Shinto Dantei

Chapter 3708 I can’t believe it

The Linghua clan leader looked at the cultivator who put forward his opinion, and he said indifferently: "What kind of power is needed to break the world gate of our Linghua clan?"

The Daluo realm third level cultivator who put forward his opinion was slightly stunned when he heard this, and looked at the Linghua clan leader with some confusion, not knowing why he asked this.

But he still replied: "At least the strength of the fourth level of the Daluo realm."

The Linghua clan leader said: "So do we still need to go out?"

The Daluo realm third level cultivator heard this and said: "Do we always allow the enemy to provoke our Linghua clan like this?"

For him, this kind of provocation is absolutely unacceptable.

He even wanted to leave the Linghua clan directly, take the initiative to step into the outside world, and directly kill the cultivator who bombarded their Linghua clan!

The leader of the Linghua tribe said, "We are here to prevent accidents."

"If the gate is really broken, we will face the cultivators who attack our Linghua tribe first."

"We must ensure the safety of other cultivators of our Linghua tribe!"

After a pause, he said, "If the enemy is too powerful and beyond our ability to fight, we must make a decision to keep the race going!"

These words made the cultivator of the third level of Daluo realm fall into silence.

Making a decision to continue the race is actually kneeling on the ground begging for mercy.

Their Linghua tribe is not that powerful. After all, the leader of the Linghua tribe is only the third level of Daluo realm.

The Jiehai tribes close to their Linghua tribe almost all have strong men of the fourth level of Daluo realm. Their third level of Daluo realm cultivation seems too weak.

In addition, several tribes have disappeared in the Jiehai, which forces the Linghua tribe to make the right choice!

The leaders of the Linghua Clan were all silent. They looked at the trembling world gate and did not think that the outside force could blast open the gate of the Linghua Clan.

The gate of the Linghua Clan.

The young man of the Hidden Clan kept bombarding the gate of the Linghua Clan, but he could not break it.

Gradually, he even felt that the power he had burst out fell on the gate of the Linghua Clan, but in fact it had no effect at all.

The world gate of the Linghua Clan seemed to dissolve all the energy he had bombarded, making his power unable to break through the gate of the Linghua Clan.

He attacked for a while, and finally had to say to Ye Chen: "My lord, my strength is limited, and I can't blast open the gate of the Linghua Clan."

Ye Chen heard this, and he smiled and said: "You step aside."

The young man of the Hidden Clan stepped aside without hesitation.

Ye Chen looked at the world gate of the Linghua Clan and punched it!


A world-destroying force burst out from Ye Chen's fist and fell heavily on the world gate of the Linghua Clan.

The gate of the world originally had the tendency to dissolve all attacking forces, but when Ye Chen's punch came, all the means of dissolving forces disappeared.

The gate of the world was directly broken by his punch, revealing the full picture of the world where the Linghua clan was!

The world where the Linghua clan was located was a place with birds singing and flowers fragrant, filled with rich fairy air, and various creatures lived in the Linghua clan, which made the Linghua clan more lively.

However, the high-ranking members of the Linghua clan standing at the gate of the Linghua clan, when they saw the gate of the world of the Linghua clan was blown open, their expressions became particularly ugly.

As for what happened now, when the gate of the world of the Linghua clan was blown open, they knew that a powerful enemy that they could not deal with was about to set foot in the Linghua clan.

Realizing the situation he was facing, the head of the Linghua tribe was the first to step forward. He looked at Ye Chen and the young man from the Hidden tribe outside the gate and said, "There is no hatred between our Linghua tribe and the Hidden tribe. Why did you from the Hidden tribe break through the gate of our Linghua tribe?"

He naturally regarded Ye Chen as a cultivator of the Hidden tribe.

In fact, he did not see through what race Ye Chen was. After all, the feeling that Ye Chen gave him now was more like that of a human living in the Heavenly Domain.

However, the strongest person in the Heavenly Domain is only at the first level of the Daluo realm. How could Ye Chen be a human cultivator from the Heavenly Domain!

When the young man from the Hidden tribe heard this, he said, "My master has something to ask you from the Linghua tribe."

The head of the Linghua tribe heard this and moved his eyes to Ye Chen again. On the surface, Ye Chen's cultivation was only at the first level of the Daluo realm, but after hearing the words of the young man from the Hidden tribe, he did not think so.

Even a moment ago, he did not think that the cultivators who blasted open the gate of their Linghua world were the two people in front of him.

He naturally thought that there were stronger people lurking around.

He seemed to be talking to the two people in front of him, but in fact he wanted to talk to the cultivator who had really blasted the gate of the Spirit Flower Clan.

But what was happening now was far beyond his imagination.

What realm was Ye Chen in?

On the surface, he was at the first level of the Daluo Realm, but he was called "sir" by the young man of the Hidden Clan who was at the second level of the Daluo Realm. So what was his real level of cultivation?

The fourth level of the Daluo Realm?

The gate of the Spirit Flower World can be blasted open by the existence of the fourth level of the Daluo Realm, but it must be spent.

Looking at Ye Chen's current appearance, it seems that the other party did not spend much effort at all!

Ye Chen looked at the senior leaders of the Linghua clan in front of him and said, "I am the king of the Daye Empire."

"I am here today to invite you to join our Daye Empire and fight against the invaders together!"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the leader of the Linghua clan asked in confusion: "Where is the Daye Empire?"

The Da Luo realm monks behind him were also puzzled.

They have never heard of the Daye Empire at all. Could it be that when their Linghua tribe closed the gate to the world, a powerful force appeared in the world sea, subdued other races, and then created the Daye Empire?

Ye Chen explained: "The Daye Empire comes from the Heavenly Realm, and I am also a monk from the Heavenly Realm."

Regarding this Linghua clan, Ye Chen did not directly use his power to overwhelm others.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the senior leaders of the Linghua clan were completely stunned on the spot! ..


After a brief silence, the leader of the Linghua Clan said directly: "The strongest person in the Heaven Realm is only at the first level of the Great Luo Realm. How can you come from the Heaven Realm!"

When Ye Chen heard this, he said, "Do I need to lie to you?"

These words caused the Daluo Realm monks of the Linghua Clan to fall into silence once again.

Indeed, what reason did Ye Chen have to deceive them!

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