Shinto Dantei

Chapter 1568 The Throne Ceremony

After hearing this, the prime minister's expression softened slightly.

There is really nothing wrong with this rhetoric. No matter from any angle, it seems very normal.

Many things have been thought of and there are no loopholes.

This is what Emperor Tianfu came up with after taking over Yingchen's body.


If you look at it this way, Yingchen's process of inheriting the throne seems reasonable and reasonable.

In addition, with Danian watching from the beginning to the end, it is absolutely impossible to fake it.

Danian, the chief eunuch, has been serving Emperor Tianfu since he was a child. He almost grew up beside Emperor Tianfu. His loyalty to Emperor Tianfu is almost unparalleled by anyone in the world.

Although the realm is the same and the combat power is almost the same, Danian has always positioned himself very accurately.

Without Emperor Tianfu, I would not be where I am today!

If he hadn't cultivated himself like that back then, how could he have achieved what he has achieved today?

Even though Yingchen is the son of Emperor Tianfu and the only heir to the Tianhua Dynasty, Danian is not too respectful to him. Except for Emperor Tianfu, no one can make him surrender willingly.

Therefore, with the testimony of Da Nian, there is no problem in this matter.

"I want to see the remains of the late emperor."

The prime minister hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't help but say.

"You're going too far."

Danian's originally gloomy expression gradually became a little condensed, especially his cold eyes, which gave off a gleam of light and coldness that made people want to tremble after looking at him.

This is the oppression brought by the strong ones in the Creation Realm!

In front of the big year, even these powerful officials did not dare to go beyond the slightest.

In terms of combat power, they are no match for Danian.

"The late emperor has left, and his remains have long been placed in the coffin. How can you see it if you want? This is a great disrespect to the late emperor, so... whoever dares to go beyond this matter will... die!" "

Danian's voice was cold and he insisted on this matter, leaving absolutely no room for negotiation.

The prime minister also came to his senses and felt that his move was indeed a bit too abrupt.

No matter when, it is impossible for the ministers to be qualified to see the remains of the late emperor.

His previous words were indeed a bit excessive.

"I was a little careless."

The prime minister lowered his head.

After such a series of exchanges and confrontations, the prime minister's goal was not achieved at all.

They gathered outside and had no reason.

In fact, what they are really worried about is not the question of who is the emperor, Emperor Tianfu or Yingchen.

Every emperor has his own trusted team. People like him were not close to Yingchen before. What if he becomes the emperor and his faction is liquidated in the court?

There are records in history that after many emperors ascended the throne, they would massacre the veterans who the previous emperor relied on.

This is what it means to be an emperor and a courtier!

Especially the prime minister, who was the first to take the lead. If the new emperor wanted to settle accounts with them, he would definitely be the first to be pushed out, so he tried his best to find out about this matter.

I want to see how Yi Yingchen rises to power, and at the same time, I want to gain more power for myself.

After all, no one is a saint.

"Everyone, your Majesty's enthronement ceremony will be held in a few days. You should go back and prepare well."

Danian waved his hand, it looked like he wanted to see off the guests.

Suddenly, many powerful ministers looked at me and I looked at you.

They all focused their attention on the Prime Minister.

The prime minister sighed deeply and waved his hands, "The new His Majesty has ascended the throne. We must continue to assist the new Majesty. Our existence is for the Tianhua Dynasty and the country!"

"Let's go!"

Following the prime minister's words, many powerful ministers resigned one by one.

A flash of light flashed in Danian's eyes. He turned around and walked into the palace. He said to Yingchen behind the door, "Your Majesty, these people are really interesting. They are obviously afraid that their status will not be guaranteed, but they still have to pretend to be for Your Majesty." The look of justice!"

The corner of Yingchen's mouth raised a hint of curvature, "Fortunately, this prime minister is not my confidant, but I have kept him for so many years because he doesn't like to toss and just wants to keep his duty." Jiye, such a person is capable, has no ambition, and is the easiest to control! This time, he came to worship on the surface, but actually he wanted to test my new emperor's attitude towards them, so , I simply stay behind closed doors!"

"Then what do you think, Your Majesty?"

Danian continued to ask.

"These people don't have the courage to rebel. They used it very smoothly back then. Let's continue to use it in the future! They are still the same old team and they don't need time to adapt."

Yingchen smiled lightly. Now, after getting rid of that dilapidated body, his ambitions are growing day by day.

But, he had to wait and be patient!

Although I have made some progress in my realm now, after all, I am still just entering the realm of creation for the first time.

There is still a big gap between the realm of the body of the 'Tianfu Emperor'.

"Pass my order. Tomorrow I will go to court for the first time, and all civil and military officials will come!"

"I want to meet them for the first time in this body!"

"Also, in three days, I will hold a coronation ceremony in the imperial city. You use my handwriting to invite powerful people to come, and Zuo Wen! You go alone to inform him that I will face everyone in the world. He gives a reward!"

Every order Yingchen gave was executed vigorously and resolutely.

It’s still the same feeling as before!

Danian nodded, "Yes, Your Majesty."

"Zuo Wen is currently the only cauldron that is suitable for me to absorb and devour. It is also an opportunity for me to break through to the Great Creation Realm! Therefore, I will not only reward him, but also give him a lot of cultivation resources to help him break through!"

A look of indifference flashed in Yingchen's eyes.

"As long as he can break through and reach the small level of creation, after I devour him, there is a 99% chance of breaking through the current constraints and reaching the level of creation! At that time, who else will be in the entire Jiulong world? Can you resist my sweep?"

Yingchen's words were extremely exciting.

The passion and ambition are like the waves rushing!

Danian nodded, his expression always calm.

He is actually very smart, knows a lot, and understands a lot, but he never talks too much.

Especially when it comes to His Majesty's orders, even if he has opinions, he will not speak out.

This is the way to behave!

Whatever your identity is, you will occupy your position.

Don't do anything beyond your reach.

"The reason why I reward him is to win people's hearts. I want the whole world to know that even if he is my younger brother who once competed with me for the position of prince, I will not regard him as a threat at all and will still support him. This is how It’s my heart!”

Yingchen stood with his hands behind his back, looking calm.

He only felt that a complete and grand blueprint was being formed in his mind.

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