Shinto Dantei

Chapter 3607 What is his purpose?

He began to burn his soul in exchange for more powerful power.

Doing so was definitely the most damaging way for him, but he had no choice.

When his life was threatened, if he didn't fight hard, what would he become?

However, when he burned his soul, a series of imprisonment forces rushed straight into his soul.

In an instant, Yu Jing suddenly found that he had lost control of his soul.

This shocked him. He didn't expect that the power displayed by this insect in front of him, who seemed to be only at the ninth level of the Golden Immortal Realm, would be so powerful to such a terrifying degree.

With his fifth level of Daluo Realm, he was sealed up without feeling anything.

The imprisonment force that filled his soul cut off the possibility of him continuing to burn his soul.

Even this power spread to his body, completely sealing him up.

"You are not a ninth-level Golden Immortal Realm cultivator, why do you pretend to be one?"

"Is it fun for you to do this?"

Yu Jing is now in tears.

If he had known that the so-called great opportunity in the tortoise shell would put him in such a dangerous situation, he would never rashly set foot here.

It is too late to regret now.

Being sealed here by Ye Chen, he felt that the fire of his life was trembling.

Facing such a strong enemy like Ye Chen, he had no way to deal with it at all.

He felt that death could come to him at any time. Realizing the danger he was facing now, he hurriedly said: "I didn't mean to rob you of your cultivation resources. Please give me a chance!"

In the current situation, he had to choose to bow his head.

However, Ye Chen ignored his words.

The surrounding space was sealed by the mysterious woman herself, so that some beings here could not detect the breath emitted by the Heaven and Earth Creation Cauldron breaking the eighth seal.

But in this case, someone still broke the ban made by the mysterious woman and appeared directly in front of him.

After such a thing happened, Ye Chen naturally had to investigate how the other party broke the restriction.

It was impossible for a cultivator of the fifth level of the Daluo Realm to break the restriction set by the mysterious woman!

There must be something he didn't know, so he chose to imprison Yu Jing's soul and prepared to search his soul to find out the secret of why he could break the restriction here.

Yu Jing was stunned when he saw that Ye Chen ignored his pleas for mercy.

His current situation was too difficult.

The shadow of death lingered in his heart, and he once again asked for help from the consciousness in his tortoise shell.

However, the consciousness in the tortoise shell seemed to have disappeared, and there was no response to his request for help.

At this moment, Yu Jing suddenly realized that external forces were unreliable after all.

The mysterious consciousness that he had placed too much hope on now abandoned him and left.

He even suspected that the mysterious consciousness in the tortoise shell might have deliberately led him here to die.

When he felt the shadow of death looming over him, he said to Ye Chen again: "Don't kill me, as long as you spare my life, I am willing to follow you and be your slave!"

He put down his dignity and begged for mercy from Ye Chen humbly, hoping to survive from Ye Chen's hands.

There is a saying in this world that if you reach the realm of immortality, you will be truly immortal.

But there are still many immortal cultivators who died in the hands of other cultivators.

Eternal immortality means that you will be immortal without any external attack.

Moreover, these immortal creatures have to face the test of the coming of the heaven every once in a while. Only by passing the test can they be qualified to continue to live in this world. If they cannot pass the test, they can only end up dead.

Yu Jing didn't want to die. He thought that his talent was very good. If he was given some more time, he might not be able to step into the realm of immortals in the future.

But now everything is in vain. The power displayed by Ye Chen is beyond his imagination. The terrifying energy fluctuations from Ye Chen are as if he wants to take his life away directly.

Facing such a powerful existence as Ye Chen, he has abandoned all his dignity in order to survive. He only hopes that Ye Chen can give him a way out.

However, judging from what is happening now, Ye Chen may not give him this opportunity!

"I don't need a slave like you."

Ye Chen finally responded to Yu Jing. The cold voice entered Yu Jing's ears, but it made Yu Jing completely desperate.

"I am a cultivator of the fifth level of Daluo Realm. My cultivation is also very powerful in this world sea."

"I can do a lot for you. If you spare my life, I will definitely repay you well!"

At this moment, Yu Jing really wanted to live.

He didn't know where the consciousness in his tortoise shell had gone, but there was no doubt that the consciousness in the tortoise shell must have other purposes, so it guided him here!

"You are only at the fifth level of the Daluo realm. You are no match for me."

"I have many Daluo Realm Level 5 cultivators like you under my command. One more and one less won't make a difference!" Ye Chen responded to Yu Jing again. When Yu Jing heard this, a huge wave of shock had already been set off in his heart. He never thought that he would hear such words from Ye Chen. He has many Daluo Realm masters under his command, why didn't he see them? Just when such doubts emerged in his heart, he suddenly found that a strange consciousness invaded his soul. This is a soul-searching method! Yu Jing was shocked. He didn't expect that he, a Daluo Realm Level 5 master, would be directly searched by someone! He felt the domineering power displayed by Ye Chen, and that kind of power was difficult for him to resist. The extremely terrifying power burst out from Ye Chen's body, and his soul did not resist at all. He didn't know why Ye Chen wanted to search his soul. With Ye Chen's strength, he could have killed him directly, so why did he have to do this? He could easily suppress me, which proved that his real fighting power was far beyond my imagination.

In this situation, he did not rush to kill me, but searched my soul instead. What was his purpose in doing so?

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