Shinto Dantei

Chapter 3574: Not in harmony with the fairy world

When Wu Xu and Ye Chen shook hands and made peace, he, the messenger, would arouse the disgust of the two.

Whether it was Ye Chen or Wu Xu, the strength of these two people was not something he could contend with.

Unless he could find a backer who could suppress these two people, otherwise, his ending would be very tragic!

At this time, Wu Xu's eyes had already moved to Wu Xun.

Seeing Wu Xu's eyes, Wu Xun showed a flattering and fearful smile on his face, and respectfully shouted: "My lord."

Wu Xu looked at Wu Xun coldly, and he said: "There are evil demons in Huang Haotian Territory, you lead people to Huang Haotian Territory to help the human race in Huang Haotian Territory."

This order was simply to send Wu Xun to his death.

If Wu Xun had heard such an order before, he would definitely not execute it.

But now, knowing that the evil demon in Huang Haotian Territory had been solved by Ye Chen, he would not encounter any danger if he went to Huang Haotian Territory now.

Immediately, he immediately accepted the order and left the place directly.

Ye Chen said nothing about this.

To him, Wu Xun was just a small person who was not worth taking care of, and he could not possibly pose any threat to him.

And for Wu Xu, letting Wu Xun go to Huang Haotianyu now would definitely mean sending him to death.

"Sir, the evil demons in Huang Haotianyu have been solved."

Just after Wu Xun left, Wu Liang's voice came from the side.

The Wu clan does need unity now, but he doesn't want to let Wu Xun, who has repeatedly jumped out to cause trouble for him, jump up and down. .

When Wu Xu heard Wu Liang's words, he asked in surprise: "Solved?"

He was in seclusion before, and if he hadn't felt that Ye Chen was spying on this world, he would not have appeared at all.

Wu Liang nodded, and he said: "It was this sir who solved it."

He turned his eyes to Ye Chen, and when Wu Xu heard this, he quickly set his eyes on Ye Chen, his eyes full of horror.

The strength of the Eternal Realm is much weaker than their Sea of ​​Realm. In his opinion, the Eternal Realm has no way to stop the evil demons.

Fortunately, there are cultivators from the Immortal Realm who help the Eternal Realm. Otherwise, the Eternal Realm would have been occupied by the evil demons long ago.

In this case, Ye Chen actually solved the evil demons in Huang Hao's Heavenly Realm. Doesn't that mean that Ye Chen is from the Immortal Realm?

When he thought of this, his expression became solemn in an instant, and he said, "Are you from the Immortal Realm?"

Ye Chen saw that Wu Xu's expression seemed to be less friendly, and he felt a little strange.

Immediately, he asked, "Does it matter whether I am from the Immortal Realm or not?"

Wu Xu said, "If you are from the Immortal Realm, please leave my Wu Clan world. My Wu Clan world cannot climb the high branches of the Immortal Realm!"

He seemed to have a big prejudice against the Immortal Realm.

When Ye Chen heard this, he smiled and said, "You are disgusted with the fairy world?"

Just as Ye Chen's voice fell, another voice came into his ears, "It's not disgust, but hatred!"

Along with this voice, a fierce breath came from far away, but in an instant, it came to Ye Chen.

The man's cultivation was at least the third level of the Daluo realm. After he came in front of Ye Chen, the fierce aura on his body directly crushed towards Ye Chen, as if he wanted to kill Ye Chen on the spot.

Facing the momentum emanating from this third-level Daluo realm cultivator, Ye Chen didn't take it seriously at all.

For him, that momentum was like a breeze, and then there was no other feeling.

But the cultivators around Ye Chen, even Wu Xu, were suppressed and unable to move under the cover of this momentum.

After the visitor came to Ye Chen, he said, "The Immortal Realm separated the Eternal World from the Immortal Realm. As abandoned beings, how can we have a good impression of the Immortal Realm!" After a pause, he said, "If you are from the Immortal Realm, you can leave now." When Ye Chen heard this, he said, "I thought you would attack me." He smiled and said, "No, you seem to have already attacked me." The pressure of momentum can also be regarded as an attack on himself, but the momentum emanating from this guy can't have any effect on him. Hearing Ye Chen's words, the visitor's color changed slightly. His cultivation is at the third level of the Daluo Realm. When the aura on his body is emitted, it can definitely have a huge impact on the cultivators below the third level of the Daluo Realm. Ye Chen's cultivation is only at the ninth level of the Golden Immortal Realm, but after facing the pressure of momentum emerging from him, he did not feel any oppression, which surprised him. Could it be that Ye Chen has some treasure in his hand that can resist the pressure of momentum? Just when he had this thought in his heart, a more powerful power emerged from Ye Chen's body.

That was also a kind of pressure from the momentum, but facing the momentum that erupted from Ye Chen, the Daluo Realm third-level cultivator who came to Ye Chen felt like he was carrying a mountain on his back, making it difficult for him to resist!

The heavy pressure instantly pressed him to the ground.

At this moment, his heart was full of horror.

He never thought that the power that emerged from Ye Chen, a monk at the ninth level of the Golden Immortal Realm, would be so powerful!

" are not a monk from the Golden Fairy Realm!"

Just the aura emanating from his body suppressed him to the point of being unable to move. This only meant one thing, that is, Ye Chen's cultivation was not at the Golden Fairy Realm!

When Ye Chen heard this, he said, "Does it matter whether I am in the Golden Immortal Realm?"

When the monk at the third level of Daluo Realm heard this, he said, "What exactly are you going to do?"

"From the moment the eternal world was separated from the immortal world, the eternal world was considered a place abandoned by the immortal world. Now you monks from the immortal world have returned to the eternal world. Don't you think this is a bit of a slap in the face?"

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Who told you that I am a monk from the immortal world?"

"Based on your mere conjecture, you regard me as a monk from the fairy world. You are too arbitrary!"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the monk at the third level of Daluo Realm was stunned and said: "If you are not from the fairy world, how can you solve the demonic disaster in Huang Hao's realm?"

There are evil spirits entrenched in Huang Haotian Domain, and he knows it.

They have also been sending people to clean up the evil spirits in Huang Haotian Domain on a small scale, and capture the evil spirits for research.

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