Shinto Dantei

Chapter 4112: One-sided massacre!

What can we do? "

"I heard that the place where we lived before was just a breeding farm set up by these evil demons!"

Beside the middle-aged man with a resolute face, another beautiful woman answered her words with bitterness.

She was also a well-known existence in her original world.

She also believed that she could create a new situation after coming to the fairyland.

But they didn't expect that after they came to the fairyland, they would be greeted by blood sacrifice!

The power of the ban on them now is just the momentum of a demon cultivator in the Daluo realm.

But it was this momentum that sealed them all and made them even No power can be used.

These human beings went from being full of confidence at the beginning to being completely desperate now, just because they set foot in this demon world. The gap between them is difficult for many human cultivators to accept.

Some even want to commit suicide directly, but it is useless.

The power here is too strong, making suicide a luxury for them!

At this point, they have to accept their fate!

"It's so funny, we have heard so many legends about the fairy world, but it turns out to be a story woven for us by the evil demons in the demon world."

"The evil demons disguised themselves as immortal cultivators and brought us to this so-called fairy world, but it turned out to be the evil demon world."

"Stay in this demon world, we don't even have the ability to commit suicide, how desperate it is!"

"What happened to the fairy world? Don't they know that the demon world is building a breeding farm? ”


All human beings were in despair. They didn’t know what to say about the situation they were facing.

The altar was built entirely of bones, and they were built with human bones.

After the altar was built, the evil demons also engraved some runes on it that they couldn’t understand.

When fate had become a foregone conclusion, they could only numbly accept the judgment of fate.

Just when the evil demons in the Demon Sealing Cave were carrying out the final construction of the altar, a space crack suddenly appeared above the sky where the Demon Sealing Cave was located.

When the space crack appeared After the discovery, a series of terrifying auras suddenly came from the sky.

Then, a series of human figures appeared above the Demon Sealing Cave.

Each of the human figures was the image of a human cultivator, but they exuded rolling demonic energy, giving people the feeling that they were not human at all.

This group of people was Ye Chen and his group.

Under the leadership of Chang Xun, they came to the Demon Sealing Cave.

Ye Chen originally just wanted to destroy the Demon Sealing Cave casually, but when he saw the bound humans, his whole expression became particularly ugly.

"I didn't expect that this trip to the Demon Sealing Cave would actually encounter such a thing! "

Ye Chen looked at the human cultivators on the ground, and he immediately raised his hand and grabbed those human cultivators.

At this moment, all the human cultivators immediately found that the blocking force acting on them disappeared. Ye Chen's power only dispelled the confinement on them, and did not kill them.

And the moment before, they thought that Ye Chen wanted to kill them on purpose.

More than 100 million human cultivators were all collected into his Heaven and Earth Creation Cauldron under the power of Ye Chen.

And the great The Luo Realm Demon, he felt a crisis of death at this moment.

A destructive force descended from Ye Chen's body and landed directly on him.

Before the demon could react, his life had already withered directly in Ye Chen's hands.

After killing the Daluo Realm Demon, Ye Chen slapped the altar that was about to be built.

The altar was directly overturned under the power of Ye Chen.

After doing all this, Ye Chen said to the demons behind him: "Kill all the demons here! "

All he did was done almost in an instant.

From taking away the human race to killing the Daluo Realm demon who sealed off the human race, it was just a moment.

All the demons in the Demon Sealing Cave were immersed in Ye Chen's arrival. They couldn't even figure out why Ye Chen suddenly came.

And now, when they heard what Ye Chen said, they were furious!

At this moment, all the demons turned their eyes to Ye Chen.

They glared at Ye Chen and said, "How dare you come to the Demon Sealing Cave to cause trouble and destroy the altar that is about to be built in the Demon Sealing Cave. You are dead!"

"The majesty of the Demon Sealing Cave cannot be challenged. Anyone who dares to challenge the existence of the Demon Sealing Cave must die! "

An evil demon of the first level of the Immortal Realm roared out these words, and then he immediately rushed towards Ye Chen.

However, before this evil demon of the first level of the Immortal Realm could kill Ye Chen, he was hit by a force of destruction.

That was Chang Xun's move.

It was too easy for him to deal with an evil demon of the first level of the Immortal Realm with his strength of the ninth level of the Immortal Realm.

The evil demon of the first level of the Immortal Realm didn't even understand what was happening, he felt a force of destruction acting on him, and before he could react, his life fire withered directly!

In front of a ninth-level Immortal Venerable, a cultivator of the first level of the Immortal Venerable was not difficult to be completely killed.

After killing the evil demon, Chang Xun and his group of ninth-level Immortal Venerables immediately began to sweep away all the evil demons in the Demon Sealing Cave.

This was a one-sided massacre. The evil demons in the Demon Sealing Cave were no match for the power displayed by Chang Xun and his group.

The killing continued, and the evil demons in the Demon Sealing Cave were rapidly dying.

Facing the ninth-level Immortal Venerable, and a group of them, they had no power to resist.

"How dare you! My Demon Sealing Cave has stood on this Changqi Continent for millions of years, and no one has ever dared to challenge the majesty of my Demon Sealing Cave. Who are you? How dare you attack my Demon Sealing Cave? Aren't you afraid of dying here?"

When Chang Xun and his group were slaughtering the evil demons in the Demon Sealing Cave, the only ninth-level Immortal Venerable Demon Sealing Ancestor of the Demon Sealing Cave finally showed up.

The Demon Sealing Ancestor didn't know Chang Xun, but after seeing Chang Xun and other beings in the ninth level of the Immortal Realm, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"The Heavenly Dao of the Demon Realm has an order that beings in the Immortal Realm are not allowed to kill each other before completely occupying the Eternal Realm. Are you going to violate the Heavenly Dao's order?"

The Demon Sealing Ancestor was a little afraid of Chang Xun and his group. It seemed like they were deliberately looking for trouble with him.

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