Shinto Dantei

Chapter 2985 Investigators from other realms

The news that evil spirits have invaded Wushang Tianyu has been passed on.

Currently, almost everyone in the immortal world is talking about the invasion of evil spirits.

When everyone learned that the evil demons that invaded this eternal world were not those demon cultivators, they felt very difficult to deal with the evil demons' invasion.

In addition to Teng Muqing of the Moon Shadow Heaven Territory who sent his strong men to the Martial Merchant Heaven Territory, existences in other heaven realms also sent more or less stronger people to the Martial Merchant Heaven Territory.

Now, in the vast world of martial arts merchants, a strong human being who has cultivated in the True Immortal Realm has arrived here.

They looked at the situation in the martial arts world, and everyone looked dumbfounded.

In their impression, places like Wushang Tianyu should be crowded with people.

However, from the moment they set foot in this martial arts world, what they saw was a desolation.

There were corpses everywhere, and there was demonic energy everywhere, but no living creatures were seen.

There is no human habitation for thousands of miles, and almost everything you pass is an empty city.

The figures of the evil spirits have also disappeared, as if they have all escaped from the Wushang Heavenly Domain, so that these cultivators who set foot in the Wushang Heavenly Domain will never see a single evil figure again.

"This is the current Wushang Tianyu? I don't know how many people there are in this Wushang Tianyu, but in my spiritual perception, I can't find any living creatures."

In Wanfeng Prefecture in the Martial Shang Realm, a being who was at the fourth level of the True Immortal Realm was rewarded here.

Beside him, there were three beings of the same realm following him.

They came to this martial arts domain from other heavens to investigate the invasion of evil spirits.

Before encountering the demon, they felt that the demon's strength was mediocre. The reason why the Martial Arts Domain was occupied by the demon was simply because there was no strong person in the Martial Arts Domain.

However, after setting foot in Wanfeng Prefecture in the martial arts world and seeing the thousands of miles of desolation, they already understood that the evil spirits were more ferocious than they imagined, and it was almost impossible to deal with them. things.

"The demons have slaughtered so many humans. How many are there?"

"Now it's not a question of the number of evil demons, but what realm of these evil demons that have invaded the eternal world, and their strongest beings!"

"No matter what level they are in, now that we have arrived in the martial arts realm, we must be responsible for wiping them out!"


A group of cultivators who had just arrived in Wanfeng Prefecture, after seeing the desolate scene for thousands of miles, everyone's heart was cast into a shadow.

They suddenly discovered that this evil demon was far more ferocious than they imagined. They came with the mentality of exterminating the human race in this eternal world!

Just when everyone was wondering where the evil spirit was hiding, billowing black clouds suddenly appeared in their sky.

Among the black clouds, there was an extremely terrifying aura emanating from it.

Even those who were at the fourth level of the True Fairy Realm were frightened when they felt the terrifying energy fluctuations emanating from the black clouds!

No one thought that things would turn into what they are now.

After realizing the situation they were encountering now, everyone's expressions became particularly ugly!

The evil demon just landed on top of their heads and made them feel threatened. What would happen to them if they really fought with the evil demon?

"Demon God Yunhan, get out of here!"

Just when these fourth-level cultivators of the True Immortal Realm on the ground were shocked, a roar suddenly came from the black clouds.

This sound was like thunder, reaching everyone's ears, making everyone feel that their eardrums were about to be shattered.

Aware of their current situation, a group of true fairyland beings began to use the fairy power in their bodies. After shielding the vibrating energy, one of the fourth-level true fairyland existences immediately said: "You damn evil demons" , How dare you come to this eternal world to commit evil, today I want you to understand the true strength of the eternal world!"

After the being who was at the fourth level of True Immortal Realm said these words, a sea of ​​thunder appeared around him.

In the rolling thunder sea, there are violent thunders passing through.

He manipulated the sea of ​​thunder that emerged behind him and attacked straight towards the sky.

He could see that this majestic black cloud was the army of evil spirits!

They came to Wanfeng Prefecture to call the formation, probably to deal with the so-called Yunhan Demon God.

From a tactical level, when there is internal fighting between demons, they should choose to watch or stay on the sidelines.

But he couldn't stand it anymore.

This tragic scene in Wanfeng Prefecture made it impossible for him to watch indifferently!


The evil demons who set foot in Wanfeng Prefecture did not take the four human cultivators of the fourth level of True Immortal Realm in their eyes at all.

They came here to regain Wanfeng Prefecture.

But they didn't expect that there would be human cultivators taking action against them now!

"Whoever slipped through the net dared to attack me!"

A cold voice came from among the black clouds.

Immediately afterwards, a huge evil demon suddenly appeared in the thunder sea.

The evil figure covered the sky and the sun, like a towering and unreachable mountain.

The moment the evil figure appeared, a powerful devouring force emitted from the giant's mouth, and it went straight towards the sea of ​​thunder.

In an instant, the sea of ​​thunder contained the power to destroy the Tao. The moment the troll opened its mouth, all the thunder was swallowed by the troll!

The fourth-level expert in the True Immortal Realm who created this sea of ​​thunder suddenly changed his color when he saw that the offensive he had created was directly swallowed up!

That thunder sea was the power he drew from the heavenly tribulation when he was going through the tribulation. After countless accumulations, he formed this sea of ​​destruction thunder.

Normally, as long as this sea of ​​destructive thunder is used, it will be invincible when dealing with enemies.

But now, the moment Lei Hai was unleashed, he was directly swallowed by the evil demon above the sky, which made him change his color!

"Die to me!"

When the man was shocked, the troll suddenly waved his palm again.

As if the sky had fallen, darkness instantly enveloped him, and at the same time, accompanied by a breathtaking force, he was heading straight towards this fourth-level true fairyland being.


At this moment, the human cultivator at the fourth level of the True Immortal Realm only felt a strong sense of crisis emerge in his heart. Facing the slap taken by the troll, he felt that the fire of his life was all over him. trembling!

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