Shinto Dantei

Chapter 2764 Sudden changes

Invisible forces filled the field, and no creature in this field could escape without Ye Chen's permission.

Mo Lingyun did not directly break the power of this domain. At least he was in this domain now, which blocked his possibility of communicating with the power of heaven and earth, which made him lose most of his support.

This is also a problem that practitioners of the spiritual power practice system often face.

As long as they are thrown into an unfamiliar space, their strength will be greatly reduced.

The current situation is like this. Covered by Ye Chen's field, Mo Lingyun may not be able to exert even one-tenth of his combat power.

If he is outside the field, it is still possible to use the rules of heaven and earth to break this field from the outside, but within the field, it is not possible.

The power of annihilation enveloped his body, causing him severe pain.

At this moment, Mo Lingyun only felt that the fire of his life was swaying. When he looked closely, he saw that his body was riddled with holes, and his blood was transformed into the purest energy that filled the field.

This caused his color to change drastically, and the smell of death became stronger and stronger. He realized that he might really be killed by Ye Chen right here!

At the same time, Ye Chen looked at Mo Lingyun who was trapped in this field, and he was full of emotions in his heart.

Mo Lingyun was very strong. Under normal circumstances, he would not be able to fight with this person at all.

But he was stunned and allowed his own field to envelope him, which resulted in him gaining the upper hand!

"I can now compete with those in the Nine Tribulations Immortality Realm. My cultivation in the realm is not that important to me."

At this moment, Ye Chen looked at Mo Lingyun who was trapped in his own field, and a sudden realization came to his heart.

But Mo Lingyun was very anxious at this time. Feeling his current situation, he panicked a little.

"Do you know what force you are fighting against? Our Heaven-Devouring Demon Sect is a force in the immortal world. I came to this eternal world this time, but I am just a vanguard. If you dare to take action against me, my Heaven-Swallowing Demon Sect is a force in the immortal world. Those true immortal realm experts will definitely come here directly and destroy you here!”

At this moment, Mo Lingyun suddenly carried out his backstage.

He was really scared.

Ye Chen's field enveloped him, and the power of annihilation lingered directly on him. He could only consume it without replenishing it here.

Moreover, the strength burst out from Ye Chen had already exceeded his imagination. He was afraid that this guy would directly use this power of annihilation to obliterate him!

"I have real demons from the demon world under my command, as well as creatures from the void. There are even cultivators from the fairy world. I never care about the people I take in what they have done before. But I saw your Heaven-Devouring Demon Sect. After that mountain of bones, I suddenly realized that a sect like yours, the Sky-Devouring Demon Sect, shouldn’t survive.”

Ye Chen stared indifferently at Mo Lingyun in the field. These words made Mo Lingyun's pupils shrink slightly.

He had long been curious about why Ye Chen had so many Nine Tribulations Immortal Realm experts under his command.

When he first arrived in Yanzhou, he killed three beings in the Nine Tribulations Immortal Realm. These three people all said that they were cultivators from the immortal world.

At that time, he did not take these words seriously.

After all, the Heaven-Devouring Demon Sect also comes from the immortal world, so how can he care about those threats?

However, when he heard what Ye Chen said, he had to carefully consider the information revealed in it.

The real demons in the demon world and the void creatures, the former only exist in legends, and the latter only exist in theories.

But where did Ye Chen find the real demon, and where did he find the void creature?

"So you want to kill me now?"

Mo Lingyun stared at Ye Chen, thinking about how to get out of trouble.

But at this moment, he found that he couldn't even communicate with Najie.

There is power in the field that blocks him from communicating with his Najie, making it impossible for him to take out the eternal magic weapon in the Najie!

He also has a War Shadow Jade Slip in his hand that was left behind by a strong man from the True Immortal Realm. However, he also put that thing into his Na Ring. If he doesn't take it out from the Na Ring, the War Shadow Jade Slip may not be able to sense it. When he sees his own crisis, he will not directly help him kill the enemy!

"You should die too."

Ye Chen responded indifferently to Mo Lingyun.

As his voice fell, the power of the field reached its peak, and all the power of annihilation poured into Mo Lingyun. His body riddled with holes was being annihilated rapidly at this moment.

Mo Lingyun could even see the scene of his own body being annihilated!

It was as if he was carefully watching the process of his own death, which made his heart feel extremely heavy!

Things have evolved to the point where they are now, and Mo Lingyun knows that he is doomed.

He said: "Don't kill me. I have understood the existence of the power of the ten principles. I am willing to change my past and surrender to you!"


Ye Chen's cold voice responded to him.

The power of annihilation was even greater, and Mo Lingyun felt a burst of unspeakable pain in his soul.

"Damn it, you forced me to do it!"

Mo Lingyun roared angrily, and he forcibly mobilized the spiritual power in his body, trying to open his Na Ring.

But he suddenly discovered that no matter how hard he tried, the spiritual power in his body would not obey his orders.

As for Najie, he has lost contact with him now, making it impossible for him to take out the treasures in Najie!

The power of annihilation has already acted on the soul. When the soul is annihilated, I am afraid that I will die here completely!

"I am the sect leader of the Heaven-Devouring Demon Sect in the Eternal Realm. The powerful True Immortal Realm of the Heaven-Devouring Demon Sect in the Immortal World has left a mark on me. If you kill me, the mark will be transferred to you. When I am in the True Immortal Realm of the Heaven-Devouring Demon Sect, If a strong person comes down from the fairy world, he will definitely destroy you!"...

Mo Lingyun took advantage of his soul to be annihilated and threatened Ye Chen loudly.

But Ye Chen didn't seem to hear it.

He is still carrying out his actions now, and the power of annihilation continues to flow, wiping out Mo Lingyun's vitality.

Just when Mo Lingyun's soul was about to die, suddenly, a majestic energy wave emerged from the depths of his soul.

The field that originally restricted Mo Lingyun to death exploded without any warning at this moment.

At the same time, the cauldron of heaven and earth in Ye Chen's body instantly absorbed Ye Chen.

All the processes were completed in an instant. Staying in the Heaven and Earth Creation Cauldron, Ye Chen looked at the outside world through the Heaven and Earth Creation Cauldron. He saw a different Mo Lingyun.

At this time, Mo Lingyun's body was filled with demonic energy, and he looked more like a real demon than the World-Destroying Demon Lord!

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