Shinto Dantei

Chapter 2805 You are invincible in the Nine Tribulations Immortality Realm

Li Moyun's words made Cui Jie's expression change drastically.

It was precisely because he felt the crisis that he did not deal with Li Moyun and the others directly.

But he didn't expect that their conversation here would be listened to by Li Moyun!

This is not good news. The existence of these people from Cangsheng Sword Sect has brought him a feeling of extreme danger before. If he fights with them now, he is very likely to die in their hands!

Things have evolved to the point where Cui Jie has to fight even if he no longer wants to fight.

Terrifying power burst out from Li Moyun's body at this moment, carrying the force of thunder, and rushed straight towards him.

At this moment, Cui Jie used his strength to the extreme. He raised the long sword in his hand high, his spiritual power gathered on the long sword, and the sharp path lingered in it, and he slashed at Li Moyun with his sword.


The sword light shot through the air, carrying a heart-stopping power, as if it was going to chop all the enemies in front of it into powder.

However, when Cui Jie's offensive fell in front of Li Moyun, it had no effect at all.

A protective barrier formed by spiritual power appeared around Li Moyun. Cui Jie's power poured into the area covered by this barrier and did not pose any threat to him!

After blocking Cui Jie's offensive, Li Moyun looked at Cui Jie indifferently. He said: "There are strong and weak people in the Nine Tribulations Immortality Realm. I should be called invincible in the Nine Tribulations Immortality Realm!"

"Is it?"

Just as Li Moyun's voice fell, a cold voice came into his ears.

The visitor seemed to be walking in the air, his steps seemed very slow, but it was as if he had shrunk into an inch.

After he arrived here, Li Moyun felt that all the pressure from his momentum had been intercepted.

Not only that, there was also an inexplicable force acting on him, which banned all his cultivation!

Realizing his current situation, Li Moyun looked at the visitor with a solemn expression, "Who are you?"

Under the observation of his spiritual consciousness, the visitor's cultivation level is only in the realm of immortality for four kalpas.

But this combat power far exceeded his imagination!

He understood the power of the eight principles and integrated them.

In the realm of Nine Tribulations Eternal Life, his combat power is truly unparalleled by few.

He claims to be invincible here and there is nothing wrong with him at all.

At least the people Cui Jie brought could not pose any threat to him.

However, facing the cultivator in front of him who was only in the realm of immortality in the Four Tribulations, he only felt that the fire of his life was swaying. No matter how hard he tried, when facing this person, there was nothing. There is no way to resist!

how so?

Li Moyun stared at Ye Chen solemnly. He tried to mobilize the power in his body to take advantage of Ye Chen's unpreparedness and launch a counterattack.

However, when he went to use the spiritual power in his body, he found that the power in his body could not be used no matter what.

At this moment, there was an incomparable force directly lingering in his heart, making all his actions lose their due effect!

"You said that you are invincible in the realm of Nine Tribulations Eternal Life?"

Ye Chen spoke.

He looked at Li Moyun in front of him, with a hint of joking on his face, "I am only in the Four Tribulations Immortality Realm now. Why can't you struggle under my suppression?"

"You are not in the Four Tribulations Immortality Realm at all. If you were the Four Tribulations Immortality Realm, how could you pose such a threat to me!"

Li Moyun's heart sank to the bottom.

I had just met this person, and I lost all room to struggle under the terrifying power that erupted from him. Facing such a strong man, once I really fight, I will be killed in an instant!

There are always some people in this world who have inner problems and like to pretend to be good at their cultivation.

In his opinion, the Ye Chen in front of him was such a person.

It is obvious that he has cultivated in the Nine Tribulations Immortal Realm, and has understood at least ten kinds of power of Tao. He is the kind of existence that can directly impact the True Immortal Realm.

But he deliberately disguised his cultivation as the realm of immortality in the Four Tribulations, pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger everywhere. Such a person is really annoying!

When Ye Chen heard this, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and he said: "It doesn't matter what level of cultivation I am. What matters is that you are suppressed by me now. If you want to survive, you can only surrender to me."

Hearing this, Li Moyun sneered and said: "Haha, I am the scout commander of Cangsheng Sword Sect. You asked me to surrender to you. Even if I surrender directly to you, do you dare to accept it?"

"Cangsheng Sword Sect? I have never heard of this sect."

Ye Chen continued: "If you take the initiative to surrender to me, how can I not accept you as a slave?"

"Haha... I have never heard of Cangsheng Sword Sect, no wonder! If you had heard of the reputation of Cangsheng Sword Sect, you would not have done such a thing!"

Li Moyun's mind was racing. When he was talking to Ye Chen, he was also trying to break away from Ye Chen's blockade.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he was still unable to break away from the envelope of this domain.

Not only him, but the three people standing with him were also trying to break free from Ye Chen's suppression, but no matter how hard they tried, they were still unable to break free at all.

Their strength is very strong. If the four of them come together, even if they encounter a being who has understood the power of the ten principles, they will still be able to fight.

However, what happened now was completely beyond their expectations.

In this field, they seemed to have entered a strange world.

Ye Chen, who created this field, is the master of this world.

Confronting such a being is no different than seeking death!

When Ye Chen heard Li Moyun's words, he waved his hand impatiently and said, "It's better to stop talking nonsense. Now you either surrender or die, there is no other option!"

When Li Moyun, Qiangwei, Yunheng and Mo Kun heard what Ye Chen said, their faces were full of unwillingness.

The Cangsheng Sword Sect is one of the top three forces in the Baiyun Domain. As disciples of the Cangsheng Sword Sect, they are now in the hands of Ye Chen. How can they bear this?

"Are you really not afraid of offending my Cangsheng Sword Sect?"

Li Moyun stared at Ye Chen in front of him with his eyes, and he said: "The number of powerful people in the True Immortal Realm of our Common Sword Sect is at least double digits. Even if you run Phantom City here like an iron barrel, you will not be able to escape." The fate of destruction!”

When Ye Chen heard this, he said coldly: "It seems that you are stubborn."

After saying this, a terrifying killing intent emerged from his body and instantly enveloped the four of them.

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