Shinto Dantei

Chapter 408 Selection Competition

Unknowingly, Ye Chen had already joined the sect for a full month.

Except for frequent training in the ethereal world, Ye Chen almost never attended any classes. Many new disciples knew his name and talked about him in private.

He probably sneaked in by pretending to be fake, so he didn't dare to attend the class.

After all, if the elder asked him to practice in person during the teaching process, the secret would be revealed.

As for Xiao Yuan'er, whenever she is mentioned, many elders will sigh with regret.

pity! such a pity!

With such a good talent, he was willing to accompany Ye Chen to fall.

It’s true that those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black!

Originally there were still many elders who were unwilling to give up and invited Xiao Yuan'er to attend the lectures, but Xiao Yuan'er always stayed behind closed doors. As time went by, those elders' beards trembled with anger and they never came to the door again.

In their opinion, no matter how talented this kind of person is, there is no way he will be successful!

Even when they were giving lectures, they regarded Ye Chen and Xiao Yuan'er as negative teaching materials.

Taking these two people as examples, they warn new disciples that they must never forget to work hard at any time.

Otherwise, no matter how good your talent is, no matter how much you break records, it will be useless.

"Come on, let's go out for a walk."

Ye Chen stretched himself and ended the retreat.

The white ink lotus flower and the Yin Qi bead made Ye Chen's realm rise again, reaching the level of killing seven times.

He didn't deliberately improve his realm, but he just had a lot of opportunities recently, so he went up without realizing it.

It's true that I haven't gone out for a long time. It's hard for Xiao Yuan'er to have such a lively temper, so she can only hold it in the yard.

The two of them walked around the sect, but found that there were extremely few outer sect disciples today.

On weekdays, there are all disciples outside, and it is very lively with people coming and going.

Near the mine, six strong auras can be felt, and it is obvious that there are six elders stationed here.

On the other side, the original Spirit Sword Mountain has now been replaced by a hundred-meter-high tower. The thousands of magical swords are all attached to the tower. Obviously, the sect wants to replace the former Spirit Sword Mountain in this way. Sword Mountain.

This tall tower is shining with light and contains a rich aura.

It turned out to be an imperial magic weapon!

"It's not a bad idea to replace it with this."

Ye Chen smiled. The aura of this tower and the Thousand Mouth Magic Sword were the same, forming an existence that was not inferior to the imperial magic weapon.

Although it cannot completely replace the effect of Lingjian Mountain, it is still reasonable.

After all, Lingjian Mountain has existed for so many years that all disciples have a kind of thinking inertia.

Before getting started, you need to test your talents in front of Lingjian Mountain to see who can resonate more with the sword.

Therefore, Lingjian Sect also took this into consideration and did not abandon this testing mode.

At this moment, a figure walked in front of him, it was Lu Qianye.

"Hey, Junior Brother Ye, didn't you and Xiao Yuan'er go to the inner disciple selection competition?"

Lu Qianye is in good spirits because he successfully met the criteria for entering the inner sect in the selection competition yesterday and was accepted by Qingyun Peak and became an inner sect disciple.

Today is the selection competition for new disciples.

The three strongest people will be selected into the inner gate.

Therefore, there are very few new disciples outside, because everyone has gone to participate in the trials, who will still hang out in the sect?


Ye Chen looked strange. When did this kind of competition happen?

Xiao Yuan'er shook her head and said she didn't know.

Lu Qianye was also confused, "Don't you know, this shouldn't be the case. Every disciple must be notified of the trial, because this is the only chance for the outer sect disciples to enter the inner sect. If you miss it, you will have to wait another half a year!"

"I have been in retreat during this period. Maybe the notice came, but I forgot about it."

Ye Chen smiled awkwardly and touched his nose.

In fact, there is no notification!

But I can’t say these words.

All the new disciples have been notified, but I haven't. How embarrassing?

"Haha, it doesn't matter. If you want to enter the inner gate, is it just a matter of words? I'm afraid the five peak masters are eager for you to join their mountain. It doesn't matter whether you participate in this trial or not."

Lu Qianye was in a good mood, so he didn't notice Ye Chen's expression.

After chatting for a while, Lu Qianye said goodbye.

After Lu Qianye left, Ye Chen turned his head and asked in a very serious tone, "Xiao Yuan'er, come and tell me whether they have notified me of the selection during my period of retreat." Something happened? Or you informed me, but you forgot?”

Xiao Yuan'er immediately shook her head, "Absolutely not. I've been playing in the yard and no one has ever looked for us."

Ye Chen immediately understood that they really didn't come to notify him!

When the time came, he was a little angry.

What do you mean, don’t treat us as human beings?

Ye Chen actually didn't have much interest in whether he could enter the inner door or not.

As long as there are enough cultivation resources, the inner and outer doors are actually the same.

However, you just ignored us when you were supposed to notify us.

Isn't this too much?


Ye Chen's face was expressionless.

"Ah, where are you going, Master?"

Little Yuaner realized later.

"Go to the tryouts!"

Ye Chen snorted coldly.

Since you didn't respect me first, then don't blame me for causing trouble!

The two of them arrived at the outer martial arts arena. As expected, the place was crowded with people, at least tens of thousands of disciples watching the battle.

There are three floors inside and three floors outside.

All kinds of cheering sounds are endless.

As for the field, the battle seems to have entered a critical stage.

"Huo Dong, what are you doing standing still? Take action and kill him!"

"Junior Brother Huo, I will definitely win if I beat you!"

"Ouch, the boat capsized in the gutter!"

Many disciples covered their faces and howled.

Ye Chen stood up in the air and looked at the situation inside the field.

A young man dressed in black looked miserable and was covered in bruises.

Ye Chen had an impression of him. He was Huo Dong. He was as talented as Feng Xiao and was one of the best among the new disciples.

Feng Xiao had already died in his own hands. Logically speaking, no one among the new disciples should be able to threaten Huo Dong's status.

But now, it seems that he is about to lose!

Huo Dong's opponent was a gloomy-looking young man, about twenty-four or five years old, wearing a blue robe, with an ordinary appearance, but there wasn't much worth noting.

His swordsmanship is very tricky.

Like a poisonous snake, it would add a new wound to Huo Dong's body from time to time.

Coupled with his strange movement skills, no matter how hard Huo Dong tried, he could not touch the opponent's figure.

The whole battle was like a show!

"Among the outer disciples, is there anyone so strong?"

Ye Chen was a little surprised. This young man had killed himself six times, which was the same as Huo Dong.

But the actual combat experience is much better than Huo Dong!

In the blink of an eye, Huo Dong was pierced through the shoulder blade by a sword and was helplessly defeated.

"At the end of the selection, Luo Yuanhua was first, Huo Dong was second, and Zhao Lu was third."

An elder stood up with his hands behind his back and announced the ranking.


A voice sounded at this moment.

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