Shinto Dantei

Chapter 1560 Just a cauldron (5 updates)

"Why, are there problems with all these treasures?" Zuo Wen reacted quickly, and he heard a lot of meaning from Ye Chen's words. Ye Chen has always been a reliable person, and he must be fully confident in what he says. Otherwise, he would not be aimless. "There are problems, and big problems." Ye Chen showed a sneer, "Brother Zuo, your cheap father has bad intentions!" Then, Ye Chen pointed out the reasons why these treasures were incomplete. And his guess about the 'Nine Changes of the Heavenly Dragon'. When Ye Chen said that the main practice of the 'Nine Changes of the Heavenly Dragon' could devour the secondary practice, Zuo Wen's face suddenly changed. He didn't expect that things would turn out like this! "According to what you said, the first seven children of Emperor Tianfu were all..." Zuo Wen's voice was a little hoarse, and he felt that this kind of thing was really incredible. Could it be that the reason why the first seven princes and princesses died inexplicably over the years was because they practiced the 'Nine Changes of the Heavenly Dragon'? When they succeed in their practice, they will be devoured by Emperor Tianfu! In this way, he can enhance his own strength.

But there is one thing that Zuo Wen really can't understand.

Why can Emperor Tianfu be so vicious?

Does he really not even let his own children go?

Back then, the eldest prince was ambushed because he was chasing the demons, fighting all the way, and finally died on the battlefield due to exhaustion.

And Emperor Tianfu, because of mental stimulation, broke the shackles that had troubled him for five thousand years, rushed to the realm of creation, and killed all the demons involved in the battle.

Here, there is the first doubt.

Simple mental stimulation can indeed improve the realm.

But the probability of this is very small.

From today's perspective, Emperor Tianfu obviously devoured the eldest prince!

At that time, the eldest prince was simply a super genius, and his combat power was promoted all the way to the level of nine immortals.

Everyone said that he would take over the position of Emperor Tianfu in the future.

As for later, every once in a while, there would be princes and princesses who died in accidents.

One after another, even the intervals were very regular.

Now it seems that Emperor Tianfu is simply inhumane!

This kind of thing is no longer something a human can do.

The beast didn't kill his own son, he is even worse than the beast!

"So, you mean, he has set his sights on me?"

Zuo Wen's scalp numbed. Before coming here, he originally wanted to practice this technique in the palace first. After all, this technique is well-known, and I don't know how many people are crazy about it.

'Nine Changes of the Dragon' is very powerful.

At the beginning, those princes relied on this set of techniques to kill people all over the world.

Many people are envious of this.

However, this is a technique inherited by the royal family, and it is not passed on to others at all.

Now that this technique has fallen into my hands, it is impossible not to be tempted.

Fortunately, I was not very adapted to the environment of the imperial city at that time, so I didn't practice it immediately.

Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous!

"Huh." Zuo Wen took a deep breath and then smiled bitterly, "I really didn't expect that things would be like this. The reason why he was so excited to see me return was probably because he thought that another genius could be absorbed by him!" There was a sense of absurdity when he said this. Absorb, genius... to strengthen himself. It's ridiculous. Zuo Wen has lived for so many years and has never seen such a thing. Not to mention, the one absorbed was his own son! "However, you have to be careful. Since the old man has a way to teach you this technique, he can naturally detect whether you have practiced it. So, in the next period of time, you should go to the imperial city less and stay in Tiandao Academy more!" Ye Chen said seriously. "Okay." Zuo Wen nodded. He also knew that this matter could be concealed in the early stage, but it could not be concealed forever. There was no way, so he could only conceal it for as long as he could. A year passed quietly. During this year, Emperor Tianfu never summoned Zuo Wen again. Zuo Wen was also happy and comfortable with this. Of course, this can also show from the side that Emperor Tianfu may not love the Ninth Prince who has been missing for many years as much as imagined.

The reason for all kinds of searches is nothing more than to find another cauldron that can be swallowed and absorbed.

Zuo Wen put all his time into the cultivation of Tiandao Academy. He followed Fan Heng and practiced again.

His purpose is to rush to the ninth immortality.

As for Ye Chen, he practiced more diligently.

He also has a strong desire for the ninth immortality.

Now, the first person on the Tianjiao list is always around, and he knows that the peaceful life will not last too long.

One day, Ye Chen suddenly felt the communication crystal in the ring glowing.

He immersed his consciousness in it, and heard an anxious voice from inside, "Brother Chen, there are a total of three ancient realms in my Lingtian Realm that have been invaded by the demons, and there are heavy casualties..."

The person who spoke was Wei Zelong.

"Demon?" Ye Chen raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice, "Xiaolong, are you sure it was a demon? Did you see it with your own eyes?" Since the human race and the demons reached a ceasefire agreement, the demons should not be able to invade the human race. "No, I have never seen it, but... the remaining aura at the scene and many means can prove that the one who attacked was a demon!"

Wei Zelong said, "Moreover, they left traces at the scene, saying that in another month they will directly attack the Qinglian Realm and will completely destroy us!"

"It may not be the demon, but it may be the wanderers of Tiange who want to sow discord."

Ye Chen looked calm, "As for their talk of attacking the Qinglian Realm, there is no need to take it too seriously. The wanderer now only dares to move cautiously and never dares to move on a large scale. He is also afraid of attracting encirclement and suppression!"


Wei Zelong nodded. With Ye Chen's words, he was relieved.

After cutting off contact, Ye Chen couldn't help but sneer.

It seems that wanderers are not all fools.

They were afraid that they wanted to use this move to lure them to Qinglian Realm.

And they will definitely ambush you halfway!

He stayed in Tiandao Academy all the time, and they didn't even have a chance to take action.

But once he leaves Tiandao Academy, the opportunity will come.

"I will not leave until I achieve nine times immortality."

Ye Chen put away the communication crystal and showed a faint smile.

If you have the ability, come to Tiandao Academy and kill me!

"Brother Ye."

At this time, Zuo Wen's voice came from outside, "That eunuch Danian is here again, but he is outside the courtyard now, and I didn't let him in. Seeing what he meant, he wanted to take me back to the palace!"

Ye Chen was stunned and quickly walked out of the room.

Outside, Zuo Wen frowned, a little worried.

"Come on, come with me to find him."

Ye Chen smiled.

This is the Tiandao Academy. There are so many powerful people in charge. Are you afraid that a single eunuch will overturn the world?

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