Shinto Dantei

Chapter 3908 The miserable native creatures!

Before, only local cultivators imagined the scene of opening the city gate to welcome the king's master, and no one dared to put it into action.

But now, a cultivator of the ninth level of the Golden Immortal Realm took the initiative to stand up and said that he would welcome the king's master, which made the cultivators from the fairy world change color!

They knew how powerful the Daye Empire was.

They had heard too many legends about the Daye Empire.

The Daye Empire was not something they could deal with. When the Daye Empire showed enough strength, they understood what their fate would be.

In this case, if they were to fight with the Daye Empire, they would definitely die.

But now, the war has not started yet, and their team has begun to mess up.

And there are more cultivators preparing to welcome the king's master.

As for the cultivators guarding the northern front of the Liangjiu Tianyu, there are too many local creatures ready to welcome the king's master.

The ninth-level cultivator from the Golden Immortal Realm from the Immortal Realm looked at the native creature who shouted "Welcome the King's Master" and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"How brave!"

When he didn't know what to say, a cold voice suddenly reached everyone's ears.

Then, a wave of soul oppression enveloped everyone.

In an instant, all the cultivators below the Daluo Realm felt like they were being stared at by the god of death after feeling the power of soul oppression, making it difficult for them to resist!

"On the battlefield, surrender without fighting, you should be killed!"

The voice of the first-level cultivator of the Daluo Realm was like thunder, almost reaching the ears of all the cultivators.

He was going to take action and kill all the cultivators who were ready to rebel on the battlefield!

And the cultivator who shouted to welcome the King's Master also changed color after hearing this.

But his next move seemed to be as if he was not afraid of death.

He stared at the first-level Daluo realm cultivator floating in the air and said angrily: "Come on, kill me!"

"You didn't think of us when you occupied the Liangjiu Tianyu. Now the Daye Empire is coming, but you gather us together as cannon fodder."

"You bastards from the fairy world, now is your last madness."

"Kill us, and then the righteous army of the Daye Empire will enter the Liangjiu Tianyu. I wonder where you bastards will run!"

This ninth-level Golden Immortal Realm cultivator knew that he had no reason to live after being targeted by a first-level Daluo realm existence.

He was originally a well-known Tianjiao in the Liangjiu Tianyu. When the cultivators from the fairy world had not yet descended on the Liangjiu Tianyu, he was the most likely to go against the tide, surpass the old generation of strong men, and create a new situation in the new era.

However, before he could realize his grand ambitions, he met a strong man from the fairy world.

These cultivators from the fairy world first cleansed the sects and clan forces in the Liangjiutian domain.

At that time, all those who were disloyal were killed.

They had no choice but to bow their heads.

They thought that if they bowed their heads and surrendered, these fairy world cultivators who invaded the Liangjiutian domain would give them corresponding treatment.

As a result, they found that they were completely treated as cultivation materials.

In the eyes of those fairy world cultivators, these local cultivators were completely consumables!

In the past, evil demons invaded the Liangjiutian domain, and many local creatures surrendered to the evil demons, hoping to rely on the power of the evil demons to kill these fairy world invaders.

Unfortunately, the evil demons were more brutal than the fairy world cultivators, and those who surrendered were devoured as soon as they surrendered to the evil demons.

This scared the local creatures behind them and they didn't dare to surrender to the evil demons at all.

They chose to do nothing, but it still didn't work. The cultivators in the fairy world treated them as consumables and made them impact the front line against the evil demons.

In that battle, too many local practitioners died, and they all fell into despair.

When the evil demons that invaded Liangjiu Tianyu were killed, these local practitioners thought that their treatment would be changed, but the result was even worse.

The cultivators who survived the battle with the evil demons by chance, the spoils they obtained from the evil demons were taken away by the immortal practitioners.

In addition to absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to practice, the local creatures have almost no other resources for practice.

Even absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to practice is dangerous. Some immortal practitioners will directly extract the spiritual energy in their bodies because they absorb too much spiritual energy from heaven and earth and damage the quality of the spiritual energy of Liangjiu Tianyu.

It is in this purgatory-like environment that they have survived to this day.

Now, the expeditionary army of the Daye Empire has entered Liangjiu Tianyu. For the local practitioners of Liangjiu Tianyu, this is an opportunity for liberation!

Just like the first cultivator who stood up and shouted to welcome the Royal Master, all the local cultivators now wanted not to survive, but to let those high-ranking cultivators from the Immortal Realm in Liangjiu Tianyu go to destruction with them!

The one who was about to slaughter the local creatures who were bewitching the people in the crowd, with his first-level Daluo Realm cultivation, could definitely kill the ninth-level cultivator in the Golden Immortal Realm.

But after hearing the other party's abuse, he couldn't do anything.

He knew who the enemy they were going to face was.

That was the Daye Empire!

The Daye Empire has occupied many celestial domains. Whether it is the evil demons or the cultivators from the fairy world, they have no power to fight back when facing the Daye Empire.

Now, the conquest army of the Daye Empire is coming. If he continues to slaughter the local creatures under this situation, the consequences can be imagined!

The cultivator of the ninth level of the Golden Immortal Realm saw that the other party did not kill him immediately. How could he not understand the other party's concerns?


He laughed.

He looked at the cultivator of the first level of the Daluo Realm and said, "You came from the fairy world to our eternal world and acted arrogantly. Do you really think you can continue?"

"Now that the attacking army of the Daye Empire is coming, are you guys ready to be liquidated?"

Hearing this, the other cultivators from the fairy world in the crowd changed color.

They suddenly thought of a rumor that the monarch of the Daye Empire regarded the cultivators from the fairy world as invaders!

If this is the case, then even if they welcome the cultivators of the Daye Empire into the Liangjiu Tianyu, they may not have any chance of survival!

Thinking of the situation they are facing now, all the practitioners from the fairy world panicked!

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