Shinto Dantei

Chapter 3140 Showing the Demons Under His Command

The headmaster of Piaoxiang Pavilion is more beautiful than any other. Looking at this place, she is definitely the most beautiful one.

Even Fan Ji, who was suppressed by the middle-aged man, was slightly inferior compared to her appearance.

The headmaster of Piaoxiang Pavilion now feels helpless. It has become a foregone conclusion that they will be suppressed here.

But the key issue is that the most fundamental purpose of her staying in the Rubik's Cube to create Piaoxiang Pavilion was actually to deal with evil spirits.

The methods currently displayed by Heavenly Court seem to be just to seize the opportunity, compete for luck, and expand their territory.

How will heaven deal with evil spirits?

She didn't know the secret, so now she just wanted to figure out what the true purpose of Heaven was.

When Ye Chen heard this, he said: "My goal in Heaven is naturally to reappear in Heaven."

Hearing this, the face of the headmaster of Piaoxiang Pavilion was filled with bitterness.

It’s really for power!

"Do you know what the situation is like in the eternal world now? The current eternal world is like a sieve. The evil spirits of the demon clan may come to this eternal world at any time."

"The eternal world was originally part of the fairy world, but why did it become its own world later?"

"That's because the evil spirits invaded the fairy world, and their initial destination is the current eternal world!"

"The strong men in the fairy world fought against the evil demons, but they were unable to completely defeat the evil demons. Even under the attacks of the evil demons, the fairy world at that time was retreating steadily."

"In the end, I, the great power of the Immortal Realm, couldn't stand it any longer, so I took action directly, using the posture of scraping bones to heal wounds, and split the Immortal Realm to prevent the evil disaster from the Immortal Realm from spreading to the Immortal Realm!"...

The headmaster of Piaoxiang Pavilion said while observing the emotional fluctuations on Ye Chen's face.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't react at all, she continued: "Now that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the eternal world has revived and occupied a larger territory, it can actually attract more luck, speed up your practice, and give you the ability to understand the principles of Tao. Increase."

"But once faced with the invasion of evil spirits, all prosperity will collapse!"

"And the reason why I created Piaoxiang Pavilion is to prevent the invasion of evil spirits."

"As long as there are evil spirits invading this Rubik's Cube Realm, I, Piaoxiang Pavilion, will definitely be on the front line against the evil spirits!"

After saying this, the headmaster of Piaoxiang Pavilion stopped talking.

When Ye Chen heard this, he nodded gently and said, "Your original intention is right. Although our goal is to restore the glory of Heaven, we will never be soft when faced with the invasion of evil spirits. !”

After a pause, Ye Chen said again: "The evil demon invades. I know the dangers better than you."

"Moreover, there are countless evil demons who have died in my hands and have surrendered to me. But wherever my heavenly court rules, there are no more demonic disasters now!"

Ye Chen's words shocked the practitioners present.

Chen Xuan knew that Heaven had been dealing with evil spirits, so he didn't feel any surprise about the news coming out of Ye Chen's mouth.

Even so, after hearing Ye Chen's personal account, his heart was still shocked.

Not to mention the leaders of the other four major forces.

They never imagined that Heavenly Court, which now holds power everywhere, would have such a glorious past!

"Is this true?"

After the initial shock, the headmaster of Piaoxiang Pavilion quickly came to his senses.

Everyone can tell lies and everyone can tell lies.

It is not unbelievable to fabricate a beautiful web of lies for the sake of profit.

When Ye Chen heard this, he smiled, and then with a thought, demonic shadows appeared behind him instantly.

Every demonic figure exudes a disgusting aura.

After the Headmaster of Piaoxiang Pavilion saw the demonic figures behind Ye Chen, her expression suddenly became solemn.

Immediately afterwards, a wave of overwhelming hatred came from her body, "Evil! How dare you appear in the eternal world!"

After saying this, she would rush forward directly to kill these evil spirits.

However, just when she was about to take action, Ye Chen suddenly said: "These evil demons are all evil demons that I have conquered!"

"They also belong to my heaven now!"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the headmaster of Piaoxiang Pavilion frowned.

Conquer the devil?

If the evil spirits could be conquered, they would not be so passive when facing the invasion of evil spirits in the previous era.

Demons are a group of fierce creatures who are not afraid of death.

And they are difficult to kill completely.

Some evil spirits even left their origins in the world where they originally lived. Even if the body that sets foot in this eternal world is destroyed, they will not die.

It is precisely for this reason that these evil spirits are so unscrupulous.

Even if they know there is danger ahead, they will rush over without caring about the danger.

The evil demon's attribute of being fierce and not afraid of death is the fundamental reason why the eternal world is separated from the fairy world.

But now, Ye Chen actually told them that these evil spirits had been subdued by him.

She was the first one not to believe this news!

Although she didn't believe it, the anger in her heart was still suppressed by her.

She did not rush to take action anymore, but quietly waited for Ye Chen's explanation.

"Maybe it seems to you that evil spirits are difficult to kill, but for me, these problems don't exist at all."

When Ye Chen said this, he paused for a moment and then said: "If it weren't for the fact that there are immortals from the previous era who have survived in this Rubik's Cube Realm, I would have stepped into the Demon Realm and dealt with the evil spirits from within. ”

Hearing this, Huan Ji also said: "Since you can deal with evil spirits, why do you have to come to this Rubik's Cube Realm?"

"With the strength you control, there should be nothing in the Rubik's Cube Realm that can help you."

She sighed inwardly that Ye Chen's behavior was really puzzling.

So obsessed.

Since his subordinates have subdued so many evil spirits, and there is also a strong man who is suspected of being in the Daluo realm, under such circumstances, why does he still come here?

"I'm not here for the benefits."

Ye Chen said: "The fact that so many of you immortals are sleeping in this Rubik's Cube Realm proves that this Rubik's Cube Realm was an important battlefield against evil spirits."

"The strong men in the demon world that you had to deal with back then may not all be dead."

Ye Chen's words reached everyone's ears, and everyone didn't understand his true purpose!

His real purpose is to deal with the evil spirits that are most likely still alive in this Rubik's Cube Heaven!

However, they couldn't find any trace of those evil spirits, so how could Ye Chen look for them?

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