Shinto Dantei

Chapter 494 You are not even worthy of being prey (7 updates)


The same idea formed in the minds of seven people instantly.

If Ye Chen's previous words were really just a test, then his playful look and the action of holding out his magic sword showed that he was serious about it.

Have we really been seen through?

He was actually able to detect the location of the formation and the direction we were hiding while moving at high speed.

Damn it, is this still a human being?

Not to mention Ye Chen, even a true master of formations might not be able to do this in a short time!

"Do it!"

Zhong Yu finally realized that the situation was not good. He suddenly suppressed all his emotions and shouted loudly.

His figure rushed out of the void.


He raised his hand and flicked it, and seven or eight runes flew out at once, hitting Ye Chen fiercely.

These runes were prepared by him in advance.

When array mages fight, they usually prepare some runes in advance and hold them in their hands.

Once the battle breaks out, he will directly throw the runes out of his hand, and the powerful attack power formed is not inferior to that of practitioners of the same level.

Poof! Poof!

The runes exploded and turned into flames.

This flame is not an ordinary flame, it absorbs a bit of power from the magma in the center of the earth.

When making the runes, Zhong Yu deliberately incorporated the power of molten metal into them.

The effect it can create is naturally far better than ordinary runes.

Zhong Yu has strong confidence in his move!

Let alone Ye Chen, even a strong man in the Emperor of Life and Death realm would be overwhelmed if he took this blow head-on!

Faced with the overwhelming flames, Ye Chen actually refused to retreat and just stood there.

Not only did he not retreat, he even showed no gesture of parry.


Zhong Yu's face instantly showed a look of ecstasy.

He didn't originally plan to kill the opponent with one blow, and even had a lot of backup plans.

After the opponent receives this blow, he will definitely be very embarrassed, and he just happens to use the rune avatar, and a series of oppressive attacks will surely follow.

All of this was calculated very clearly and deduced countless times in my mind.

But who could have expected that the other party would not play according to common sense.

Haha, is this the so-called super genius?

An extremely powerful monster? Sword Immortal Wei Zelong?

But err!

Just when the flames were about to cover him, a fiery red line flashed across Ye Chen's eyebrows.

The principle of fire is to urge.

The next moment, the flames engulfed Ye Chen.

"Those who are surrounded by my lava runes always die without burial!"

Zhong Yu's eyes lit up. Now, no matter how Ye Chen tried, there was nothing he could do.

"Junior Brother Ye!"

Duanmu Ci on the side reacted, and a look of shock suddenly flashed across his pupils.

Seeing how confident Ye Chen was, he thought he could handle it easily, but who would have expected...

He wanted to save him, but the other cultivators clung to him tightly, unable to move at all.

"Hahahaha, at this level, you dare to fight for the Medicine God Flower. Xiao Xuan sent you two losers here, what a miscalculation!"

Zhong Yu laughed wildly and was in a happy mood.

This battle is simpler than imagined.

call out!

Between heaven and earth, an exaggerated suction force suddenly surged.

The scorching flame was suddenly sucked into Ye Chen's body at an extremely fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, the overwhelming scorching flames disappeared without a trace.

Between Ye Chen's brows, the Tao of Fire was running wildly.

He was still standing there, with not even a trace of dust on his clothes.

After devouring these flame runes, Ye Chen clearly felt that the spiritual energy in his body had increased a lot.

"The taste is a bit off."

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows playfully, and then swung the Chixiao epee fiercely.

not good!

Zhong Yu retreated violently, and the flame giant surged from behind and punched Ye Chen.

The flames exploded, creating an overwhelming force that tore apart the world in all directions.


Chixiao's heavy sword hit the flame giant's fist and scattered it.

The flame giant let out a strange scream, and half of its arms turned into nothing.

Fu Wen himself was severely injured, and Zhong Yu was not much better. He turned pale, spat out a mouthful of blood, and took several steps back.

This feeling was like being punched hard in the chest. After all the force was applied, only the overwhelming pain remained.

"You're not dead!"

Some practitioners exclaimed, "This is impossible. Brother Yu's lava runes are unstoppable and can melt everything. How can you not die? I don't believe it!"

"Instead of worrying about whether I die or not, you should worry about yourself first, you loser!"

Ye Chen sneered and flicked his finger.

Give death sword energy!


The cultivator was thrown away by the sword energy.

The body was already shattered inch by inch before it hit the ground.

One fatal move!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chen seemed to have turned on the killing mode, and his figure suddenly rushed into the crowd.

Continuous beheadings, the figure is like lightning.

Under his control, the speed and skill of the huge Red Sky Epee are far higher than those of other cultivators.

Coupled with the terrifying power that comes with it, each sword sweep can shatter the void.


Another cultivator refused to admit defeat and received Ye Chen's blow head-on, causing him to vomit blood.

Ye Chen was like an ancient giant beast, with surging power and long aura.

Not to mention swordsmen, even those who specialize in body refining would have to retreat from his attacks.

"Damn it, I don't accept it!"

In a rage, Zhong Yu controlled the flame giant and rushed towards Ye Chen.

The 100-meter-tall flaming giant looked like magma from the center of the earth was flowing all over its body, and it was so red that it was crystal clear.

The scorching waves of air surrounding his body made people panic.

"Hold Yue in my arms!"

Ye Chen's figure looked like a dragon, holding the Chixiao heavy sword and slashing it down boldly.

Like a mountain suppressing the force out of thin air, the terrifying power attached to this sword shattered the void inch by inch.


The Chixiao heavy sword collided with the flame giant.

Everyone could clearly see that the flame giant started from scratch and began to disintegrate.

In a few breaths, the hundred-meter-tall body completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

As for Zhong Yu, his back was broken by the pressure of this huge force, and he fell to the ground, his eyes black with pain.

Although this is the incarnation of consciousness, the pain is real!

Below his legs, he lost all feeling.

"Ye Chen, I'm going to... kill you!"

Zhong Yu spit out a mouthful of blood and dug his fingers deeply into the ground. His heart was about to burst with hatred.

Ye Chen didn't even look at him, and punched the side with his backhand.

The fist was like a mountain, crushing the body of a cultivator.

In the blink of an eye, three of the original seven people were dead and one was seriously injured.

"A rabble."

Ye Chen's voice was indifferent, without any emotion.

Do you think you are a hunter?

No, you are not even worthy of prey!

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