Shinto Dantei

Chapter 3897 Haoyun Dao Sect surrenders!

Yu Haoyun had no chance to react to the fighting power displayed by Ye Chen.

He thought that although Ye Chen was strong, he would have to fight hard if he wanted to fight him.

After all, he was the head of the Haoyun Dao Sect and controlled countless treasures.

If Ye Chen wanted to fight him directly, he would take out those treasures, and Ye Chen would definitely not be able to threaten him in a short time.

Even the pressure of the momentum he created would no longer have an effect on him.

As a result, his body was annihilated by Ye Chen before his power could burst out.

That terrifying power was completely beyond his imagination. He didn't know what kind of power Ye Chen showed, but he knew that if he continued to fight with Ye Chen, his life would most likely fall directly under his attack!

"It's not that I'm too strong, it's that you're too weak."

Ye Chen looked at Yu Haoyun and said indifferently: "You may not have put yourself in the right position yet."

"From the moment you set foot in the Eternal World, your fate is doomed."

"You either surrender to my Great Ye Empire or die in my hands, there is no other option!"

When Yu Haoyun heard this, a bitter look appeared on his face.

He looked at Ye Chen and said: "If I had not been suppressed by the power of the rules of the Eternal World, how could I not have any power to fight back when facing you?"

For him, the loss he suffered in fighting with Ye Chen was because his cultivation was suppressed.

With his half-step immortal strength, looking at the entire Eternal World, he is definitely the strongest.

Unless there is an immortal power descending from the immortal world, otherwise, how could he fail in this Eternal World?

But now when facing Ye Chen, he realized how fragile his strength is.

As far as what has happened now is concerned, he is no match for Ye Chen.

If he insists on fighting with Ye Chen, his life is likely to fall into Ye Chen's hands!

When Yu Haoyun thought of what he was experiencing now, his expression became particularly ugly.

This time when they came to this immortal world, their Haoyun Dao Sect's ambitions had not yet been realized, but they were defeated in Ye Chen's hands.

If he did not choose to join the Daye Empire and obey the orders of the Daye Empire now, Ye Chen would most likely wipe him out directly!

The biting cold wind made Yu Haoyun a little at a loss.

All his ambitions vanished in the whistling cold wind.

He looked at the silent Ye Chen and finally compromised.

He said: "From now on, I, Haoyun Dao Sect, am willing to join the Daye Empire and obey the orders of the Daye Empire. Please let me, Haoyun Dao Sect, go!"

When these words came out, it was as if all the strength in his body was drained. His body suspended in the air staggered and was about to be unable to float.

Ye Chen looked at Yu Haoyun indifferently. They had chosen to end up like this.

If you sympathize with them, it would be irresponsible to the creatures in the Eternal World!

"You cultivators from the Immortal Realm, you have never regarded the Immortal Realm as your own territory."

"If the power displayed by you were to erupt in this Immortal Realm, there would be few people in the Immortal Realm who could stop it."

"And when you face the evil demons, few people really fight to the death against the evil demons."

"Letting your Haoyun Dao Sect join my Daye Empire is already a leniency given by me. If you are not convinced in your heart, then hold it back!"

After a scolding, the grief on Yu Haoyun's face turned into bitterness.

He was helpless. When Ye Chen's power reached a point that he could not catch up with, how could he still have the heart to continue fighting with Ye Chen.

"I understand."

"Please rest assured, sir. Since my Haoyun Dao Sect has chosen to join the Daye Empire, we will obey the orders of the Daye Empire and will never do anything to betray the Daye Empire!"

After Yu Haoyun finished speaking, he readjusted his mentality.

In any case, staying alive is always the most important thing.

When a person dies, all things are over. Although it is difficult to be killed when one reaches the realm of immortality, this statement is not absolute.

Take the Great Elder of Haoyun Dao Sect who died in Ye Chen's hands before. He was completely wiped out. When facing Ye Chen, the Great Elder had no chance of reincarnation!

Ye Chen heard this and said, "It is meaningless for you to express your attitude to me now. Next, you will swear with your own Dao heart and express your loyalty to my Daye Empire."

Speaking of this, Ye Chen shifted his gaze to the other cultivators of Haoyun Dao Sect and said, "Of course, if you don't want to submit to my Daye Empire, you can say it now."

"I can let you go because you are also human beings."

Although that's what they said, no one dared to stand up after hearing Ye Chen's words.

Even Yu Haoyun chose to surrender, what else could they say?

What's more, they just swore an oath of Dao Heart. As beings in the Daluo realm, they have many ways to circumvent the Dao Heart Oath!

Seeing that no one said anything, Ye Chen said, "I have to remind you here. If you want to use your secret method to circumvent the Dao Heart Oath, the result will probably not be acceptable to you."

When the cultivators who were preparing to circumvent the Dao Heart Oath heard this, some were disdainful, while others were in a heavy mood.

Seeing that no one spoke, Ye Chen said, "Now we can start."

After he finished speaking, Yu Haoyun immediately said to the cultivators of his Haoyun Dao Sect, "Everyone, you have heard it too. When you make the Dao Heart Oath next, I hope you will not use any means to circumvent the Dao Heart Oath!"

Then, he took the lead in swearing with his Dao Heart and expressed his loyalty to the Daye Empire.

After Yu Haoyun swore, other cultivators of the Haoyun Dao Sect followed suit.

For a while, the sky of the Tianxuan Heavenly Domain was filled with the sound of oaths.

Ye Chen listened to the sound of everyone's oaths, and he was still as calm as water.

After everyone finished swearing, he said again, "You are all cultivators. It is not easy to cultivate to this point today."

"So I just ask you to make the Dao Heart Oath so that you can live."

"But among you, some people think I am a fool!"

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