Shinto Dantei

Chapter 2241 Being Targeted

Great horror?

This great terror must have come from the Chu Dynasty!

The magical power of time can see things that happened in the past, but things in the future have not happened yet and can be changed. Ye Chen doesn't care much about this.

Ye Chen didn't care about what danger he would encounter next. He said to the magical pill: "Then leave here first. But you always show this magical power of time in front of me. If you don't tell me why, it will be difficult for me to learn it. !”

Shen Tong Dan doesn't know how to teach. It's just that the spiritual elixir has just been born. As for how to teach, it can only follow its own way.

It is now a little afraid of Ye Chen. If it cannot teach Ye Chen the magical power of time, it may swallow him directly!

"I will find a way to teach you well. Don't worry, I will definitely teach you all my magical powers."

Shen Tong Dan quickly stated that it didn't know what kind of power Ye Chen had in him. He had obviously been hiding in the past and future, but he would always be found by the mysterious power in him, leaving him nowhere to go. Tibetan.

Ye Chen also knew that he couldn't be in a hurry to learn magical powers. At this moment, his eyes had already fallen on the group of black-armored guards in front of him.

Twenty black-armored guards, each of them fell into extreme panic.

Just now, the Heavenly Creation Cauldron ushered in a catastrophe. When the catastrophe came, the power that exploded was simply unimaginable for them!

That elixir is also very magical. According to Ye Chen's words, it can be concluded that this is a ninth-grade magical elixir. After swallowing it, all kinds of incredible magical powers can be born!

They all wanted to obtain such a heaven-defying elixir, but when they thought of their own strength, they all stopped!

Not only that, it was no longer a matter of snatching the pill from Ye Chen's hand. Facing Ye Chen in front of them, they only felt that the fire of their lives was swaying rapidly, as if they might perish at any time!

"Let us go, we are willing to surrender to you!"

The captain of the black armored guard knelt half-kneeling on the ground. If he didn't show his surrender now, he might not have any chance to surrender.

When Ye Chen heard this, he couldn't help but laugh, "Let you go? You have already been imprinted on your bodies, how can I let you go?"

Since it is the great terror mentioned by Shen Tong Dan, it must be the great terror.

If it sees its own death, then it will definitely be in danger, so it will tell itself to leave.

Ye Chen did not allow any danger to surround him now. At this moment, the power of the field spread out from his body and instantly enveloped the twenty black-armored guards.

Immediately afterwards, the power of the field circulated, and they felt that this power was like a millstone, trying to wipe out their lives.

At the critical moment of life and death, fear was written on all the faces. They knew that they could not change Ye Chen's inner thoughts. In an instant, almost everyone began to use the magical power of reincarnation!

"Ye Chen, just wait for me. When I come back, I will never let you go!"

The captain of the black armored guard even yelled angrily.

Above his head, a dark black hole appeared, trying to guide his soul to step into the black hole.

In the field, there was a howling wind, sand and dust filled the air, and the gloomy air filled the space, turning the place into a hell.

Vaguely, there were Yin soldiers in armor walking in the sand. They were here to lead these strong men who had used the magical power of reincarnation into reincarnation.

Ye Chen has long been accustomed to this. The Yin soldiers lead the strong man who has used the magical power of reincarnation into reincarnation?

The field and the big world are two completely different worlds. These Yin soldiers can't even imagine setting foot in this field!

When the black-armored guards in the field used the magical power of reincarnation, they found that the magical power of reincarnation had not worked for a long time!

"Can you stop the reincarnation of others?"

The captain of the Black Armored Guard stared at Ye Chen in disbelief. He could block the reincarnation of others. How could this method appear on an ant in the Five Tribulations Reincarnation Realm?

He is a strong man in the Seven Tribulations Reincarnation Realm. In his field, he was forced to perform Reincarnation, but in the end he couldn't even enter the passage of Reincarnation!

"Is this difficult?"

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Now I will send you to rest in peace!"

As the voice fell, the power of the field intensified, acting on the twenty black-armored guards. The fresh lives were being harvested rapidly. After their death, all the energy and spirit left in their bodies were filled. In Ye Chen's field, Ye Chen removed the impurities and absorbed the purest energy into his body.

Not long after, nineteen experts in the Six Tribulations Reincarnation Realm and one powerful man in the Seven Tribulations Reincarnation Realm died completely in Ye Chen's field!

"Today, I am not afraid to face the strong men in the Seven Tribulations Reincarnation Realm!"

After killing this being in the Seven Tribulations Reincarnation Realm, Ye Chen was full of confidence.

With the cultivation level of the Five Tribulations Reincarnation Realm, he can defeat the strong men of the Seven Tribulations Reincarnation Realm. This has already crossed two realms!

This self-cultivation method of heaven and earth is really good!

Just when Ye Chen was full of confidence, the gloomy sand still enveloped his field. Vaguely, Ye Chen seemed to see a pair of eyes that covered the sky and looked at him. After passing through the barrier of this field, his eyes fell directly on him, making Ye Chen shiver involuntarily.

what happened?

No matter how carefully Ye Chen sensed it, he found nothing unusual. The yellow sand disappeared without a trace at this time, and the Yin Qi seemed to have never appeared before. Everything returned to normal!

But Ye Chen couldn't calm down in his heart for a long time. When the power of the field was used to block the reincarnation of others, nothing like this had ever happened!

"Sister, am I being targeted?"

Ye Chen quickly asked the mysterious woman in the heaven and earth fortune cauldron, what is this magical power of reincarnation about?

After casting it, some Yin soldiers took advantage of it and personally went to the strong men who had cast Reincarnation to guide them into reincarnation. Is there really another underworld in this world?

The mysterious woman did not respond at this moment, and Ye Chen shouted again: "Sister?"

"How can I be in the realm of reincarnation of five calamities and qualified to be targeted by those creatures? Practice well and don't disturb me if you have nothing to do!"

The mysterious woman said angrily.

Ye Chen was a little embarrassed, but what was going on with that feeling of being watched just now?

This can't be my illusion!

He had heard that blocking the reincarnation of others would lead to inexplicable terror. He had already blocked the reincarnation of many people. This time, when twenty people were using their magical powers of reincarnation, he still blocked them. He might really be being targeted. Maybe!

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