Shinto Dantei

Chapter 4102 Kill directly!

Chang Xun? "

For Farm No. 4, there are also blue-clad law enforcement officers from the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce monitoring Farm No. 4.

This is a unique method arranged by the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce after the creatures in the farm mature.

"Why is Lord Chang Xun here?"

"An ordinary harvesting mission is not worthy of Lord Chang Xun's attention, right? "

The location of the No. 4 breeding farm is also a valley.

At this time, there were shadowy figures in the valley, but when the evil demons in the valley saw Chang Xun, they all changed color.

Chang Xun is the red-robed law enforcement officer of the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce, and his cultivation is at the ninth level of the Immortal Venerable Realm.

For someone like him, the harvest season of the breeding farm will not attract his attention.

A strong man like him usually stays at the headquarters of the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce. Only when the industry of the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce is in trouble will they come out.

But there was no problem at the No. 4 breeding farm.

The harvest went very smoothly. The human race living on the life star didn't even know that they were being raised. He They just thought that the millennium had come, and it was their chance to ascend to the immortal world.

As for the evil demons who took them away directly, when they took away the cultivators on the living stars, they also transformed into the image of the human race, and disguised their temperament as the state of immortals, so that the human race living on the living stars did not know their true details.

They did not think that there was any problem at the No. 4 breeding farm, but they welcomed the red-clothed law enforcement, which made the creatures of the No. 4 breeding farm a little confused.

Chang Xun came to the entrance of the valley where the No. 4 breeding farm was located. He looked at the forbidden valley and said in a cold voice: "I came here to inspect, and you actually refused me? "

After the voice fell, he actually raised his hand and slapped the valley with a palm.


With a palm slap, a terrifying force suddenly emerged from his body, wrapped in a breathtaking force, as if to destroy the valley.

The evil demons living in the valley were even more affected by the power of Chang Xun's palm, causing them to be impacted.

No matter who they were, they all coughed up blood and looked like they were seriously injured.

"Sir, calm down. When I first saw you coming to Farm No. 4, I was confused and neglected you. Please give me a chance to make up for it! "

At this moment, the guardian of the No. 4 breeding farm endured the discomfort and walked out of the valley.

His cultivation was at the fifth level of the Immortal Venerable Realm. Facing a ninth-level Immortal Venerable like Chang Xun, he really had no way to fight.

What's more, Chang Xun was a red-robed law enforcer with a high position in the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce. There would be no good consequences if he offended such a person.

"Make up?"

"What can you do to make up for it, you bastard?"

Chang Xun came to the guardian of the No. 4 breeding farm and said coldly: "You have committed a crime. From now on, I will be responsible for this place! "

After he said this, he immediately sent out a force of confinement to the No. 4 farm garrison commander, imprisoning him.

This sudden scene shocked the evil demons around.

Which of the farm garrison commanders is not problematic?

It has become a default rule for the garrison commanders to devour the human race of the life stars. As long as the human race is not eaten up on a large scale, no one will say anything.

But now, Chang Xun has actually started to clean up these insignificant little things?

"Sir, there must be a misunderstanding!"

The imprisoned No. 4 farm garrison commander said, "I have been guarding here conscientiously and have never done anything that violates the laws of Tongtian Chamber of Commerce. Please understand, sir!"

Hearing this, Chang Xun said in a cold voice, "Do you mean that I am wronging you?"

The garrison commander hurriedly said, "Sir, you are very observant and you definitely did not wrongly accuse me, but there is definitely a misunderstanding! "

No one would break the unspoken rules that were accepted by default.

He didn't dare to say that Chang Xun had wronged him, he could only say that there was a misunderstanding.

Little did he know that Chang Xun had never intended to let him go.

What he was doing now was also done under the instruction of Ye Chen.

When Chang Xun heard the explanation of the garrison commander, he smiled and said, "Do you want me to search your soul directly? "

When these words reached the ears of the garrison commander, he dared not say anything more.

What a joke, if Chang Xun really let him search his soul, what secrets would he have in his mind?

What's more, it's not like he hasn't devoured the human race on those life stars, and he even sold those human races on a small scale in private.

These things violate the laws set by the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce.

If someone gets serious, he can be sure that the garrisons of all the farms of the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce have problems!

"Please show mercy and let me go!"

The garrison commander also knew that he had no chance to turn over.

But once he was locked up in the prison of the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce by Chang Xun, it would be something he couldn't bear.

"Sir, as long as you let me go, I am willing to be your dog. I will do whatever you tell me to do, and I will only obey you in the future! "

The garrison commander of Farm No. 4 immediately sent a message to Chang Xun.

His meaning was very clear, that is, he would not listen to the orders of Tongtian Chamber of Commerce in the future!

But Chang Xun directly refused and said, "No need."

"With the cultivation of the fifth level of the Immortal Venerable Realm, you are not qualified to be my dog."

After he said this, he slapped the town guard with one palm.

In an instant, a destructive force enveloped the town guard, and he was killed by Chang Xun before he had time to resist!

His soul wanted to escape, but when facing Chang Xun, there was no possibility for him to escape!

Even his soul was swallowed into Chang Xun's stomach, making him completely lose the opportunity to live again!

In the valley where the No. 4 breeding farm is located, other evil demons are terrified when they see the means that Chang Xun is showing now.

No one thought that Chang Xun would be so cruel.

It is no secret that the farm's town guard devours the human race in the farm.

Most of the law enforcers turned a blind eye to these problems.

But now, Chang Xun is serious, what should they do?

Especially those blue-clothed law enforcers, they came here to monitor, but they also took the benefits given to them by the garrison commander. Now Chang Xun suddenly killed the garrison commander, what should they do?

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