there is no backbone in the entire Lingtian Realm!"

Monk Mingxin sighed and said so.

"Demons passing frequently?"

Ye Jin jumped up and was no longer sleepy. He frowned and said, "Okay, don't worry, I will use the intelligence network to explore and see what happened. As for the Realm Master, I will contact him as soon as possible!"

After the contact was cut off, Ye Jin rubbed his eyebrows and felt a little tricky.

Could it be that the Heavenly Demon Clan wants to attack the Lingtian Realm?

But after thinking about it, it shouldn't be the case!

As a newly unified realm, Lingtian Realm has many human patrollers stationed here. If the Heavenly Demon wants to forcibly attack Lingtian Realm, it will cost a lot.

Although wars often occur between the human race and the Heavenly Demon, large-scale wars involving realms are rare at present.

Ye Jin called a servant and ordered him to collect information related to this matter immediately.

And he himself quickly rushed to Ye Chen's residence to inform him of this matter.

The fierce battle with the dragon lasted for three whole days.

Ye Chen was like a god of war who never tires, fighting madly.

From being completely suppressed at the beginning, to later, with the rise and fall of one side, Ye Chen actually gained the upper hand.

Every time the eight-time immortal dragon wanted to rush out, he would be restricted by the chains behind him. He could only stay in a very small area to move. Because of this, he could not completely release the combat power of the eight-time immortal level.

Even so, Ye Chen still spent a lot of effort to defeat him.

"Boy, your fighting power is really strong, beyond my expectation!"

The dragon was covered with wounds after many collisions.

Although these scars were not serious for him, it was a matter of face!

"So, are you still fighting?"

Ye Chen was covered in blood, but the fighting spirit in his eyes did not waver at all.

"No more fighting, you pass the test."

The dragon sneered, "You are getting stronger and stronger, if you continue to fight, I even doubt whether I am still your opponent!"

Ye Chen bowed his hands and clasped his fists, "Thank you."

In theory, although he has the upper hand, the battle is not over yet!

This dragon has not been defeated yet.

So, to a certain extent, he has not passed the test of this level.

However, since the dragon has taken the initiative to surrender, it is better.

Save your energy and attack the next level.

"Congratulations on passing the fourth level test. Next, you will enter the moment of decision! If you continue to go forward, you will get more generous rewards and treasures that are unique in this world! But at the same time, you will face more things, which are more dangerous, and your life will be in danger at any time! If you fail, you will become a pile of dry bones. If you succeed, you... will have the ability to change the world!"

"If you just want to come here to get some good fortune, then after you get the treasures on the first four floors, just leave as if you have never been here, but... once you really step into the fifth floor, things will It’s going to be on another level entirely.”

"With great ability comes great responsibility. I advise you not to rush into this situation before you are fully prepared!"

At this time, the old voice came from the jade slip again.

Ye Chen held the jade slip in his hand, a look of determination flashed across his expression.

Why did I come to enter this tower? Isn't it just to find an answer?

Why does even the person behind Tiange want to fight for this black tower of inheritance? What is it that attracts him?

With such thoughts, Ye Chen naturally wanted to get through the level in one go!

In order to collect this inheritance black tower, I narrowly escaped death. If I can't even explore it to the end, wouldn't my efforts be in vain?

"Of course I choose to continue exploring."

Ye Chen smiled, then turned around and asked the dragon, "What is the reward for completing this level?"

Jiaolong stared at Ye Chen carefully for a while. He did not answer Ye Chen's doubts, but took the initiative to request, "I can tell that you have a strong true dragon blood in your body, as if it came from ancient times. This dragon blood The power is domineering and contains terrifying essence... Can I ask you to give me a drop of dragon blood? "

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