Shinto Dantei

Chapter 3657 Crazy Blood Demon Emperor

It was a very casual move, just like swatting a fly.

However, as the palm wind of the Mad Blood Demon Emperor flew towards Zhang Qian, Zhang Qian felt a shadow of death lingering in his heart. Before he could react, a force of annihilation came into effect. It made him terrified!

At this moment, Zhang Qian felt that his life was about to fall under this palm.

The offensive he created had no effect when facing the Blood-Crazy Demon Emperor.

On the contrary, the power displayed by the Blood-crazed Demon Emperor was disappointing.

Both were at the first level of the Great Luo Realm, but the gap between him and the Mad Blood Demon Emperor was as big as heaven and earth!

The palm of the Mad Blood Demon Emperor brought him the threat of death. He immediately took out a death talisman and then transferred his true body away.

Just after he used the death talisman, his original body was directly annihilated.

When the Mad Blood Demon Emperor saw Zhang Qian using the death talisman, he joked: "The death talisman?"

"How many such things do you have?"

"No matter how many scapegoats you have, they can't change your fate."

At this point, he changed the topic and said: "Unless you are willing to surrender to me, otherwise, you will die today!"

Zhang Qian's body regrouped on the other side.

When he felt what he had encountered, he felt desperate.

They themselves were no match for the evil demon. They only relied on the help of the Hundred Nations Alliance to block the offensive moves of the Bloody Blood Demon Emperor.

But now, the Mad Blood Demon Emperor is going to launch a full-scale war against them. As long as they cross the Mohe River, they will have no power to resist!

Unless a miracle happens, otherwise, Chenghe Tianyu will definitely fall!

"Everyone, it's time to fight!"

Zhang Qian ignored the words of the Mad Blood Demon Emperor. He said to the warriors under his command: "I know that many of you are monks from the immortal world. I think that even if the eternal world is destroyed, it will not have much to do with you. ”

"But have you ever thought about why the eternal world was separated from the fairy world by the powerful?"

"The demons are a very cruel race. Don't even think about surrendering to save your lives."

"If you really want to surrender, it is no different than committing suicide."

"Now use all your strength, use all your trump cards, and have a good fight with these evil spirits. Only victory can guarantee our lives!"

Zhang Qian is now determined to fight to the death with the Bloody Blood Demon Emperor to the end.

The methods of these evil spirits are too weird, and the power displayed from them is completely beyond what they can contend with.

But he had to contend.

Either way, you will die, so why not give it a try?

Maybe, seeing their desperate fighting style, the evil spirits would not dare to continue the invasion.

"Ha ha……"

When the Mad Blood Demon Emperor heard Zhang Qian's words, he taunted loudly: "How long has it been, and you still want to confuse people's hearts?"

"They are unwilling to fight, but you force them to fight with me. You are completely pushing them to a dead end!"

After mocking Zhang Qian for a while, the Mad Blood Demon Emperor said to the soldiers under Zhang Qian: "Everyone, if you don't want to die, surrender to me now."

"You have too much prejudice against us demons. Since we came to Chenghe Tianyu, we have never killed any human race at all."

"The humans living in the realm ruled by my demon clan even receive very generous treatment. They don't need to worry about cultivation resources. They don't even need to contribute to our demon clan. Our demon clan will still give them cultivation resources. "

"You are full of too many prejudices against us. I, the Mad Blood Demon Emperor, have come to Chenghe Heavenly Territory to change your prejudices!"

After saying this, he added: "If you don't believe it, you can come to the realm of my demon clan and see what kind of life the humans here live!"

When the words of the Mad Blood Demon Emperor reached the ears of the humans under Zhang Qian, they were all moved!

Although the devil is not trustworthy, they would rather believe the devil's words when faced with death threats.

What if?

What if this Blood-crazed Demon Emperor is different from other evil demons?

If the human race living in the territory ruled by the Mad Blood Demon Emperor really lived a very superior life, then why would they have to fight to the death here?

As far as what is happening now, a powerful man like the Blood-crazed Demon Emperor is actually willing to explain things about the human race to them, which in itself explains a lot of problems.

Maybe, the human race living in the territory of the Mad Blood Demon Emperor would really have a very good life.

"So this is the life that humans live in the territory of your Mad Blood Demon Emperor?"

Just when everyone was shaken, a cold voice suddenly came into their ears.

Immediately afterwards, a picture appeared on the sky.

There are scenes of human monks being brutally devoured by demons, and there are also scenes of human beings being used as objects of pleasure by demons and wantonly toying with them.

Various pictures about the tragic situation of the human race gradually appeared in the sky.

The human monks in Zhang Qian's camp changed their colors when they saw the scene displayed on the sky!

What follows is fury!

Originally, some people thought that the human race was really living well in the territory of the Mad Blood Demon Emperor, but after they saw the scene in the sky, they were completely shocked by the scene.

The human race is the native creature of this eternal world. Before the evil spirits invaded this eternal world, they were the overlords of this eternal world.

But now, what do they see?

The situation of humans is no different than that of animals!

The demons invaded, and they brutally killed the human race. They took pleasure in killing people. The funny thing was that they almost believed the words of the crazy-blooded demon emperor!

At the same time, the Mad Blood Demon Emperor looked at the scene appearing in the sky, but he didn't care at all.

He smiled and said: "You have discovered it now. It seems that there are spies from your human race among my demon clan!"

He seemed unfazed by these things as he continued: "But so what?"

"When my demon clan enters this eternal world, it will only be a matter of time before this eternal world turns into a demonic land."

"You are dreaming if you want to stop us!"

He didn't care who made that scene, anyway, their demon clan was now capable of crushing the Chenghe Tianyu.

However, just as the Mad Blood Demon Emperor's voice fell, that cold voice came into his ears again, "Really?"

Just two simple words, but when they fell into the ears of the Mad Blood Demon Emperor, they made him change his color!


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