Shinto Dantei

Chapter 1503 The fish takes the bait

Inside the cauldron, after Ye Chen calmed down his emotions, he began to refine the mental power around him.


The mental power in his limbs and bones burst out with a brilliant light, forming a terrifying wave, and began to madly impact the world.

A brilliant golden light began to bloom from Ye Chen's body.

The strength attached to this mental power even exceeded its essence!


The unimaginable sense of terrifying boiling exploded around him and spread in all directions.

The spreading pattern had a mysterious taste. After expanding outward, it was pulled back into the body by a huge attraction.

At this moment, it seemed as if a huge furnace was formed in Ye Chen's body, burning this mental power madly.


Ye Chen could clearly feel that after the mental power was absorbed into his body, it turned into energy and merged into his body.

This was a slow and powerful improvement, which made Ye Chen clearly feel that his realm was improving bit by bit. When it reached a certain level, it would break through the seventh immortality and reach the eighth immortality!

Boom boom boom!

Ye Chen refined the telekinesis at an unimaginable speed.

It must be said that these telekinesis are indeed the best medicine that can help to improve.

No wonder Tiange would try every means to carve these patterns and formations, because the effect of this telekinesis is really terrifying. When absorbed, it can bring people extremely exaggerated improvement, even more effective than any panacea.

No panacea can achieve such an effect as telekinesis.

Of course, the process of obtaining telekinesis is also extremely difficult.

First of all, this formation is not something that everyone can engrave. Even if the formation is engraved, it must attract enough strong people to come.

When these strong people practice in the formation and pursue their desires, telekinesis will grow.

"I have to say that 'Tiange' really has a way."

Ye Chen's eyes became deeper and deeper.

This also strengthened his belief in his heart!

The formation that exists in Lingtian Realm must be found and eradicated!

Otherwise, it will only attract more and more strong people to enter.

For Lingtian Realm, which already lacks high-end combat power, this is a potential crisis in itself.

In addition, the captain of the wanderers who often moves in Lingtian Realm and Eternal Realm is a nine-time immortal.

Although he seems to be very powerful, everything will become simple as long as his realm is upgraded to the eighth immortal!

To put it bluntly, everything is a matter of strength!

As long as one's own strength is strong, everything will be solved!

In this way, seven days and seven nights passed.

The absorption of telekinesis is much slower than the absorption of other spiritual energy.

Because this is another kind of power, and it is not pure, mixed with human greed and desire. When refining, this negative emotion must be cleared up. Only in this way can it be successfully absorbed.

Therefore, Ye Chen took so long.


Accompanied by a wave of air rising into the sky, Ye Chen finally reached the state of eight times immortal.

Eight times immortal!

Ye Chen was very excited, and felt that there was infinite power in his fists.

The understanding of the essence of this world has also become more profound.

Not only this sky, but also the rules of the world and the growth of all things.

All of this is based on the essence.

When you understand the essence more and more, your strength will also be enhanced to a stronger level.

To be honest, even Ye Chen himself never thought that the realm would be improved so quickly along the way.

It can only be said that there are too many opportunities and fortunes in this huge starry sky.

"There is still a part of the mind power left. Although it is only a small part, it should be enough to attract wanderers!"

Ye Chen raised his hand and saw a group of invisible energy surging on it.

This energy has no substantial shape and is held in his hand.

"As that guy said before, the black lines on the wanderer's forehead will react to this mind power, so these mind powers must be enough."

A strong excitement flashed in Ye Chen's eyes.

Then, he left the cauldron and took the flying boat to rush towards the Lingtian Realm.

Ye Chen knew that he had a strong realm and terrifying combat power, so he should have no problem challenging the enemy of higher level!

But the key point was that the strong man of the ninth immortal level, apart from the existence of the Creation Realm, had already stood at the top.

It was hard to say whether he could easily defeat the strongest man as usual!

It didn't take long for the flying boat to reach the Lingtian Realm.

Ye Chen did not choose to stay in any ancient realm, but flew around with his telekinesis.

In the Lingtian Realm, on a small plane mixed in many ancient realms, there stood a phantom whose whole body was completely integrated into the darkness. He looked at the direction where Ye Chen left with his eyes, and frowned.

"Why does Ye Chen have such a strong telekinetic aura!"

The figure frowned, as if thinking. "Could it be that the formation here was exposed, and the mental power inside was swallowed up by him? No, it shouldn't be. He has no means to break the formation. How can he plunder the mental power!"

Since this small plane is surrounded by huge ancient worlds, its existence has not attracted anyone's attention.

It is precisely because of this that this small plane can continue to exist.

As for those wanderers, they obviously regard this small plane as a temporary residence.

There are no resources here and the environment is relatively harsh, so no real strong people will land on this small plane on weekdays. Apart from these, the surrounding ancient world has a strong aura, and the auras of these wanderers themselves are also well concealed.

Under various conditions, this happened to be their safest place to stay.


At this moment, a figure came quickly.

He couldn't help but said in a deep voice, "Captain, I couldn't contact Lao Wu just now. No matter how I called, there was no response. I tried to sense his life breath and found... nothing. Something must have happened to him!"

When the black figure heard this, a look of shock flashed across his brows.

"Lao Wu is always cautious, and our current mission is to hibernate, so he will never show up rashly. Could the reason why the aura around him disappear have something to do with Ye Chen?"

The black figure raised his gaze again and landed in the direction Ye Chen was walking away from.

He clenched his fists slightly, and a fierce meaning suddenly flashed in his increasingly calm eyes!

"Captain, what should we do now?"

The man gritted his teeth.

"When Ye Chen passed by here earlier, I noticed the strong aura of telepathy on his body. The disappearance of Lao Wu should be related to him... So, chase after me, find an uninhabited place, and capture him first. live!"

The black figure's voice was cold.

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