Shinto Dantei

Chapter 2498 Ancestor who has lost his use value

Jia San, one of the defenders close to this place, his true form is the evil devil, and he is a clone of the evil devil.

Jia San is just his title, his real name is not known even by the Great Chu Ancestor.

When Jia San heard this order, he did not carry out the order of the Great Chu Ancestor. Instead, he refused: "Jia 1 and Jia 2 are already dead. If I take the initiative to show up now, the ending will not be much better!"

The Great Ancestor of Chu was slightly stunned.

These defenders didn't listen to his orders?

"Have you forgotten your identities? Without the help of my ancestor, you would not have been able to come to this world. In exchange, all of you clones who have come here have to obey my orders. Now how dare you Disobey my order, don’t you want to come?”

Grand Ancestor Da Chu’s face was filled with anger.

Under the current situation, these defenders actually disobeyed his orders, which made him unbearable!

If all the defenders take action at this moment, these cultivators from the Immortal Realm in front of them will not be able to pose any threat to them!

"Ancestor Great Chu, if our true deity does not come, do you think your Great Chu Dynasty has the strength to resist them?"

Jia San smiled, but he did not show up.

Hiding yourself in that formation is the safest way.

If you show up at this time, you will definitely die!

But hiding in the formation, the situation is different.

As long as he stays within the range of this formation, no one else can find him.

If these formation breakers want to attack this formation, the power of all the defenders will be merged together to intercept all attacks!

Upon hearing this, the Great Chu Patriarch's expression became even more ugly.

He has not set foot on the scene yet. If A3 and other defenders are willing to help, he will naturally go directly to fight.

But now that these formation breakers are unwilling to help, if we deal with those formation breakers from the Lihua Sword Sect at this time, we are just looking for death!

He relied on the evil spirit of the Great Chu Dynasty to upgrade his cultivation to a level equivalent to the Three Tribulations Immortality Realm. However, with such cultivation, there was no way he could withstand the powerful immortality realm of the Lihua Sword Sect. force!

His cultivation level was improved by relying on external forces. Compared with those cultivators who relied on their own talents to cultivate, he was much weaker.

Without support, now I can only seek death!

"Even if you do nothing now, you will still die! And without my ancestor, do you think this formation can continue to expand?"

Ancestor Da Chu tried hard to calm down the violent emotions in his heart, and he continued: "Now only if we unite, can we defeat them and let the plan continue. If nothing is done, your true form will never come!"

Jia San smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about this. The evil spirit in the Chu Dynasty is enough to support the arrival of the main body of us defenders."

When these words were spoken, Grand Ancestor Da Chu’s expression suddenly changed!

In his understanding, he was using extraterrestrial demons from beginning to end, and he never thought about actually putting these guys in this world. .

But now it seems that I made a mistake.

The evil spirits have many tricks, and my little tricks are simply not enough in front of them!

When they are plotting against them, they are also plotting against themselves!

The fact that Jia San can say such a thing proves that the current situation of the Chu Dynasty is no longer under his control. This feeling of losing control is not wonderful, and it is likely to bring huge disasters to him!

"Didn't you say that the formation must spread throughout Cangxingtian before you can come?"

Grand Ancestor Da Chu responded to Jia San in disbelief.

These defenders are all clones, and their true bodies are still in the demon world.

He had heard before that without enough power, their true self would not be able to come to the Chu Dynasty. Now it seems that he is overthinking.

Even if the entire Cangxingtian is not occupied, the evil spirit can still come!

Jia San smiled and said: "Definitely not all. But there is no problem in letting one or two clones come."

These words set off a huge storm in the heart of the Great Chu Patriarch.

be cheated.

I was also thinking about relying on the Devouring Scriptures I had learned to devour the evil spirits that came to the Chu Dynasty one by one in order to obtain more powerful power. Now it seems that this is not realistic at all!

Among these defenders, the weakest among them are all in the realm of immortality in one kalpa, while the strongest ones have already been in the realm of immortality in four kalpas!

It was precisely because these clones of the Four Tribulations Immortal Realm took the initiative to join the ranks of the defending army that the formation expansion of the Great Chu Dynasty accelerated.

However, judging from what is happening so far, it has already exceeded his imagination. Once the evil demon himself comes, his devouring scripture may not have any impact on those evil demons!

"Don't forget, ever since you took the initiative to become defenders, you have been left in the hands of my ancestor!"

Ancestor Da Chu suppressed other emotions in his heart and threatened: "If you don't obey my order, Ancestor, then don't blame Ancestor for using his final killing move!"

When these clones chose to become defenders, he left a mark in his hands that could control their lives.

But now he doesn't think these marks can still be effective.

After all, if the mark was still a threat to these guys, it would be impossible for Jia San to say such a thing!

When Jia San heard this, he sneered: "Are you naive or am I? You can't order us now. Do you think that mark is still effective?"

"Even if it doesn't work, I'm going to give it a try!"

Grand Ancestor Da Chu is really confused now.

He knew clearly that the mark would not have any effect, but he still activated the mark, preparing to kill Jia San in front of him on the spot.

He has crushed the mark belonging to Jia San, but the aura of Jia San has not disappeared.

Even Jia San mocked: "Didn't we give you control of this formation? You can try to use the power of this formation to wipe us out!"

The joking voice was particularly harsh.

Grand Ancestor Da Chu gradually regained his sanity.

I was tricked by these evil spirits.

While he was plotting against these demons, these guys were also plotting against him!

He just happened to get a way to sacrifice to the devil, and then used the power of the devil to break through to the realm of immortality.

The evil demons also happened to take advantage of his sacrifice to build this Cangxingtian into a demonic realm so that their true form could come.

The plan is now halfway through. Although it is not enough for evil spirits to come on a large scale, one or two evil spirits can still come here.

In this way, you lose your use value!

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