Shinto Dantei

Chapter 2460 No scruples

The Gale Dynasty is one of the most loyal vassal states in the Great Qin Empire. If the Gale Dynasty is betrayed, it will be detrimental to the rule of the Great Qin Empire!

"Haha, do you really think that the rise of the Great Chu Dynasty only threatens our Great Qin Empire?"

Qin Xiong looked at Chen Ao in front of him and saw that the other party was assuming such a high profile. He shook his head repeatedly and said: "You may not know the strength of the Chu Dynasty, but I can tell you clearly that in the current situation, Cangxingtian, even if Lanyue Holy Land takes action personally, it will not be able to deal with the Great Chu Dynasty. Now our Great Qin Empire is uniting with you to find a way out, but your Dafeng Empire is still obsessed with a Gale Dynasty. It is simply ridiculous. Short-sighted!”

When Chen Ao heard this, his face instantly darkened, "Qin Xiong, is this your negotiating posture?"

Qin Xiong sneered: "It's your Dafeng Empire that doesn't have any sincerity!"

Chen Ao was too lazy to argue anymore, he said: "Hand over the Dafeng Dynasty, and then cede Chu, Qi and South Korea to our Dafeng Empire. Otherwise, our Dafeng Empire will not unite with your Great Qin Empire!"

Just when the negotiation was about to fail, a sinister laughter suddenly reached everyone's ears: "Haha, you are discussing the ownership of our Great Chu Dynasty like this, and you are not putting our Great Chu Dynasty at all." In my eyes!"

When this voice reached everyone's ears, everyone's face changed drastically!

As this voice reached everyone's ears, the shadow of death instantly fell on the negotiation hall.

But everyone who is in this hall, under the pressure of this momentum, can only feel that the fire of their life is swaying.

The owner of this voice is too terrifying. He has not yet appeared. Just a voice makes them feel the threat of death. What is his true cultivation level?

Qin Xiong and Chen Ao are both at the Eight Tribulations Reincarnation Realm. Looking at Cangxingtian, they are definitely one of the few strong men.

However, the two of them are no different from ants now.

A voice blocked the space where they were, and the owner of the voice brought great terror to them, making all the practitioners involved in the negotiations panic.

"The Great Chu Dynasty is getting more and more excessive. As one of the vassal states under the jurisdiction of our Great Qin Empire, you actually want to offend the following?"

Qin Xiong endured the pressure and scolded angrily.

He had known for a long time that the Great Chu Dynasty was no longer under the jurisdiction of their Great Qin Empire. He shouted such words at this time mainly because of his own identity.

No matter how the Great Chu Dynasty rebelled, its status as a vassal state of the Great Qin Empire could not be changed.

As they exist, they have a natural sense of superiority when facing these vassal states.

But after he said these words, his arms suddenly fell from his shoulders. As the blood sprayed, another toxin spread in his wound. However, in an instant, his wound festered and became thick. The stench filled the entire room, and anyone who smelled the stench only felt dizzy.

That's extremely poisonous!

Everyone reacted. At this moment, it seemed that Qin Xiong had suffered great trauma. They did not suffer any harm, but with the stench coming, they were not immune!


For practitioners, ordinary poisons have no effect at all.

To be able to raise their cultivation to the realm of reincarnation, their bodies have been tempered and their souls have been cleansed. Ordinary poisons will not have any impact on them at all.

But now, just the toxin produced by a strong man's festering wound makes them feel the threat of death. Do they really have any way to deal with such a being?

"Great Chu Dynasty, are you not afraid that the cavalry of my Great Qin Empire will break through your city walls and kill all your people?"

Qin Xiong felt his current situation, but the pain was ignored by him.

As the negotiator of the Great Qin Empire, now is not the time to worry about pain!

He represents the Great Qin Empire, and he must not lose the face of the Great Qin Empire at any time!

However, just as he said these words, a black mist suddenly appeared in the hall where the negotiations were taking place.

Immediately afterwards, the black mist transformed into a middle-aged man with a sinister face, who was none other than the Great Ancestor of Chu!

As soon as the Great Ancestor of Chu appeared, Qin Xiong began to feel fear in his heart.

He knew the Great Chu Patriarch. After the incident in the Great Chu Dynasty, the senior officials of the Great Qin Empire studied the portraits of the Great Chu Patriarch almost every day.

No one can figure out why the strength of the ancestor of Great Chu, who was supposed to be dead, rose to such a terrifying level.

He sacrificed blood to the Chu Dynasty and suddenly raised his cultivation to the realm of immortality. This was all too sudden. With the strength and resources of the Chu Dynasty, there was simply no power to push him to such a realm, but he still set foot on it. When he arrived at the legendary realm of immortality, how did he reach this realm?

"Are you confused by this emperor's fright?"

As soon as the ancestor of Great Chu appeared, he stared at Qin Xiong with a joking face, "I have already sacrificed blood to the Great Chu Dynasty. How can you kill any citizens of the current Great Chu Dynasty?"

He shook his head slightly and said: "As for the cavalry of your Great Qin Empire breaking through the city wall of my Great Chu Dynasty, is it worthy of your Great Qin Empire's strength?"


This is naked contempt!

The previous Great Chu Dynasty was really vulnerable to the Great Qin Empire. As long as the Great Qin Empire was willing, the Great Chu Dynasty would be wiped out in an instant.

But now the Great Chu Dynasty has grown into a behemoth. Even if the Great Qin Empire is deployed in full force, I am afraid it will not be able to have any impact on the Great Chu Dynasty!

"I have nothing to do with the Dafeng Empire in any of this. If you don't want the Dafeng Empire and the Daqin Empire to jointly deal with you, let me leave now!"

Beside, Chen Ao suddenly spoke.

He was already dizzy. The poison was too overbearing and was simply not something he could bear.

He suspected that if he continued to stay here, he might not need the Great Chu Ancestor to take action against him. The poison here alone could take away his life!

"What's wrong with you? You are here to discuss how to deal with our Great Chu Dynasty. Now that this emperor has come here, you have said such words to threaten me. Do you really think that the Great Feng Empire is taken seriously by me? Is it inside?”

The amusement on Grand Ancestor Da Chu’s face remained the same.

Ever since the Great Chu Dynasty was sacrificed by him, he might have been wary of the Great Qin Empire and the Great Feng Empire at first, but as time went by, he no longer had any worries.

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