Shinto Dantei

Chapter 1461 The Tomb of the Qi Family Ancestor

After hearing Ye Chen's words, the woman frowned slightly, then relaxed, "In recent years, many branches of the Ao family have separated and developed independently outside. If you just say that, it will be difficult for me to detect you." Which lineage you come from... It doesn't matter, judging from the aura on your body, you are even better than those geniuses from the younger lineage of the Ao family. As for which branch you come from, it doesn't actually matter. "

Ye Chen was silent because he didn't know what to say.

Even the above sentence was what Xiao Hei told himself.

In fact, what does Ye Chen know about the Ao family?

At first, I just pretended to be the Ao family. Who makes the Ao family always mysterious and the first noble in the endless abyss?

However, after his status rose, he gradually came into contact with the Ao family.

This left Ye Chen confused and didn't know how to continue acting.

As for why his demonic heart has the same aura as the Ao family, Ye Chen is also confused!

The reason why I got involved with the Heavenly Demon is simply because of the ‘Godly Demon’s Disintegration Technique’, but that is just a technique created by the Heavenly Demon. It won’t make me directly become a Heavenly Demon, right?

Could it be related to absorbing the magic sword energy?

Not possible either.

The Demonic Sword Qi only transformed the Chixiao Heavy Sword, but it didn't transform his own body as well, right?

So, what went wrong?

Ye Chen couldn't understand.

And his biggest advantage is that I don’t want to think about things that I can’t understand!

In this case, everything is much simpler.

"Today, nearly half of the Ao family is in the hands of my lineage. I don't care which lineage you come from, you might as well join me. I can give you everything you want, status, glory, cultivation Resources... I can give you everything you want!”

When the woman spoke, her tone was still so calm.

But in the calmness, there is pride!

"Excuse me……"

Ye Chen was silent for a moment, "Who are you?"

He looked serious.

He really didn't know who the other party was.

All I know is that this woman is from the Ao family and seems to have a very good status.

But you have to let me know who you are, right?

You can't just wave your hand and I'll go over there and mess around with you. How embarrassing is that?


The woman was completely speechless. She thought that Ye Chen knew her identity and was talking to him for so long.

After pondering for a moment, she said word by word, "My name is... Ao Sining!"


As soon as the name came out, Ye Chen's pupils shrank suddenly.

Ao Sining!

This name was familiar to him.

The person Zuo Wen has always been thinking about is called 'Si Ning'.

And the woman in front of me is called Ao Sining!

Is it really just a coincidence?

If the person Zuo Wen fell in love with back then was the person in front of her, Ao Sining, then it would be normal for her to deliberately conceal her surname.

Any cultivator who knows something about the Demon Clan will know what the surname ‘Ao’ represents.

This is to say, why Zuo Wen did not die when he chased the Ao family fleet before!

The devil could clearly kill him, but he held back at the last moment.

Originally, Ye Chen thought that these demons were in a hurry and didn't have much to waste.

But really, how long does it take to kill someone? What a waste of time?

It’s nothing more than a single blow!

The reason why Zuo Wen didn't die was probably because of a deeper reason.

If Ao Sining is really Sining, then Zuo Wen's death is excusable.

It all makes sense.

Ao Sining still has feelings for Zuo Wen, so naturally she doesn't want him to die in front of her.

A look of disbelief burst out from Ye Chen's eyes, but he quickly restrained it.

Although these things are just speculations, they are almost inseparable.

You must work hard to hide it, only in this way can you not be noticed by the other party.

They say that demons are very good at understanding people's hearts, but I can't bet on it!

"Ao Sining..."

Ye Chen pondered, pretending to be thinking.

After hearing this, Xiao Hei became a little anxious, "She is actually Ao Sining? The princess of the Ao family is now one of the actual people in power. I heard that she emerged as an absolute genius and controlled most of the power of the Ao family in just a hundred years. , her father is Ao Wei, now the head of the Ao family. Ao Wei was so troubled by his sister's affairs that he simply hid behind the scenes and handed over all the family affairs to his daughter Ao Sining! "

Ye Chen was shocked. He never expected that the woman in front of him was actually one of the actual leaders of the Ao family!

Her father Ao Wei is the head of the Ao family!

Although the Ao family later split, Ao Wei's lineage, that is, Ao Sining, still controls half of the power. No matter where it is placed, it is an absolute giant!

"This time, the tombstone of the ancestors of the Qi family appeared, and all parties came to fight for it, so I came."

Ao Sining looked calm and said, "The rules of the major families are that the older generation cannot interfere, and let us juniors fight for it. Whoever is stronger will naturally own the treasure inside. Others must remember not to interfere!"

"You are very talented, and I don't want to be your enemy, so why don't you join me, and I will let your branch return to the Ao family, and give you a more glorious identity and bloodline!"

Ao Sining said word by word.

'Unfortunately, these are of no use to me. ’ Ye Chen thought this in his heart, but on the surface he clasped his fists slightly, “If the princess is willing to take back my lineage, that will naturally be Ao Chen’s luck!”

"Your name is Ao Chen?"

Ao Sining raised his eyebrows and then said calmly, "Yes, I am very optimistic about your talent. Come and help me! When I completely unify the Ao family in the future, I will definitely take revenge on those traitors one by one!"

Ye Chen took a few steps forward and his tone became familiar, "I dare to ask the princess, the tombstones of the ancestors of the Qi family are here, but... where is the tomb? Shouldn't all treasures be hidden in the tomb? Also, Why are so many demons gathering here?”

"The tombstone is the tomb."

Ao Sining raised his head, looked at the huge tombstone, and said word by word, "This tall tombstone actually contains a strange small plane. This small plane will only be opened when the tombstone is opened at a specific time. …Looking at it now, it should be tomorrow!”


Ye Chen felt a surge of emotion in his heart.

They've been here for so long, aren't they all gathered here, waiting for the tombstone to open the small plane?

And not long after he arrived, he was told that the small plane of the tombstone would be opened the next day.

It's better to come early than to come by chance!

At the same time, Ye Chen also became very interested in the treasures inside.

Even Ao Sining paid so much attention to it and came here personally. You can imagine how many good things are in the tomb of the ancestor of the Qi family!

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