Shinto Dantei

Chapter 3531 Stupid

Ye Chen's words made everyone present change their expressions.

No one thought that the current eternal world would evolve into this. ..

When the demons invaded this eternal world, they rose up to resist, but the demons were too strong, and there was another war in the fairy world at that time, which caused a gap in the top experts in the fairy world. This gave the evil demons an opportunity to invade. Chance.

Otherwise, any one of those top powerhouses would be able to destroy the invading evil spirits.

They didn't know what happened next, but now after hearing Ye Chen's words, they knew how serious the matter was.

Not only that, the combat power displayed by Ye Chen has already exceeded their imagination. It is obvious that he is only at the ninth level of the Golden Immortal Realm, but it is enough to suppress them, the strong men of the Great Luo Realm. Faced with such a person, What can they do?

"Everyone, get out of the way!"

Ye Chen no longer paid attention to the practitioners in front of him.

After all, their physical bodies have been destroyed by themselves, leaving only their souls.

It is almost unrealistic to use the body of the soul to activate the power to burst out any powerful force.

Moreover, the protective barrier of the Heaven and Earth Fortune Cauldron was still there. When Ye Chen began to collect the Western Tomorrow Territory with all his strength, the huge Western Tomorrow Territory began to tremble violently.

Immediately afterwards, the Western Heavenly Domain flew directly into the Heaven and Earth Creation Cauldron.

The whole process is actually very easy. After all, when the Heaven and Earth Creation Cauldron shrouded the Western Heaven Territory before, half of the collection task had been completed.

However, the cultivators living in the Xitian Territory only felt the strong earthquake at first, and then when they looked at the sky again, they only found some changes in the stars, and could no longer sense anything else.

"Are we admitted to a small world now?"

"The rules of heaven and earth have not changed, and since Heavenly Dao was born in the eternal world, why didn't Heavenly Dao stop that person?"

"Who knew? Even evil spirits can invade the eternal world, which proves that the idea that heaven was born in this eternal world is actually a lie!"

"In any case, the location we are in now is no longer the original eternal world!"


As the West Tomorrow Territory was brought into the Heaven and Earth Creation Cauldron by Ye Chen, the cultivators living in the West Tomorrow Territory already understood their current situation.

This is a small world, but for the monks living under the golden fairyland of the Western Tomorrow Territory, there is no difference between this world and the big world.

Boundary sea.

In the boundary sea close to the West Tomorrow Territory, everyone saw the West Tomorrow Territory suddenly disappear from their eyes.

But after the Western Heaven Territory disappeared, what was left was not a void, but was being shrouded by the power of the Boundary Sea.

The gray matter filled in the boundary sea has always existed, and it seems that the Western Heavenly Domain is only built on this boundary sea.

However, for the creatures living in the Boundary Sea, seeing the Western Tomorrow Territory disappear before their eyes was a huge shock to them.

"The Western Tomorrow Territory has actually been taken away!"

"I didn't expect that under the environment of spiritual energy recovery, the Xitian Territory would be directly taken away by others, and the Heavenly Dao of the Eternal Realm did not come out to stop it. This is really incredible!"

"This person should have taken away the existences of Cangxingtian, Moyuntian and other heavenly realms. I just don't know how much impact he will have on the eternal world if he takes away these heavenly realms."

"What other impact can there be? They have already been taken away, and we have not seen the Heavenly Dao of the Eternal World impose any punishment. This proves that the Heavenly Dao of the Eternal World has acquiesced in the other party's taking away the Western Heavenly Territory!"

"Is there a possibility that the way of heaven was not actually born in this eternal world?"


The creatures in the boundary sea looked at what happened in front of them, their faces were full of shock.

But for the original lord of the Western Tomorrow Territory, the sudden disappearance of the Western Tomorrow Territory left him at a loss what to say.

As far as what is happening now, the powerful existence in the Western Tomorrow Territory is simply not something he can deal with.

Under such circumstances, his life would probably be destroyed!

"My Western Heavenly Domain!"

The Lord of the Western Tomorrow Territory had a look of pain on his face, but after sensing the powerful power of the Western Tomorrow Territory before, he now dared not say anything more.

However, he transmitted what happened here back to the fairy world.

They, the monks who were the first to arrive in this eternal world and were ordered to take advantage of the situation, suddenly faced such a major failure. Naturally, they could not accept it.

Now that such a big event has happened, I naturally have to report back what I have seen!

"Everyone, evil spirits have invaded the eternal world. Instead of dealing with the evil spirits, you are watching the show around the sea of ​​​​the world. What does this mean?"

When all the monks around the West Tomorrow Territory focused their attention on the West Tomorrow Territory, a cold voice came clearly into everyone's ears.

But all the cultivators who heard this were frightened.

At this moment, they only felt that the fire of their lives was swaying.

At this moment, they felt Ye Chen's power firsthand.

Just a message from the divine mind gave them an irresistible feeling in their hearts. If this person directly attacked them with the power of the divine soul, could he destroy them directly?

"Who are you? The Western Tomorrow Territory is part of the Eternal World, and you actually took it away."

"What you do is no different from the devil!"

When everyone didn't know how to answer Ye Chen, an angry voice came into Ye Chen's ears.

This person was the original Lord of the Western Heavenly Territory. When the evil spirits invaded the Western Heavenly Territory, he knew that he was no match for the evil spirits, so he simply left the Western Heavenly Territory and went to other heavenly realms to find reinforcements.

However, although reinforcements were found, the Western Tomorrow Territory disappeared.

Even before the West Tomorrow Territory disappeared, the evil spirits living in the West Tomorrow Territory had been completely eliminated!

The reinforcements around the Lord of the Western Tomorrow Territory, after hearing his question, all used the power of space principles to stay away from this person.

Under the current situation, anyone who can ask such words is definitely a fool!

When Ye Chen heard this person's question, he moved his eyes to him and asked, "Who are you?"

When the young man heard this, he immediately said: "I am the Lord of the Western Tomorrow Territory!"

Hearing this, Ye Chen was very happy.

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