Shinto Dantei

Chapter 1705 Target Qinglian Realm

The reason why the two of them followed was that they were still worried.

After all, this original dragon energy is a treasure that can rewrite the fate of the entire starry sky. If you don't follow it personally, who dares to let him go? If something goes wrong along the way, who can bear the responsibility?

You know, there is only one source of dragon energy that can make Sirius Star Sky rise!

Once you miss it, you will never have it again.

Therefore, everyone should be very cautious about this!

The two of them followed behind while guessing the direction in which the original dragon energy was going.

"It seems that they are rushing towards the edge of our human race's command..."

Gu Lingmu was the first to narrow his eyes, "This is normal. The original dragon energy starts from the other side, takes the edge of the handover between the human race and the demon race as the halfway point, and then circles back to the starting point. This should be the case!"

"not necessarily!"

However, Tang Chuan shook his head and said that he did not think so.

"Then...what does the dean mean?"

Lonely Mu was a little confused. Could it be that Tang Chuan had some guesses?

"Look carefully, if you deduce the direction of the original dragon energy in person, you will find that he is heading towards a certain realm. It is a straight path from beginning to end, and he does not even think about wandering around! "

Tang Chuan said word by word, "And the realm he rushed to is called the Lingtian realm!"

"Lingtian Realm?"

Lonely Wood hesitated for a moment, only feeling that it sounded familiar.

Suddenly, he remembered!

Isn't the Lingtian Realm the fastest growing realm in the starry sky in recent years?

"Moreover, if you deduce the direction carefully, you will find that this original dragon energy has only one destination from beginning to end, and that is... the Green Lotus Realm in the Lingtian Realm!"

A flash of light flashed in Tang Chuan's eyes, and he said word by word, "We are completely flying towards the Qinglian Realm. There is no deviation in the journey. If we continue to go, we will eventually fall directly into the Qinglian Realm." middle!"


Gu Lingmu shook his head, "Even if the Qinglian world is a newly promoted ninth-level ancient world, even if the Qinglian world is very powerful and has as many strong men as the clouds, it is impossible to monopolize this original dragon energy, right? You have to know that this original dragon energy represents Such a huge aura, once he falls, it will probably make the entire ancient world reach a higher level!"

At the end of the sentence, Lonely Wood's pupils suddenly shrank, as if he had thought of something, " mean, could it be..."

Tang Chuan nodded and said, "Once upon a time, my master left me a prophecy. I didn't know what it meant at the time, but now, I understand. That prophecy is... the dragon's energy will emerge, and the ancient world will rise! Jiunai Jishu , and then it’s ten!”

Lonely Mu repeated these words, and suddenly he was shocked, "You mean, with the nourishment of the original dragon energy, the Qinglian Realm can change from the ninth level ancient world to the tenth level?"

This surprise is no small matter.

For the entire starry sky, level nine is the strongest level!

The ninth-level ancient world is already the strongest!

If Qinglian Realm can surpass the ninth level and reach the tenth level, it can be said that it will be the only one in the entire Sirius Sky!

No one dares to guess how strong the tenth level ancient world can be!

But, maybe to a certain extent, it can be compared to heaven!

"Tenth level ancient world!"

Lonely Wood was horrified, "Dean, you didn't lie to me, did you? Is there really such an ancient world?"

"Yes, after the appearance of the tenth-level ancient world, maybe our entire Sirius Sky will turn around!"

Tang Chuan sighed, his eyes full of memories and emotions, "I never thought that a prophecy left by the master could accurately calculate the current situation! If this original dragon energy turns out to be what I thought it would be , all fell into the Qinglian Realm, it can only be said that the Qinglian Realm is a place where everyone wants to return! "

"hope so!"

Lonely Mu was silent for a while and nodded slightly.

Only in this way can Sirius Starry Sky have the capital to fight against Heaven!

It is simply impossible to try to make the entire starry sky reach the level of heaven.

The gap during this period is really too big.

But if we use the power of the entire starry sky, it is not difficult to make one of the ancient worlds reach the level of heaven!

The original dragon energy might really be able to do it.

Therefore, they are betting on this possibility!

Along the way, the two of them followed the original dragon energy and moved forward.

As expected, this original dragon energy passed through many realms and continued to move forward.

The direction to go is becoming increasingly clear.

The two took a deep breath and basically calculated the direction where the original dragon energy would go.

Almost as close as ten!

In the following days, the original dragon energy continued to wander in the starry sky.

Many realms and ancient realms have begun to improve as a whole due to the arrival of the original dragon energy!

In the ancient world, the spiritual energy contained within becomes increasingly powerful.

Many treasures of heaven and earth are born.

Wherever the light shines, even in the deserted mountains and swamps, a green shade grows again!

This is the original dragon energy, the original dragon energy that can bring all hope!

Soon, the original dragon energy passed through the Eternal Realm adjacent to the Lingtian Realm. After nourishing many ancient realms, it finally entered the Lingtian Realm.

" this the Lingtian realm? I can't believe it!"

Lonely Wood walked in the starry sky, looking at the flying boats coming and going, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes.

I remember that the last time I came here, it was still dead quiet. There was usually not much communication between the ancient world and the ancient world, and they couldn't be so connected at all. Now, it's completely different!

Many strong men flew back and forth.

Flying boats and warships constantly transport treasures and practitioners.

The whole scene of prosperity!

The original dragon energy is something that ordinary cultivators like them cannot see at all.

To them, everything around them is normal.

And this original dragon energy, after crossing many ancient worlds, finally flew straight towards the Qinglian world!

Just like that, the original dragon energy turned into a brilliant light, which was injected into the Qinglian world bit by bit, instantly surrounding the huge Qinglian world, forming a huge light ball visible to the naked eye.

Under the nourishment of this original dragon energy, the Qinglian world began to vibrate.


The huge ancient world began to tremble continuously, and terrifying power burst out from it, blooming everywhere.

Under the witness of these two people, the Qinglian world began to evolve again!

First of all, the entire ancient world expanded again. The already large diameter expanded by one-half, making it appear more terrifying and vast. From a distance, the aura was even more terrifying!

Secondly, the rich spiritual energy has been integrated with the spiritual energy of Qinglian Realm itself.

It is equivalent to saying that all the remaining energy of the original dragon energy has been used to improve the Qinglian world!

Not a single bit is wasted.

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