Shinto Dantei

Chapter 2558 The Immortal Realm and the Immortal Realm

Outside, Zhao Qingsong's face darkened. In his opinion, the unexpected sneak attack was enough to tear Ye Chen's sea of ​​consciousness to pieces and crush his soul.

However, judging from what is happening now, it seems that is not the case at all!

That guy actually imprinted the projection of the immortal weapon into his sea of ​​consciousness, intercepting all his attacks!

Judging from what has happened so far, I'm afraid it won't be that easy if I want to deal with him again.

"How could such an immortal weapon be controlled by an insect like you? I am an existence in the Nine Tribulations Reincarnation Realm, and I come from the fairy world. Only I am qualified to possess such an immortal weapon!"

Zhao Qingsong was roaring, and his face was trembling slightly. Today's encounter with Ye Chen made him suffer a lot!

He didn't know that he had been controlled by the Heaven and Earth Fortune Cauldron. Looking at Ye Chen in front of him, he rushed forward again.

As he waved his iron fists, the spiritual energy in the world was mobilized by him, and the spiritual energy turned into a ferocious beast, which rushed towards Ye Chen and bit him.

The tyrannical power burst out from him, and the god-like power almost destroyed this space.

Ye Chen stood in front of him without moving.

Seeing Ye Chen's current appearance, Zhao Qingsong showed a look of disdain on his face. Is this guy scared to death by his offensive?

He hadn't actually attacked him yet, so he was frightened unexpectedly.

When this attack falls on him, he will no longer be able to resist it.

However, something unexpected happened to him. The ferocious beast bowed its head in front of Ye Chen, as docile as a sheep.

This was Zhao Qingsong's offensive against Ye Chen. In his expectation, this offensive was enough to kill Ye Chen on the spot.

But how could such a scene happen now?

His own offensive actually bowed to Ye Chen. The ferocious beast was made from condensed spiritual energy and was his own attacking force. It was not a real creature at all. It didn't even have self-awareness, so how could it surrender directly?

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Qingsong suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart. At this moment, the ferocious beast turned its direction and bit him straight!


Zhao Qingsong waved his fist again. He punched out like a dragon. All his strength gathered in his fist and collided with the force coming back from the counterattack.

A violent explosion sounded, and along with the energy escaping everywhere, bursts of smoke and dust were splashed.

When the smoke cleared, he saw that his offensive had been completely intercepted.

Looking at Ye Chen in front of him again, his eyes were full of fear!

"Don't you understand what happened now?"

Ye Chen looked at Zhao Qingsong who looked in disbelief, and continued: "Just now you wanted to refine my Fang Ding, but now you have been controlled by my Fang Ding."

Hearing this, Zhao Qingsong's expression gradually became ugly, "You are lying to me! I don't notice any restraints at all now!"

"Is it?"

Ye Chen sneered, and then said suddenly: "Kneel down!"

With a command, Zhao Qingsong's knees softened and he couldn't help but kneel directly on the ground!

In an instant, Zhao Qingsong raised his head with disbelief. He looked at Ye Chen in front of him, and his whole expression became particularly ugly!

"I am a cultivator of the Nine Tribulations Eternal Realm. I am only one step away from entering the true fairyland. Now, at your command, I actually knelt down?"

It was more like an instruction that went straight to his brain. Ye Chen asked him to kneel, so he did.

This order cannot be refuted at all. It is a voice that directly affects his soul.

What happened was completely beyond his expectation!

Jian Yi was even more stunned. She originally wanted to help Zhao Qingsong deal with Ye Chen, but now she suddenly gave up the idea.

This is fate.

He used to be Zhao Qingsong's slave, but now he is Ye Chen's slave. The former does not regard him as a human being, and hopes that the latter can treat him a little better!

She didn't dare to expect too much, even Zhao Qingsong was controlled, let alone her.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "You have been controlled. Are you still unwilling to believe it now?"

When Zhao Qingsong heard this, he only felt that he had been deeply humiliated, "Do you know who I am? You idiot dares to control me. Believe it or not, wait until the elders of my family come to this world and kill everyone related to you. !”

As a member of the Zhao Clan in the Immortal Realm, how could he bow his head so easily!

Ye Chen was too lazy to coddle these guys. His smile suddenly disappeared and he said coldly: "Then you should die first!"

At this moment, Zhao Qingsong's color changed drastically, and the shadow of death loomed in his heart, making him make an immediate decision, "I think it is not impossible to be conquered by you!"

Are you kidding? Even if you live in humiliation, it is better than death!

When Ye Chen heard this, a look of amusement appeared on his face, "Didn't you say that your family elders came to this eternal world to kill all the people related to me?"

Zhao Qingsong said with an indifferent expression: "That's just to scare you with harsh words. If I can't scare you, what else can I do if I don't surrender?"

Ye Chen said: "In that case, tell me your origins and why you appear in the eternal world!"

Zhao Qingsong did not dare to hide anything and immediately told them about their appearance in the eternal world.

The eternal world is actually part of the fairy world.

When the demon world invaded this eternal world, a group of powerful men fought with the strong men of the demon world, and finally shattered the eternal world, separated the eternal world from the fairy world, and eventually evolved into the current world of heavens and worlds. .

The reason why they returned this time is because the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the eternal world has revived, and the rules of the eternal world will also be slowly restored. It is easier to practice in the eternal world than in the fairy world, so those who are related to them will Before others could react, he set foot in this eternal world.

They have only one purpose in going to the eternal world, which is to seize the opportunity. Whoever can plunder more luck in this eternal world, and whoever can get the greater benefits when the eternal world and the fairy world are compatible in the future.

Moreover, the revival of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the eternal world will also lead to the gradual completion of the rules. At this time, setting foot in the eternal world is the best time to understand the rules.

The current world of eternal life is the most suitable place for cultivation. When the spiritual energy accumulates to a certain level, it will transform into immortal energy, and those who take the lead will receive huge benefits in the future!

He, Zhao Qingsong, planned to create his own power next to this portal connected to the fairy world, but this plan failed before it was implemented.

Falling into Ye Chen's hands, he became a slave.

After Ye Chen knows this news, I'm afraid he will establish a force here!

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