Shinto Dantei

Chapter 1446 Brother is gone again

Ye Chen listened quietly, having constructed the entire timeline in his mind.

His brain is running wildly now.

Put together all the news and intelligence that Gu Zheng told him.

Only in this way can he understand all this more clearly.

Judging from Gu Zheng's ability to tie with the strong men of Heaven, he was working in the right direction. The so-called Heaven is just a group of stronger beings. They are not omnipotent gods, and they cannot control the world easily.

As long as you are strong enough, you can even kill them!

"However, Heaven sent more reinforcements and surrounded me to death. Fortunately, I acted as a back-up to keep this consciousness here and continue it. Although I fell in this battle, it also verified my strength. Guess, as long as we continue like this, we will one day be able to counterattack the heaven as mortals!"

Gu Zheng's words were decisive and resounding.

After people listen to it, they can truly feel the vast feeling he expressed!

Only those who truly care about the world can say such words.

"As for why Yunshan attacked the Yu Clan later, it was obvious that he knew that I had a legacy placed in the black tower, and that the black tower was guarded by the Yu Clan. Unexpectedly, it was you who entered the deep world from , took away the black tower."

Gu Zheng said this with emotion, "Perhaps, this is the fate between us!"

"And according to what you said, the reason why Tiange disappeared is probably due to the control of Heavenly Court. Even if he surrenders to Heavenly Court, Heavenly Court will never allow him to expand unscrupulously. After being controlled, Tiange, in a certain sense, They become the lackeys of heaven, so they don’t appear in the starry sky frequently.”

Gu Zheng was indeed the former strongest man in the starry sky and the founder of Tiandao Academy. He saw all of this very thoroughly.

Tiange is now, in all likelihood, the spokesperson of Tianting in the Sirius sky.

On the other side, the demon is also growing stronger, trying to subvert the starry sky!

In comparison, Tang Chuan, one of the three former disciples, insisted on developing Tiandao Academy from beginning to end, which seemed so difficult.

It is easy to go from good to evil, but it is difficult to go from evil to good!


Immediately afterwards, Gu Zheng's body flashed again, and it was obvious that he could no longer hold on.

Ye Chen's eyes couldn't help but flash, he stepped forward and supported Gu Zheng.

"It's okay, I have expected this for a long time. I am really happy to be able to persist until you come and 'fight side by side' with you. It seems that I have returned to the past. Of course, I was sad. I feel it again, but this is all growth!”

Gu Zheng chuckled and waved his hand.

Then, with great difficulty, he took out a card from his arms and handed it into Ye Chen's hand.

"Brother, the existence of this card is top secret. Not even Heaven knows this! After you inherit this card, you must make good use of this identity and play the role of the organization as much as possible to improve yourself and improve yourself. In this starry sky, if you need help, just rush to Tiandao Academy and take the Tiandao Seal, and they will recognize your identity..."

Gu Zheng's voice was difficult, "In Tiandao Academy, there is a secret treasure that I once left behind. Only Tang Chuan knows about it. If... Tang Chuan is no longer here, he will also pass the news to future generations. You can take the Tiandao Seal before Go, he will give you the secret treasure, that is the only help I can provide you!"

"Brother, we may never see each other again this time. When you can conquer heaven one day, you must remember to bring a bottle of wine to my grave and share this good news with me!"

When Gu Zheng said this, his body began to gradually dissipate.

His old face was full of sincerity.

At this moment, Ye Chen was in a daze, as if he saw in him the figure who once fought alongside him.

He has a cheerful and carefree personality, he is kind-hearted, but he always maintains a sincere heart.

"Bye, brother."

Ye Chen walked forward and hugged Gu Zheng again.

This is an embrace that is misplaced in time and space, and it is also an embrace that is separated by two hundred thousand years!

When Gu Zheng's figure completely disappeared, only one card remained in the void.

Ye Chen slowly reached out and took the card.

Along with this, there is also a wolf tooth necklace.

"Brother, one day, I will inherit your legacy and counterattack the heaven!"

Ye Chen held the wolf fang necklace in his hand, with a serious look on his face, "All races in our Sirius Star Sky will never be enslaved by others or wantonly massacred by others! From now on, we will also stand up, and you will let our entire Sirius Star Sky If you straighten your spine again, then in my hands, this spine... will never bend!"

After saying all this, the entire eighth floor began to disappear little by little.

Ye Chen took out the jade slip and wanted to leave a memory, but found that even the jade slip gradually disappeared into nothing.

Half of the entire hall had disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Ye Chen started to walk down.

The seventh floor, the sixth floor, the fifth floor.

When walking from the fifth floor to the fourth floor, Ye Chen did not enter the illusory space again.

I never saw the Huangquan River, the ferry, or the slave again.

Obviously, as the previous slave said, once the black tower of inheritance dissipates, he will disappear between heaven and earth and completely enter reincarnation.

After arriving on the fourth floor, Ye Chen saw Long Yi in his true form, crawling there.

Long Yi was so excited that he couldn't help but say, "Master, you... you succeeded in breaking through!"

"follow me!"

Ye Chen nodded, immediately rode on Long Yi's back, and headed towards

Third floor, second floor, first floor.

It wasn't until he walked out of the black tower of inheritance that Ye Chen felt even more emotional in his heart.

In this black tower, although the time is short, it seems to have gone through as long as a century.

Long Yi's huge figure appeared in the heaven and earth creation cauldron.

"Hey, here comes another big guy!"

When Ghost Hand Medicine Emperor saw this scene, a flash of surprise flashed in his pupils.

Long Yi's aura was huge, and the moment he appeared, it immediately shocked the entire cauldron.

Fortunately, there is another rule guarding this space, so even though Long Yi is strong, he will not suppress the entire audience.

Although Long Yi was injured and his strength was far from reaching its peak, he was still eight times immortal.

Eight levels of immortality, no matter where it is placed, it is an absolute powerhouse!

In this eternal realm, he is a god-like existence.

Wherever he passed, no force could withstand his impact!

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