Shinto Dantei

Chapter 1443 The Inherited Card

Ye Chen's pupils shrank slightly, and his brain was gradually receiving such news.

It was indeed so explosive that he could only accept it slowly to prevent his brain from shutting down.

If you follow what Gu Zheng said, it is absolutely correct!

Because of the existence of that giant hand, all living things are eliminated, so in the future, the strongest person in the starry sky will only be immortal seven times.

No one knows who the giant hand comes from and why it wants to clear the starry sky.

Maybe someone in a higher position, right?

So, you feel incredible because you have not reached that height.

Just like you crush a nest of ants to death, to you, this is just a trivial thing, not even worth paying attention to, but to the ants, they have no idea why they are dying, let alone I can't imagine what kind of existence it is that can exterminate myself.

Because this is a dimensionality reduction attack on the level of power!

"As you can see, I relied on that card to survive, but it was also that card that gave me a blessing in disguise and allowed me to come into contact with a higher and broader world. It was because of that card that I survived. Cards, I can grow more and more.”

Gu Zheng said word by word, "After luckily escaping the killing blow of that giant hand, I discovered that the plane I was on before, my tribe, and my race were all wiped out. I almost fell into madness. I I felt that this was simply a joke played by God on me, so I vowed to find out everything about it!”

"This card gave me another identity. With this identity, I joined another organization and mediated among many powerful people. I gradually discovered that the world was bigger than I imagined. I The strong man I have to face is even stronger than I imagined!"

Having said this, Gu Zheng's face was full of seriousness.

Ye Chen had no expression on his face, savoring these words carefully.

Although Gu Zheng said it very easily, Ye Chen knew that there must be a road full of difficulties and dangers, and there would be no recovery!

Will there be a good outcome if you go against that kind of existence?

But Gu Zheng is still willing to do his best for this!

"In the past tens of thousands of years, I have made some achievements, which can be regarded as getting closer to the essence of this world. I founded an academy called Tiandao Academy. I want to do my best to let the world better understand the essence of Tiandao. Only in this way can we continue to contend with such terrifying existences. I replaced resources from that organization and used them to fund Tiandao Academy so that it could grow faster and reach its peak as soon as possible. Unfortunately, my time was too short. It’s simply not enough!”

Speaking of the latter part, Gu Zheng's expression was filled with dissatisfaction.

You can imagine how angry and unwilling he was at this time.

Ye Chen was shocked again.

Tiandao Academy was actually founded by Gu Zheng!

This is the most powerful organization in the human race today!

Tiandao Academy is located in the Jiulong Realm, and the Jiulong Realm is one of the three ninth-level ancient realms of the human race. The power of it is beyond words, and it is enough to shock people.

I didn’t expect that Tiandao Academy actually came from Gu Zheng!

"I want to see Tiandao Academy become stronger with my own eyes. I want Tiandao Academy to cultivate more super strong people. I want that one day in the future, when that terrifying giant hand comes to the world again, our starry sky will be able to resist! "

Gu Zheng roared one after another, and even his originally elegant face became ferocious.

It was enough to witness how angry he was at this moment.

What exaggerated emotions he had in his heart!

When all this reaches its peak, there is no need to describe it, everything will explode directly!

Ye Chen was silent because he didn't know what to say.

All the knowledge he has received now is far beyond the limits of his imagination.

Because of this, he listened silently.

There must be more secrets hidden in it!

The more you understand, the closer you will be to the essence of the world.

"The starry sky we are in is called the Sirius Sky. The Sirius Sky is not the only one. There are other starry skies in the vast universe, and that giant hand comes from a more terrifying world. That world is called 'Heaven' !”

Gu Zheng gradually explained to Ye Chen.

At this moment, he seemed to have become Ye Chen's teacher, teaching him knowledge and solving his doubts!


After hearing this name, Ye Chen's heart trembled slightly.

The so-called Heavenly Court refers to the Heavenly Court. The name simply carries with it a majestic aura.

"Actually, it's easy to understand. If you regard the 'starry sky' as the 'ancient world', then the 'heavenly court' is naturally the 'dao of heaven'. Of course, there are many 'starry skies' under the control of the 'heavenly court', not only our Sirius starry sky, but also All the other stars are included!"

These words were like a sudden enlightenment for Ye Chen.

His mind was shocked, no wonder, that giant hand wanted to sweep across the entire starry sky.

This is just like, in the Qinglian world, Tiandao chose to eliminate all the powerful people at the emperor level every time the era changed.


It's very simple, because he is afraid!

He was afraid that these great emperors who would rise later would threaten his status.

And if you look at it from a small perspective, a large part of the reason why Heaven will purge the creatures in the starry sky may be the same!

Ye Chen nodded, "Sure enough, this world is full of predators of the weak and the strong, let alone the ancient world, even if you look at the entire starry sky, it is the same."

"Yes, there is only one difference. The starry sky will be purged every few hundred thousand years. For the Heavenly Court, this is called the beginning of all things, but for us, this is genocide!" Gu Zheng spoke word by word, his eyes full of hatred, "So, this organization came into being to deal with the resistance of the Heavenly Court together!" "Is it that card that brought you into the organization?" Ye Chen's pupils shrank, and he recalled the scene he had seen before. Just when the terrifying intention of annihilation was about to swallow Gu Zheng, a card landed on his forehead, and the terrifying power released surged wildly, and finally spread to his whole body, completely surrounding him. It was also that card that protected Gu Zheng and allowed him to escape the fate of being purged! "Yes, it was that card!"

Gu Zheng nodded, "It was that card that broadened my horizons and allowed me to enter this mysterious organization. It was also this card that gave me the opportunity to obtain more cultivation resources and allowed me to create a force like the 'Tiandao Academy'. It can be said that since that purge, the meaning of my life has come from this card, and this card is the one that carries the fate of our entire human race and the entire Sirius star system!"

"Brother, from today on, I will pass this card on to you!"

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