Shinto Dantei

Chapter 2934 Asking about Wushang Tianyu

Mao Yan's cultivation was at the second level of the True Immortal Realm. When her aura was crushing towards King Qin, King Qin felt an indescribable pressure on his body, causing his color to change drastically!

He looked at Mao Yan blankly, feeling the oppressive aura emanating from her body, and asked with shock: "The second level of the true fairyland?"

He froze.

As far as what is happening now, he is no match for these practitioners at all!

Among the warships he brought this time, he was the only one from the True Immortal Realm.

Under the attack of evil spirits, he had to choose to escape from Wushang Tianyu.

However, now that he was facing an existence who was at the second level of True Immortal Realm, he felt even more pressure.

He had previously thought that with his first-level cultivation in the True Immortal Realm, he could directly become the king and hegemon in the White Cloud Realm, but he never thought that he was actually the frog in the well!

When King Qin was shocked, Ye Chen said indifferently: "You are only a first-level cultivator in the True Immortal Realm. Where did you get the courage to come to the White Cloud Heaven Territory to expand your territory?"

After hearing Ye Chen's words, King Qin immediately moved his eyes to Ye Chen.

Seeing everyone supporting Ye Chen like stars over the moon, he was frightened.

Without any hesitation, he immediately said: "I don't want to come here to expand the territory. I just want to give the remaining old branches of my martial arts empire a living space."

His face was full of bitterness.

Originally, I wanted to directly occupy this Baiyun Tianyu, but as far as what is happening now, this is simply not realistic!

His first-level cultivation in the True Immortal Realm prevented him from making any waves in front of Ye Chen!

When Ye Chen heard this, he said, "It turned out to be just a bereaved dog."

Then, he asked: "Since you want to find a living space in our Baiyun Tianyu, why do you want to directly attack our Moyuan City?"

When King Qin heard this, he explained helplessly: "I have brought millions of people. If I don't occupy a city, how can I guarantee the living space of my people?"

The word "lost dog" deeply hurt his heart, but he didn't know how to explain it.

This Baiyun Tianyu has obviously not been invaded by evil spirits. They may still regard those demon practitioners as evil spirits like others. Under such circumstances, if I explain to them what kind of life form evil spirits are, I am afraid that It will lead to death!

When Ye Chen heard what King Qin said, he said: "That's all. We are both human beings, so I have no intention of exterminating you all. Since you want living space, I can divide an area for you, and you can manage it yourself." ”

I thought that the cultivators from Wushang Tianyu were going to invade their Baiyun Tianyu. Unexpectedly, the other party just wanted a living space!

If you want a piece of land, you can just register with the agency established by the Daye Empire. But this guy insists on occupying Moyuan City. I don't know what he thinks.

While King Qin was thinking wildly, Ye Chen asked again: "By the way, what's going on in the Wushang Tianyu? Has the Wushang Tianyu been unified now?"

"The Wushang Tianyu was originally unified by our Wushang Empire. But something happened later, and evil spirits invaded the Wushang Tianyu. The current Wushang Tianyu has become the realm of evil demons. Except for us, For those who have escaped from the Wushang Heavenly Domain, there may not be any human cultivators left in the Wushang Heavenly Domain.”

King Qin's voice was trembling.

Their martial merchant empire finally unified the martial merchant world, but they did not expect that they would be invaded by evil spirits!

The methods of those demons are too weird, and they are extremely cruel. Conventional methods have no effect at all against these demons!

He didn't know where those evil spirits would invade after they left the Wushang Heavenly Domain. If possible, he would rather return to the Immortal Realm than stay in the Immortal Realm any longer.

When Ye Chen heard what King Qin said, his expression became particularly solemn.

He looked at King Qin and immediately asked: "Evil demons? Did those evil demons come out of the folded space, or did they originate from the demon world?"

Things involving evil spirits must be treated with caution!

If the cultivators who come to the immortal world from the fairy world are locusts, then the evil spirits are the gods of death!

They will bring a crisis of destruction to the eternal world. If they cannot wipe out the evil spirits who have descended on the eternal world, I am afraid that it will not be long before the eternal world will be occupied by evil spirits!

When King Qin heard Ye Chen's voice, he was stunned and asked, "Do you know about evil spirits?"

Before Ye Chen could answer, Mao Yan on the side directly sneered: "Who are you looking down on!"

She stared at the King of Qin with her eyes and said, "The evil spirits in the Baiyun Domain were solved by our Majesty."

"How is this possible! The demons are powerful and have weird methods. Conventional attack methods have been used once in front of them, and the next time they are used, they will have almost no effect. How can you intercept the demon's offensive?"

King Qin didn't believe Mao Yan's words at all.

No matter how you look at it, this Baiyun Tianyu does not seem to have been invaded by evil spirits.

Ye Chen looked at King Qin and asked, "Could it be that the evil spirits that invaded the Wu Shang Heavenly Domain came from the Demon Realm?"...

King Qin said: "That's right! The so-called evil demons in my mouth are not those demon practitioners!"

He believed that the so-called evil spirits in Mao Yan's mouth were demon practitioners.

The creatures in the fairy world call demon practitioners evil spirits, but the evil spirits he encountered were real evil spirits. They came from a world completely different from the fairy world!

Ye Chen asked again: "Who is the most powerful of the evil spirits that invaded the Wushang Heavenly Domain?"

King Qin said: "There are at least four strong men at the fourth level of the True Immortal Realm, and there are even some strong men at the fifth level of the True Immortal Realm."

Hearing this, Ye Chen frowned.

Beside him, the Evil Star Demon God immediately said to Ye Chen: "Master, based on what he said, I can infer that the evil demons that invaded the Wushang Heavenly Domain are probably really from the demon world!"

When King Qin heard the voice of the Evil Star Demon God, he immediately moved his eyes to the Evil Star Demon God.

He hadn't noticed the Evil Star Demon God before, after all, he was standing relatively far back.

But now, after seeing the Evil Star Demon God, his whole expression changed.


The evil star demon in front of me turned out to be an evil demon!

Looking at this evil star demon, King Qin was a little stunned. He said blankly: "You... are you also an evil demon?"

He never thought that beside Ye Chen, there would be evil spirits from the devil world!

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