Shinto Dantei

Chapter 471 Dad, I want to go out and make a living

For the next period of time, Ye Chen has been training himself to improve his cultivation.

He frequently entered the ethereal world and broke various records under the name "Sword Immortal Wei Zelong".

In the Holy Realm District, the so-called Barbarian Bear Kings, those former overlords, are no longer scary at all.

The entire Void Spirit World, including the three ancient worlds, all realized that the Sword Immortal Wei Zelong, who had only appeared for a few months, was the truly terrifying existence. His potential was endless, but his true identity could not be found out yet.

As for the news and clues, they are always being traced and traced, and then they are disconnected. I don’t know which link is wrong.

Whether it comes from the Lingjian Sect or not is hard to say.

As for Ning Anran, she always kept her father's words in mind and practiced hard, striving to upgrade her realm to the imperial realm as soon as possible.

After a retreat, she lay on the bed with her eyes closed to rest, and her mind couldn't help but recall her father's instructions when he came.

She sat up suddenly and suddenly remembered that her father had given her a book before leaving.

He also said that after entering Lingjian Sect and it was safe, he would take out the scroll and read it.

It contains what he wants to say to himself.

Ning Anran quickly took out the book from the ring, took a deep breath, and slowly opened it.

The next second, her beautiful eyes shrank violently, and her hands couldn't help but tremble.

Xiaoyue Dynasty.

"Dad, I've thought about it. I can't always be protected by you and be a flower in the greenhouse. Since I have inherited your talent in formations, I want to go out and explore more to fight out what belongs to me. Road!"

In the chief minister's residence, Wei Zelong packed up his salutes and said goodbye to his father with a solemn expression.

When Wei Chen heard this, he couldn't help but frown, "Xiaolong, I have been really busy these days and have neglected your feelings. I will try my best to spend as much time with you as possible and teach you more formations. "

"No, Dad, I'm serious!"

Wei Zelong quickly retorted.

"That's what you want. There are some spiritual stones here. You can take them and spend them. Buy whatever you want. Whether it's formations, magic weapons or elixirs, you can do whatever you like..."

Wei Chen smiled. If he wanted something, it would be easier.

"No, dad, I..."

Wei Zelong coughed dryly. In the past, every time he wanted something, he would tell Wei Chen by running away from home. As expected, Wei Chen knew him well enough and agreed to his request before Wei Zelong could say anything.

Over time, it became a habit.

You know that I won't really run away from home, and I also know that if I ask, you will fulfill my request.

This is also the most tacit understanding between father and son.

"This time, I am serious. I want to leave the Xiaoyue Dynasty and go to Zhongzhou to explore, broaden my horizons and experience a wider world. Also, I want to go to Zhongzhou to find Brother Chen. I believe that he is now, You must have become very comfortable there, and maybe you can help me."

Wei Zelong showed 100% sincerity and wanted his father to see that he was not joking.

Seeing his son's repeated emphasis, Wei Chen finally realized that he was serious.

"Are you going to Zhongzhou?"

Wei Chen thought about it. He had to make sure whether his son was acting on a whim.

"Well, I want to go to Zhongzhou. The world there is bigger and more suitable for me."

Wei Zelong saluted with a pat on the shoulder, indicating that he had made up his mind.

"Ye Chen has only been there a few months and may not have a firm foothold yet. It's not appropriate for you to go over and cause trouble for him."

Wei Chen pondered, "Besides, there are still many places in Beizhou that you have not explored. In recent times, the war with the three mountains and five ridges is about to enter its final stage. Why don't you come with me to the battlefield to experience it? It will take a long time." experience."

Wei Zelong finally couldn't bear it anymore, "Dad, in your eyes, do I only drag others down!"

Wei Chen was extremely serious, "The truth is a bit hurtful. I believe you should understand even if I don't tell you."

Wei Zelong: "..."

After a few breaths, he pulled his hair and said a little crazy, "Dad, I really want to go to Zhongzhou to broaden my horizons. This time in retreat, I have reached the level of killing five times, and with my status as an array master, I won't It’s causing trouble for Brother Chen!”

Wei Chen looked at his son and had to admit that he had protected him very well in the past twenty years.

Although it was a bit harsh, in the final analysis it was for his own good.

This time, seeing Wei Zelong so determined to do something, Wei Chen was filled with joy.

"Okay, since you want to go, then go. Zhongzhou is a good place, but it also comes with huge dangers."

"Take this and this, you can save your life at critical moments."

After Wei Chen thought for a while, he agreed to Wei Zelong's request.

When children grow up, they always have to go out and play.

In this way, Wei Zelong stepped onto the teleportation formation and prepared to go to Zhongzhou.

But his expression was a little depressed.

Because his father's words were still echoing in his mind - "The spirit stones that send you to the Zhongzhou Teleportation Formation are too expensive. If you can't make a difference there, you won't be able to come back even if you want to!"

With a flash of light, Wei Zelong walked out of the teleportation formation.

Everything in front of him was very fresh to him.

Rich spiritual energy, a wider and vast city, and... powerful practitioners can be seen everywhere on the streets.

"Is this Zhongzhou!"

Wei Zelong stretched out his arms and embraced the world.

This feeling is really refreshing, and it feels like the whole soul has been cleansed.

Zhongzhou is such a good place. I, Wei Zelong, swear that I will live a decent life in this land!

I want to prove to my father that without his protection, I, Wei Zelong, can still be here and prosper!

Just when Wei Zelong was about to leave the teleportation hall, someone held his shoulder down.

Why, as soon as I arrived, someone started to find trouble with me?

Wei Zelong slowly turned around, his mood mixed with excitement.

Finally, I can break away from my father's protection and face some things on my own.

No matter who you are, if you dare to cause trouble for me, Wei Zelong, you are dead!

Turning around, he faced a strong black man who was two meters tall and as tall as an iron tower.

He had no expression on his face and said in a loud voice, "You are from Beizhou, right? The location you originally teleported to was Aurora City, but due to a deviation in the location, you ended up in our Wanzhong City..."

"Oh, what then?"

Wei Zelong asked cautiously.

"It's been sent, so you have to pay the difference, do you understand?"

When the strong man opened his mouth, it made people's eardrums hurt.

Wei Zelong was startled and instinctively retorted, "I have no money. Besides, the error was your fault in teleportation. I was sent to the wrong place by you. It would be a good thing if I don't ask you for compensation. How dare you do so?" I want...uh, brother, don't do anything yet..."

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