Shinto Dantei

Chapter 3650 Deterrence

Ye Chen saw this, so he patiently talked with them here.

Although this kind of conversation is extremely oppressive, there is no need to suppress them directly with force at the beginning.

Tong Jing's words made the cultivators in the hall change color.

Some cultivators did not want to fight with Ye Chen.

When Ye Chen defeated Tong Jing with one move, they realized that Ye Chen's strength was definitely not as simple as they imagined.

For cultivators, it is not that they can win by having an advantage in numbers.

If Ye Chen has the strength to crush more than a hundred of them, the first-level cultivators of the Daluo Realm, then if they really accept Tong Jing's bewitching now, they will regret it too late. M..

Tong Jing did not want to surrender to Ye Chen just like that, especially at the current juncture, he believed that Ye Chen's proposal to take them all into the Daye Empire would definitely be blocked.

So he continued to sing the opposite tune with Ye Chen, saying: "To resist foreign aggression, we must first stabilize the internal situation. If we are not united internally, how can we destroy the evil demons in the Tiantian Realm!"

"What I am doing now is not to fight for power, but to better deal with the evil demons!"

When Ye Chen heard Tong Jing's words, he said: "According to you, whoever is strong enough can rule you?"

When Tong Jing heard this, he felt bad.

The main reason is that Ye Chen's strength can crush him. In this case, if he affirmed Ye Chen's statement, he would definitely continue to suppress him.

Immediately, he said: "Not only in terms of strength, but also in terms of character, we must admire him, then we will obey his orders!"

Tong Jing observed Ye Chen's expression while speaking, and seeing that Ye Chen did not refute him, he continued: "The fact that we, the cultivators of the Daluo realm, can gather here has a lot to do with my previous efforts."

"If I hadn't called on everyone to gather here, I'm afraid that the sky where they are would have been completely occupied by the evil demons."

"Our alliance is that when one side is in trouble, all sides will support it. We advance and retreat together, and this is why the evil demons were suppressed by us."

When Ye Chen heard this, he smiled and said, "But I didn't see the evil demons Suppressed by you. "

"The evil demons are invaders from the demon world. If you can really suppress the evil demons, then the evil demons will not be able to occupy half of the heaven in this Yantian Realm."

"But what I saw is that half of the territory of this Yantian Realm has been occupied by evil demons. Is this what you call suppression?"

After saying this, Ye Chen moved his eyes to other cultivators and said, "Everyone, I can talk to you here for so long because you are still sticking to this Yantian Realm."

"My patience is limited. If you are unwilling to join my Daye Empire, don't blame me for treating you as invaders!"

Ye Chen's words are the final ultimatum.

After hearing these words, everyone's expressions became particularly ugly.

Kang Zhen, who had always been singing against Tong Jing before, no longer cared about singing against Tong Jing at this time.

He looked at Ye Chen in front of him and said, "This Eternal World was originally part of the Immortal World. It was just because of the invasion of evil demons in the last era that the Eternal World had to be separated from the Immortal World by the powerful."

"Now the spiritual energy of the Eternal World is reviving, and the Eternal World will sooner or later merge with the Immortal World again."

"Under such circumstances, you actually regard us as invaders. Don't you think your attitude is too much?"

Kang Zhen's strength is comparable to that of Tong Jing.

Ye Chen can easily suppress Tong Jing, so he must be able to easily suppress him.

But he really couldn't stand Ye Chen's words. He actually wanted to treat them as invaders. How could they accept this?

When Kang Zhen's voice fell, another cultivator of the first level of Daluo Realm said: "Our descent into this immortal world is good for the creatures in the immortal world."

"If it weren't for us blocking the evil demons outside, the creatures in this immortal world would have long been reduced to food for the evil demons."

After this person's voice fell, another cultivator rebuked: "We are the benefactors of the immortal world. When the evil demons invaded this immortal world, if we didn't help to resist, do you think this immortal world would continue to exist?"

Everyone refuted Ye Chen's words one after another.

When Ye Chen heard these objections from the crowd, he showed a playful smile on his face and said: "It seems that you are unwilling to join my Daye Empire."

"After saying so much, it turns out that I have been wasting time here!"

After the voice fell, the momentum on his body suddenly bloomed directly.

The magnificent momentum was like the power of heaven, acting directly on the hearts of everyone.

All the cultivators in this hall, after they felt the terrifying momentum displayed by Ye Chen, they only felt that their life fire was trembling.

Then, a cultivator wanted to escape from this place.

However, when he moved his body, he found that an invisible force blocked him in place, and even the power in his body was sealed, making him unable to show his power!

"You... you sealed my cultivation?"

Some monks stared at Ye Chen with disbelief on their faces. They knew that Ye Chen was very strong, but they didn't know that Ye Chen was so strong!

As far as what was happening now, the power displayed from Ye Chen had already exceeded their imagination.

They were directly locked in place, no matter how hard they struggled, it was still to no avail.

At this moment, all the Daluo realm monks in the hall were stunned.

Isn’t the limit of the power that the Immortal World can currently hold at the first level of the Great Luo Realm?

Why are some people breaking this boundary now and bursting out with unimaginable power?

For a moment, everyone turned their attention to Ye Chen, and everyone's face was filled with fear.

Ye Chen looked at the monks in the hall and said, "Sealing your cultivation is to prevent you from escaping."

"If you don't make the right choice, then you will go directly to destruction."

A cold voice came from Ye Chen's mouth, but the panic in the hearts of all the monks who heard his words became even stronger.

And Tong Jing directly carried out his backstage, and said sternly: "Monarch Daye, we are all big forces from the fairy world. You are treating us like this now. Aren't you afraid that the forces behind us will unite against you? "

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