Shinto Dantei

Chapter 3881 Domineering Declaration

The demon monk's cultivation level was at the first level of the Great Luo Realm. He looked at Ye Chen with a kind smile on his face and said: "We came to this Yuhan Heaven Realm, but we never brought it to this Rainy Cold Heaven Realm. Disaster is coming.”

"In fact, because we entered this rainy and cold sky, we also brought blessings to the creatures in this rainy and cold sky."

When Ye Chen heard this, his expression was calm, but his heart was full of doubts.

The situation he saw in this rainy and cold realm was completely different from the situation he saw in other places.

Which of the evil spirits that invaded other heavens did not regard the creatures living in the eternal world as food?

But what happened in this rainy and cold realm was very surprising.

The evil spirits invaded the Rainy Heaven Realm. Instead of killing the human race, they actually provided welfare to the human race. What on earth is going on?

"What is your purpose?"

Ye Chen directly asked the real purpose of these evil spirits.

He has been to the Demon Realm, so he naturally knows what the way of heaven is like in the Demon Realm.

The demons were all killing and fighting each other. When they discovered the new world, they began to protect the human race. This was unreasonable no matter how you looked at it.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the evil demon said helplessly: "You always suspect that we have other purposes, but we really have no intention of harming the creatures in the Yuhan Heaven Territory."

"We even released the runes, techniques and training resources of our demon clan for human beings to practice."

“The root of all this is just because we want to create a harmonious and prosperous living environment!”

When Ye Chen heard the words of this Da Luo realm first-level evil demon, he didn't believe what he said at all.

What a joke, the evil demon invaded the eternal world and came to bring welfare. It is strange that he believed it! M..

Immediately, Ye Chen said: "That's all, instead of asking you here, why not let me take a look at your memory directly!"

When the Da Luo realm first-level evil demon heard what Ye Chen said, his expression became cold and he said, "What if I don't agree?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a force of confinement fall on him, imprisoning him directly!

Immediately afterwards, a force of divine soul suddenly invaded his sea of ​​consciousness and acted on his divine soul.

At this moment, this evil demon of the first level of the Great Luo Realm only felt that his memory was being read. He wanted to resist, but in the case of being imprisoned, no matter how much he struggled, he still had no resistance. ability!

Ye Chen searched for souls very quickly. Under his observation, the memories in the mind of this first-level Daluo realm demon were fully revealed.

He figured out where these evil spirits came from, and also figured out their purpose of setting foot in this rainy and cold realm!

Just as the demons at the first level of the Great Luo Realm said, when they set foot in this eternal world, they really just want to establish a harmonious and prosperous order!

Ye Chen read his thoughts in his soul.

This demon at the first level of the Great Luo Realm believes that the demon clan cannot fully develop if the demon clan fights and kills each other.

Killing is not the only thing, peaceful coexistence is the key to the development of the demon clan.

After all, causing too much killing is a very boring thing.

As they invade more and more worlds, those worlds will also be assimilated by the heavenly ways of the demon world.

When there is no more world that the demons can invade, how should the demons get along with each other?

It's still like before, attacking and killing each other, so what will happen?

The evil demons killing each other will only lead to the complete destruction of the demon clan.

Only the peaceful coexistence of all races in the demon world is the way to development!

And these Yuan Demons from the demon world are pursuing this philosophy now.

In the Demon World, they have no soil for experimentation, but after setting foot in the Rainy and Cold Heaven Realm, this Rainy Cold Heaven Realm becomes their experimental field!

"You are really helping the human race sincerely!"

Ye Chen was speechless at what these Yuan Demons had done.

He shook his head slightly, not bothering to explore what the other demons were thinking.

At this moment, he directly took out his Heaven and Earth Creation Cauldron and enveloped the entire Yuhan Heaven Realm.

In an instant, in the vast rainy and cold sky, the sky suddenly turned into a purple-gold color.

Immediately afterwards, all the evil spirits living in the Yuhan Heaven Realm felt a suppression that seemed to come from the level of rules acting on them.

This kind of power is irresistible. Once the suppression from the rule level comes, it will directly take away their lives!

When I think of all that I have encountered now, the expressions of these demons all become ugly.

Immediately afterwards, a demon from the Great Luo realm rose into the sky. They wanted to see who was attacking them in the Yuhan Heaven Realm.

However, when they came to the sky, all they saw was a purple-gold light, and there was nothing else!

There are evil spirits who want to cross this purple-gold barrier, jump out of this rainy and cold sky, and find the existence that targets this rainy and cold sky.

But when they were about to cross the purple-gold barrier, they discovered that although the purple-gold barrier looked unstable, it was not something they could break with their strength!

Even if an evil demon at the second level of the Da Luo realm takes out his Da Luo soldiers and activates all his power, it will be difficult to break this purple-gold barrier!

"What's going on? Who is attacking our Yuhan Tianyu?"

"We came to this Rainy Heaven Territory and did not kill the creatures in this Rainy Cold Heaven Territory. We even gave them corresponding benefits. Why would anyone take action against us?"

"Looking at the trend of the appearance of this purple-gold barrier, it should come from the outside world. I am afraid that the creatures from other heavens have come to kill it."

"It seems that we are going to face a fierce battle next!"


All the evil spirits who came to Yuhan Tianyu were dumbfounded when they discovered that Yuhan Tianyu was completely sealed off.

At this moment, a voice suddenly reached everyone's ears, "From now on, the Yuhan Heaven Territory is under the control of my Daye Empire!"

This voice was majestic and domineering, and no one could refuse.

They had previously speculated on who was attacking the evil demon in their Rainy Heaven Territory. After hearing this, their expressions changed one after another!

"Daye Empire?"

"How is it possible that the Daye Empire is so powerful?"

"Sealing the entire Rainy Heaven Territory is not something that ordinary formations can do. It seems that the Daye Empire controls a weapon that we cannot understand!"

"Now is not the time to talk about this. We have to find a way to figure out the Daye Empire's attitude towards our demons!"


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