Shinto Dantei

Chapter 3209 Anomaly detected

The Second Fierce, Third Fierce and others found themselves in the current environment, and their expressions became particularly ugly.

This place is really far away from the Trolls headquarters. It’s impossible to ask the Trolls for help!

It's not like they haven't thought about asking Ye Chen for help, but now that they are blocked in this hall, how can they ask for help?

Moreover, they couldn't discover the restriction planted in their souls, and they couldn't use the restriction to ask Ye Chen for help!

"I didn't expect that when I came to deal with the Bone Palace this time, I would encounter a strong man from the Great Luo Realm!"

The second murderer was completely desperate.

The current resistance has no effect at all.

He looked at Hun Tian in front of him and said: "I want to live. As long as you can solve the problem of the mark in my soul, you can plant a mark in my soul again!"

"I can surrender to you!"

The second murderer's words made the third murderer and the others change their expressions.

Their troll clan is much stronger than the soul clan.

There are countless powerful people in the Daluo Realm among the Trolls.

Even the strong men in the Da Luo Realm are not considered to have the highest combat power among the trolls.

If they could invite powerful men from the Daluo Realm to help, they would not face such danger at all.

It's just that the distant water can't save the near fire. Now they need to save their lives. The only way is to surrender to this soul sky!

"I can also subdue you. But I did not find the existence of the mark in your soul. Under such circumstances, how can I take you in?"

Hun Tian shook his head slightly, sighed softly, and said: "Everyone, I will send you on your way now!"

"Do not kill me!"

When the three evil men heard this, he said with fear: "I am a cultivator of the troll clan. If you kill me, the marks on my body will definitely be transferred to your body. When the time comes, the marks on my troll clan will be transferred to you." A strong man will definitely kill you based on this mark!"

When Hun Tian heard this, he smiled disdainfully: "Do you think the mark on your body can pose a threat to a strong man in the Da Luo realm?"

After saying this, with a thought, the souls of the three evil spirits turned directly into powder.

After the death of the three villains, the remaining villains now simply don't know what to do.

If they want to resist Huntian's attack, they don't have the strength. M..

But if they don't resist, their lives will directly wither under Huntian's attack!

At this point, they actually have no possibility of struggling at all.

They just hope a miracle will happen.

Otherwise, they will completely die here.

"Headmaster of the White Bone Palace, you should understand how powerful our troll clan is. If something happens to us in your White Bone Palace, my troll clan will never let you White Bone Palace go!"

At this time, the second murderer suddenly shifted his gaze to the headmaster of the Bone Palace.

When the headmaster of the White Bone Palace heard this, his heart was filled with bitterness.

How could he not know that the trolls were not something he could provoke in the Bone Palace?

But what can be done?

He has surrendered to the Soul Clan.

Hun Tian came here to dominate everything in his Bone Palace.

The person who is killing them now is Hun Tian and has nothing to do with him!

These guys are not Huntian's opponents, but instead transfer all their hatred to themselves. Are they easy to bully?

The headmaster of White Bone Palace felt resentful in his heart, but he had no way to refute.

He simply lowered his head and did not look at these powerful men from the ninth level of the Golden Fairy Realm from the Troll Clan.

As long as he is not entangled by the marks on their bodies, the trolls will not be able to seek revenge on him in the future.

Anyway, the person who killed them was Hun Tian. He can only be regarded as a bystander now. This has nothing to do with his few words!

Bloodscale State, Sunset Mountain.

At this time, Ye Chen was constantly attacking his blood orifice, preparing to cultivate the 203rd god.

But at this time, he suddenly found that the marks he had planted on Gu Yi, Daxi, and Sanxi suddenly disappeared.

This instantly woke him up from his secluded state.

It's not that these three people are very important in his heart, but that he just planted the slave mark in their bodies, and he ordered them to set foot in the Bone State to deal with the Bone Palace.

This made Ye Chen pay more attention to them.

But he didn't expect that three powerful men from the Golden Fairy Realm would die in just such a short period of retreat!

Among them, the Great Fierce and the Third Fierce are the ninth level experts of the Golden Immortal Realm, and they are also the ninth level experts of the Golden Immortal Realm from the Troll Clan.

It is almost impossible to find people in the same realm who can defeat them with strength!

"Why do these guys die so quickly?"

Ye Chen frowned slightly. According to Gu Yi, there are no powerful people in the Da Luo realm in the White Bone State.

Since there are no strong men in the Daluo Realm, the strength of the Nine Evil Trolls is enough to take down the Bone State.

But unfortunately, the big murderer and the third murderer died, and Gu Yi also died with them.

There must be something happening that I don't know about!

"That's all, it seems I have to pay more attention to them."

Ye Chen stopped practicing. He used his thoughts as a guide to activate the slave marks planted on Er Ji and the others. Then, he used his thoughts to gain Er Ji's vision.

In an instant, what happened in the Bone Palace was clearly seen by him!

"I didn't expect that the Bone Palace is actually connected to the Soul Clan!"

Ye Chen saw Hun Tian through Er Ji's sight.

Through the conversation between them, they learned why the Bone Palace discovered their arrangement.


At the same time, Huntian, who was about to kill the second murderer and the others, suddenly turned his attention to the second murderer.

"I checked their souls just now, and I didn't find any marks in their souls."

"I even thought they simply betrayed the trolls and then made up an unfounded mark to explain themselves."

"But I didn't expect that a restriction was actually planted in their souls!"

Hun Tian's words made Er Ji and others look happy.

"Since you know that the restriction is planted in our souls, you should be able to find a way to remove it, right? Didn't you see it before? Now that you have seen this mark, help me remove this mark!"

"As long as you lift the mark planted in my soul for me, I, the troll clan, will definitely remember your good deeds!"

The second villain really doesn’t want to die.

Intelligent life has an instinctive fear when facing death.

Ants are greedy for life, let alone these demon cultivators with super high skills!

When Hun Tian heard what Er Ji said, he said, "Idiot! Don't you know that your master is acquiring all your perceptions?"

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