Shinto Dantei

Chapter 3666 Massacre!

The Lord of Mingwei Tianyu knows that what they are encountering now in Mingwei Tianyu is actually very difficult to deal with.

If they don't do it right, they may fall into an irreversible situation.

This sudden burst of purple-gold light was filled with power that completely exceeded their imagination.

This thing has a suppressive effect on them. If this force continues to act on them, then they will have no chance of resisting it when facing it!

At this point, the Lord of Mingwei Tianyu could only incite other evil spirits to go to the sky with him to investigate the situation.

If possible, directly killing the terrifying existence above the sky is the right thing to do!

"The situation is not good. This power is obviously aimed at us. If we rush directly to the sky now, we don't know what kind of situation we will face."

There was an evil demon who looked at what was happening in the sky, and he already wanted to retreat in his heart.

Now the entire Mingwei Heaven Realm is an altar. As long as you enter these altars, you can leave this Mingwei Heaven Realm.

"This force has a suppressive effect on us. If the enemy uses this force to block us first and then waits until we are exhausted before attacking us, how can we resist?"

Another evil demon at the first level of the Great Luo Realm spoke.

After he said this, he looked around again and said: "Let's leave this Mingwei Tianyu first!"

When the Lord of Mingwei Tianyu heard this, he said angrily: "Leave Mingwei Tianyu?"

"Why do these words seem so funny when they come out of your mouth?"

Naturally, the Lord of Mingwei Tianyu didn't want to evacuate like this.

He has made a lot of efforts in this Mingwei Heavenly Realm, and now someone actually announced that he will evacuate this Mingwei Heavenly Realm directly. How can he accept this!

What's more, the enemy only showed a method. Although this purple-gold light has a suppressing effect on them, for him, this suppression is not very strong.

As long as they unite, they may not be able to find a way to break this suppressive power.

However, what surprised them was that under the current situation, someone actually suggested evacuating this place. How could he accept this!

The Lord of Mingwei Tianyu looked at everyone and said: "Everyone, your purpose in coming to this eternal world is to cooperate with me in occupying this eternal world."

"Now that we have just encountered a small setback, you are actually planning to back down. If you just go back, do you think the monarch of the bloodthirsty empire will let you go?"

When all the evil demons heard the words of the Lord of Mingwei Tianyu, they all froze on the spot.

The bloodthirsty empire uses the word "bloodthirsty" as its national title, which is enough to prove the cruelty of the bloodthirsty empire.

Although they are all evil spirits, once they return to the bloodthirsty empire in despair, there will definitely be no way to survive!

When the Lord of Mingwei Tianyu saw everyone coming back, he said: "Everyone, from now on, show me all the power you have."

"Follow me and go to the sky to see who dares to attack our Mingwei Tianyu!"

After he said this, he took the lead and flew towards the sky.

So far, the formation they deployed in this Mingwei Tianyu has been completely cracked.

The formation is now in pieces and no longer has any power at all.

Now, what replaces their forbidden formation is a purple-gold light.

This purple-gold light was like divine power, and it had a great restraining effect on them, preventing them from fully exerting their cultivation.

However, no matter how dangerous the road ahead is, giving in before seeing the enemy is not the style of their demons!

When the Lord of Mingwei Tianyu came to the sky with a heavy heart, he saw a large purple-gold cauldron suspended in the sky of Mingwei Tianyu.

Next to the cauldron, there was a young man in white standing, it was Ye Chen.

He didn't know Ye Chen, but after seeing the young man in white clothes, he instinctively connected what happened in the Mingwei Tianyu with this young man in white clothes.

He looked at Ye Chen and said, "Who are you? Our Mingwei Tianyu is only huddled in a corner of this eternal world. Why do you want to attack our Mingwei Tianyu?"

Ye Chen is in the form of a human monk, but the Lord of Mingwei Tianyu thinks that this guy should not be a human in this eternal world.

Nowadays, the native creatures in the eternal world have not grown up at all. The natives in the eternal world are at the bottom of the food chain.

He believed that Ye Chen was probably an evil demon from other heavens, and only the demons themselves understood them.

After all, the purple-gold light created by Ye Chen using the Heaven and Earth Fortune Cauldron had a suppressive effect on them, which made him think that it was a power specifically targeting their evil spirits.

It is impossible for the native creatures in the immortal world and the monks from the fairy world to control the method of suppressing them. .

When Ye Chen heard the words of the Lord of Mingwei Tianyu, he did not answer him directly.

At this time, he had already investigated the situation in the Mingwei Tianyu.

In the huge Mingwei Tianyu, there is no longer a human being.

This place has completely turned into a demonic realm. The human monks living in the Mingwei Heavenly Realm may have been killed by these evil spirits long ago.

Feeling everything in the Mingwei Tianyu, Ye Chen sighed: "I didn't expect that all the native creatures in the Mingwei Tianyu would be slaughtered by you."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the Lord of Mingwei Tianyu frowned slightly. Is this guy really a human race?

If this is the case, things will be a little difficult to handle.

After all, they have slaughtered the human race in the Mingwei Tianyu, and now another strong human race has arrived here. When the other party finds out that they have no intention of holding back against the Mingwei Tianyu, will they directly Take action and wipe them all out?

Just when such thoughts emerged in his heart, the large cauldron above the sky suddenly burst into purple-gold light.

In an instant, icy murderous intent erupted from the heaven and earth creation cauldron, and every ray of purple-gold light rushed towards it, always carrying a destructive aura.

Some demons at the first level of the Great Luo Realm were hit by these purple-gold rays of light, causing these evil demons at the first level of the Great Luo Realm to be annihilated without even using any means!

When the Lord of Mingwei Tianyu saw this situation, he was frightened to death!

The strength of the first level of Daluo Realm is the limit of the power that the eternal world can currently hold.

At the first level of Daluo Realm, he is the strongest person in this eternal world.

But now, with the existence of the first level of Daluo Realm, their lives are like grass and grass. When facing the purple-gold light erupting from the weird cauldron, they are not the enemy of Yihe!

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