Shinto Dantei

Chapter 3540 The Sleeper in Shuiyun Tianyu

In fact, Shuiyun Tianyu has been invaded by evil spirits a long time ago, and the evil demons who invaded Shuiyun Tianyu disguised themselves as human monks and did not massacre human beings on a large scale.

This led the monks in Shuiyun Tianyu to believe that they had not suffered any large-scale invasion in Shuiyun Tianyu for the time being.

But now, Ye Chen's words shocked all the creatures in Shuiyun Tianyu.

Shuiyun Tianyu has been invaded by evil spirits?

But why didn't they notice anything unusual?

"Brothers, our disguise has been seen through, and this person is going to attack us now. We can't wait any longer, use all your strength, and resist!"

At this time, Zhan Wu immediately took to the air, and he no longer pretended to be himself. The demonic energy on his body was overwhelming, and the image of the human race began to distort under the impact of the demonic energy.

After a while, he turned into a monster that was ten feet in size.

Zhan Wu's current image makes people feel as if he was born for killing. The fierce aura revealed makes the monks around him change their colors!


"Have the evil spirits really invaded our Shuiyun Heavenly Realm?"

"When did they invade, and why didn't we receive any news?"

"They are lurking in the Shuiyun Tianyu. If it hadn't been for this lord to take action, we might still not know that the evil spirits have set foot in the Shuiyun Tianyu!"


The local monks in Shuiyun Tianyu looked at the ten-foot-sized demon, their faces were full of shock.

At this moment, figures rushed out from the crowd one after another. Each figure that rushed out contained terrifying power. When the aura on their bodies was fully revealed at this moment, it already made the surrounding cultivators... They all felt frightened!

The War Demon no longer pretends to be himself, and there are shadows of the War Demon almost everywhere in the vast Shuiyun Tianyu.

The overwhelming amount of demonic energy gathered in the Shuiyun Heavenly Realm. The horror on the faces of the monks who lived in the Shuiyun Heavenly Realm became more and more intense when they looked at the war demons that kept flying into the sky.

There are too many war demons. Now the dense war demons are flying into the sky. After they all show their true bodies, the huge water cloud sky domain now feels like a demon domain!

Ye Chen looked at these war demons that kept flying into the air, and he smiled and said: "You guys, please go to death!"

As the voice fell, Ye Chen thought, and the suction force suddenly acted directly on these war demons.

There were also hidden war demons in the crowd. They did not expose themselves immediately. They were still lucky in their hearts, thinking that Ye Chen could not really discover them.

But now, the suction force is acting directly on them.

Now, in the vast Shuiyun Tianyu, whether it is the evil demons who appeared on their own initiative or the evil demons who were hiding, they were all pulled by this suction force and thrown directly into the refining space of the Heaven and Earth Fortune Cauldron by Ye Chen. !

"what are you up to?"

"Damn the human race, we are here to fight for the strong men with the Immortal Realm of the Demon Clan. If you dare to massacre us now, I, the strong Immortal Realm of the Fighting Demon Clan, will not let you go!"

"Don't kill me, I am willing to surrender, and please let me go, great being!"

"I have a mark left in the Demon Realm. Even if you kill me, I can still revive from the Demon Realm. When the time comes, I and the Demon Clan will directly send out Immortal Realm experts to carry out a devastating blow to you!"

"Human race, you have caused a big disaster. I will not let the demon race give up!"


There were war demons begging for mercy, some war demons threatening Ye Chen, and even more war demons wailing.

But Ye Chen didn't pay attention to these voices at all.

The moment he took over the Water Cloud Heaven Realm, the fate of these evil spirits living in the Water Cloud Heaven Realm was doomed.

Approximately more than 10 million war demons have descended on the Shuiyun Tianyu. Now, under the influence of Ye Chen's power, all of these war demons have been included in Ye Chen's forging space.

When these war demons disappeared, there was no trace of the evil demons in the vast Shuiyun Tianyu!

After Ye Chen finished all this, he said to the creatures in Shuiyun Tianyu: "You can live in my little world. The current upper limit of power in my little world is not worse than that of the eternal world!"

After saying these words, Ye Chen left his own little world directly.

When he left, all the creatures who stayed in his little world looked at each other in shock.

"Is this kind of world still a small world?"

The genius of Shuiyun Tianyu felt the richness of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in Shuiyun Tianyu. He said with emotion: "If he doesn't say that we are in his little world, who will believe that we are in his little world?" in?"

"Who is he? After taking away the Western Heavenly Territory, he also took away the Shuiyun Heavenly Territory. Could he have included the entire Eternal World into this small world?"

"It's not impossible!"

"Hiss... It's really unbelievable. Shuiyun Tianyu and Ximing Tianyu are both part of the eternal world. If he takes these two worlds away like this, isn't he afraid that the heavenly ways of the eternal world will target him?"

"If Heaven wanted to target him, it would have been targeted long ago!"

"Everyone, please stop talking about this matter. We are still in this world, so we need to be careful with our words and actions!"


While everyone was discussing who Ye Chen was, something suddenly happened among the Jedi in Shuiyun Tianyu.

At this time, fierce auras burst out from Shuiyun Tianyu, and then, the fierce aura enveloped the entire Shuiyun Tianyu, as if it was going to crush Shuiyun Tianyu directly.

But all the cultivators living in Shuiyun Tianyu, after feeling this aura, they only feel that the fire of their life is trembling. Faced with this sudden burst of terrifying aura, there is no way to resist it for a while. .

"Who took away this Shuiyun Tianyu?"

"This continent is part of the Immortal Realm. We are here to recuperate and recuperate. Without anyone checking, some crazy people took this continent away?"

"Hmph, if you dare to bring Shuiyun Tianyu into your small world, then I will destroy his small world!"

"That's right! This small world was destroyed directly!"


At this moment, these powerful auras that erupted from Shuiyun Tianyu had already exploded their own power and bombarded towards the edge of Shuiyun Tianyu.


Waves of terrifying energy erupted from the bodies of these sleepers, and each of their blows contained the power to destroy the world, making the monks in Shuiyun Tianyu terrified!

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