Shinto Dantei

Chapter 3086 Leaving Huyao Tianyu

Surrendering to Ye Chen was a helpless move for the Black Demon Ancestor.

After all, if you don't surrender to the other party, your life will probably wither away.

However, what Ye Chen said now caused a huge wave of panic in the heart of the Black Demon Ancestor.

He never thought that he would hear such words from Ye Chen's mouth!

He wants to leave the Huyao Tianyu to himself to take care of!

Even with his cultivation in the Golden Fairy Realm, he is the strongest existence in Huyao Tianyu. As long as he gives himself some time, it will be absolutely easy to occupy this Huyao Tianyu.

However, his current identity is Ye Chen's slave.

In his impression, slaves can only be dispatched by their masters and have no self.

Now, Ye Chen has handed over the Huyao Tianyu to himself, which is completely delegating power to his own hands!

"What I want to do is that simple?"

He even suspected that he had heard wrongly.


Ye Chen smiled and said: "I asked the spirit of the stone tablet to tell the fairy world about the invasion of evil spirits into the eternal world. Now, I am afraid that the vast fairy world knows that the eternal world has been invaded by evil spirits."

"It is rumored that in the last era, when evil spirits invaded the eternal world, the eternal world and the fairy world were still connected, or even a whole."

"In order to prevent the spread of the evil disaster, the great power of the immortal world had to separate the eternal world from the immortal world."

"Now, the evil spirits are back. If those powerful men in the fairy world discovered this, how could they stand idly by?"

Ye Chen's words forced the Dark Demon Ancestor to carefully consider the complicated relationship.

He is also a cultivator who has lived from the previous era to the present, so he naturally knows the horror of evil invasion.

This is why, after hearing that the eternal world was invaded by evil spirits, he immediately led his Black Devil Mountain followers and descended on the eternal world.

When evil spirits invade this eternal world, stronger people must be needed to resist the invasion of evil spirits.

Although he is at the Golden Immortal Realm, facing the invasion of evil spirits, his Golden Immortal Realm cultivation is nothing!

The demon world is a world on the same level as the fairy world, even better.

If evil spirits really invade this eternal world, how many people in this huge eternal world can resist the invasion of evil spirits?

"Master, since the invasion of evil spirits is inevitable, why not let those cultivators who come from the immortal world to the eternal world deal with the evil spirits that have invaded the eternal world according to their own wishes?"

He couldn't understand why Ye Chen had to subdue the forces that came from the immortal world to the eternal world.

Not only is this time-consuming and laborious, it will also cause resentment in the fairy world.

When the time comes, the big forces in the fairy world will unite to attack the Daye Empire. How can the Daye Empire resist?

This is totally making enemies for yourself!

“To deal with evil, we need a unified voice.”

Ye Chen said: "If they are allowed to work independently, they may not be passive and sabotage in dealing with evil spirits."

In fact, there was a deeper reason that Ye Chen didn't say.

That is the power behind the middle-aged man.

The power behind the middle-aged man is very terrifying. Even the powerful mysterious woman in the Heaven and Earth Fortune Cauldron is called the 'remnant'. Judging from this point alone, the power behind the middle-aged man will be... How strong is it?

Perhaps, the force that truly controls the fairy world is the force behind the middle-aged man.

Currently, he is not qualified to challenge the forces behind the middle-aged man.

But he also knew that he had inherited the Heaven and Earth Fortune Cauldron, and sooner or later he would confront the forces behind the middle-aged man.

Under such circumstances, taking the cultivators who have descended from the fairy world under his command is also to prepare for the forces behind the middle-aged man in the future!

The Black Demon Ancestor didn't know what Ye Chen was thinking. After hearing Ye Chen's words, he solemnly said: "Master, don't worry, since you have given me the management of Huyao Tianyu, I will definitely take care of it." This lake shines in the sky!"

Ye Chen nodded slightly and said: "Huyao Tianyu has not been invaded by evil spirits at present. But I suspect that Huyao Tianyu also has back-ups left by evil spirits. When you are looking for those back-ends, you have to Pay attention."


The Dark Demon Ancestor took the order seriously.

Ye Chen explained to the Black Demon Ancestor again, and then left the Huyao Tianyu directly.

Looking at Ye Chen's leaving figure, the Dark Demon Ancestor's face was filled with emotion.

Qian Fengyi, who stayed where she was, was dumbfounded when she saw Ye Chen leaving alone.

"Master, what about me? I want to follow you!"

She stared blankly at Ye Chen's leaving figure, intending to catch up with Ye Chen's steps, but found that Ye Chen had disappeared directly into the Demon Sealed Valley in just three or two steps!

"Qian Fengyi, Qian Fengyi, when you betrayed me at Black Devil Mountain, you betrayed me very simply!"

Just when Qian Fengyi was stunned, the voice of the Dark Demon Ancestor reached her ears.

Hearing this, Qian Fengyi's face was filled with bitterness.

She never thought that she would be left here directly by Ye Chen.

She simply did not dare to face the Dark Demon Ancestor alone.

As a traitor, how could the Dark Demon Ancestor let him go so easily!

"Ancestor, I...I have no choice but to do so!"

Qian Fengyi said bitterly to the Black Demon Ancestor: "Our master is very powerful, especially the middle-aged man under his command, whose cultivation is at least in the Daluo realm. I also chose to submit to him for my life!" Hearing Qian Fengyi's words, the Black Demon Ancestor waved his hand gently and said: "I don't need your explanation!" Qian Fengyi's heart trembled. If she didn't need her explanation, she would be killed directly? Just when she didn't know where her fate would go, the Black Demon Ancestor said again: "Now you and I are working for the master. You are also capable. Now you should spread the news that this Huyao Tianyu has been occupied by my Daye Empire!" Hearing this, Qian Fengyi was stunned. She didn't expect that the Black Demon Ancestor would let her go. As a follower of the Black Demon Mountain, she naturally knew the Black Demon Ancestor's methods. Any cultivator who betrayed the Black Demon Mountain never had a good end. But now, the Black Demon Ancestor was willing to let her go? Seeing Qian Fengyi in a daze, the Black Demon Ancestor said coldly: "Why, do you want to disobey my order?"


Qian Fengyi shook his head quickly and said: "Ancestor, I will definitely convey your order. The glory of the Daye Empire will surely spread all over the Lake Yao Tianyu!"

"Well, do this well."

The Black Demon Ancestor nodded gently and said: "By the way, explore the Lake Yao Tianyu for me. Any place suspected of sealing evil demons must be reported to me!"

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