Shinto Dantei

Chapter 3106 All Kneel


There is no demon in the Heavenly Realm who does not feel that his current situation is very aggrieved!

Among the surrounding human cultivators of the True Immortal Realm, the strongest ones are only at the sixth level of the True Immortal Realm. With such a level of cultivation, they can kill them all casually.

But now, even if they hear them talking about themselves around them, they don't dare to have any opinions!

If you really dare to have an opinion against these guys, if Ye Chen finds out later, he will probably kill them all!

"Speaking of which, is that human race's first-level cultivator of the True Immortal Realm really so terrifying? After all, you are also beings in the Heavenly Immortal Realm. When faced with that first-level True Immortal Realm insect, you have no power to resist at all?"

At this time, a first-level cultivator from the Celestial Realm who had not been given the slave mark by Ye Chen sent a message to one of the evil spirits.

When the evil demon heard this, his expression became cold, and a terrifying murderous intention suddenly emerged from his body, and it went straight towards the rude evil demon to suppress it.

"Xie Moyu, what are you doing?"

The demon who had not been imprinted with the slave mark changed his color drastically when he felt the problems he was encountering now!

He stared at Xie Moyu with his eyes, never expecting that the other party would directly show his cold murderous intention towards him now!

"Aomi Yi, if you dare to be rude to my master again, I won't mind killing you on the spot!"

Xie Moyu's voice was cold. After he surrendered to Ye Chen, the slave mark would subtly affect his thinking.

Under the current situation, all his thoughts would only revolve around Ye Chen's interests.

Now that he heard that Ao Miyi actually called Ye Chen a bug, he naturally wanted to fully display his murderous intent and shock this person!

When the demon heard Xie Moyu's words, his heart sank to the bottom.

What kind of restrictions did Ye Chen plant on them?

He was just transmitting messages to him secretly, but this Xie Moyu actually showed such crazy murderous intent to him!

"Aomiyi, are you being disrespectful to my master?"

Just when Xie Moyu showed murderous intent towards Ao Miyi, another second-level demon from the Heavenly Immortal Realm turned his attention to Ao Miyi.

After hearing this person's words, Ao Miyi's expression suddenly became particularly ugly.

He found that his words were like poking a hornet's nest. If he did not do it right, he might die here!

"No! I just want to know how powerful the human cultivator who is about to become my master is!"

Ao Miyi felt particularly aggrieved in his heart.

He believed that the defeat was entirely due to these traitors.

If these powerful men from the Heavenly Immortal Realm hadn't suddenly stabbed them in the back, with their strength, it would have been easy to take over the Moyun Heavenly Realm!

But precisely because of these traitors, their wishes failed.

Not only that, he had to join the army of slaying evil spirits at the last moment.

Among the demons he killed, many were his most loyal subordinates.

Those are all evil spirits in the True Immortal Realm, and the weakest one is also in the Nine Tribulations Immortality Realm. This is a force that cannot be ignored, but because it followed the wrong master, it went directly to destruction!

When Xie Moyu heard this, he sneered: "Haha... you will see it later!"

A group of evil spirits were waiting anxiously under the current situation.

Uneasiness filled their hearts.

No one knows what will happen to them.

But they understand that next, the judgment of fate will come directly to them. If one of them fails, they will all be destroyed!

Just when everyone was worried, a handsome young man appeared in everyone's sight.

Behind this person, there is a being with a terrifyingly powerful aura, but his whole body is full of demonic energy.

That person was Patriarch Fentian. After being attacked by demonic energy, Patriarch Fentian had completely transformed into a demon.

Even so, after his violent aura was revealed at this moment, it still made everyone in the hall tremble.

As for the group of human cultivators who belonged to the upper echelons of Mo Yun Tianyu, they all turned their attention to Ye Chen.

When they saw that Ye Chen was accompanied by the Monarch of Mo Yun Tianyu, everyone's anxious hearts gradually relaxed.

"Meet the master!"

Just when they breathed a sigh of relief, one of the demons suddenly knelt down towards Ye Chen.

With this first-level demon in the fairyland taking the lead, the other demons also knelt on the ground.

Like Ao Miyi, the demons from the Heavenly Immortal Realm who had not surrendered to Ye Chen were all stunned on the spot.

They did not kneel down, but when everyone else knelt down, they standing demons stood out from the crowd!

"Why don't you kneel down when you see me?"

Ye Chen looked at the demons who were still standing, and the cold voice suddenly reached the ears of these demons.

Hearing this, a kind of evil spirits changed their colors one after another.

Among them, Ao Miyi knelt down neatly, lowered his head and remained silent.

Other demons who did not surrender to Ye Chen also knelt on the ground.

Under the current situation, it seems that the only way to survive is by kneeling. If they are still standing, they may be greeted by death!

Seeing everyone kneeling down one after another, Ye Chen walked straight to the throne that symbolized the highest power in Mo Yun Tianyu.

The person sitting under his big horse, Jin Dao, looked down at the crowd and said, "This time you invaded the Moyun Heavenly Realm. According to the laws of nature, I should destroy you all."

When everyone heard this, they were filled with fear.

Kill them all!

The deterrent effect of these words is really too great.

Especially when they saw that the demon from the golden fairyland could only stand beside Ye Chen, they felt even more frightened.

There is no doubt that Ye Chen definitely has this strength.

As long as this evil spirit from the Golden Fairy Realm attacks them, there is absolutely no chance of them surviving!

"But I am merciful. As long as you do not cause any casualties in this Moyun Heavenly Realm, I can give you a chance to survive!"

Ye Chen's words once again reached everyone's ears.

Immediately, Naomiyi immediately said: "Great and powerful man, I am willing to surrender to you and ride for you. I also ask the great and powerful man to take you in!" M..

"I was wrong. I never dare to take action against this creature in the eternal world again. I ask the great and powerful man to spare my life!"

"When I came to this Moyun Heavenly Realm, I didn't kill anyone. I would like to ask the great and powerful to tell the truth!"

"Me too! Please spare my life, great and strong!"


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