Shinto Dantei

Chapter 501: Zanghua's Massacre

Who is she?

Except for Yan Qi and Xu Zhan, the other Tianjiaos were all confused.

Indeed, Jing Zhongyue rarely showed up in the sect. She was either training or being locked up.

Ordinary Tianjiao would naturally not have seen him, let alone know her identity.

However, Yan Qi and Xu Zhan were different. They were very powerful and had seen the world.

The most important thing was that Xiao Shiyu had warned them more than once that among the many inner disciples of the sect, it didn't matter if they provoked the others, but they must not provoke the eldest sister of Hongyun Peak, Jing Zhongyue.

Jing Zhongyue's realm was not the strongest in Hongyun Peak.

Although she was the eldest sister, in fact, many people's realms surpassed her and entered the realm of life and death.

Even so, those people did not dare to cross any boundaries.

In their hearts, they always regarded Jing Zhongyue as the eldest sister.

Jing Zhongyue was not unable to be promoted, but she did not want to be promoted.

If she wanted to, she could have reached the realm of life and death a few years ago.

She simply didn't want to and was unwilling to do so.

Therefore, after seeing Jing Zhongyue, Yan Qi and Xu Zhan had a look of horror in their minds at the same time.

How did she... get in?

No, anyone can get in as long as they have the qualification of the Void Spirit Realm.

The key point is, why did she come here?

She is also an inner disciple of the Spirit Sword Sect. Doesn't she know that this is a trial?

And this trial is related to the position of the young master.

Even if Jing Zhongyue is bold, she can't do such an outrageous thing, right?

Or does she also have the qualification to compete?

All kinds of thoughts flashed through their minds.

"How did you... appear here?"

"Don't you know that this is a trial for the young master? Are you going to interfere in our trial?"

Yan Qi and Xu Zhan, these two geniuses who disdain anyone they face, now change color in front of Jing Zhongyue.

"So much nonsense."

A cold murderous intent flashed in Jing Zhongyue's beautiful eyes.

Every time before she kills, she is so calm.

The only flaw is that this is just the Void Realm, not the Green Lotus Realm.

You can’t kill someone in the Void Realm.

At most, you can chop the consciousness incarnation into pieces, but it won’t cause much damage to the main body.

In other words, what’s the point of killing someone but not being able to kill them?

This is also why Jing Zhongyue, who clearly has the key to the Void Realm, rarely comes here to train.

In the outside world, you can kill anyone you don’t like.

It doesn’t work here.

It’s better to explore more ruins and ancient tombs outside than to train here.

“Who is she?”

“So arrogant!”

“Let’s kill her together!”

“The black-striped snake has been tortured to death by the sword net we constructed. She just came out to get an advantage. Do you really think she is so strong? We have all killed nine times. Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes, not to mention that we have Senior Brother Yan!”

“Yes, Senior Brother Yan, lead us to kill her!”

For a while, the crowd was excited.

Yan Qi's heart was about to explode.

Fuck you!

You are looking for death, please don't implicate me, okay?

What the hell do I have against you that you want to do this to me?

It's fine if you shout for me in front of others.

There are people who are slightly afraid of me, Yan Qi, in the level of nine times of taking lives.

But Jing Zhongyue is an existence that I absolutely cannot provoke!


Jing Zhongyue showed a petal in her hand, she swung it backhand, and the sharp sword energy cut off the head of the prodigy in the air.

The whole process was clean and neat, without any drag.

Obviously, Jing Zhongyue has used this move countless times and has long been familiar with it.

After killing the prodigy, the next fight was completely kicked off.

Jing Zhongyue's figure disappeared in the night, and only a few lonely flower buds emerged in the air from all directions.

Facing such a weak flower bud, all the prodigies in the field did not dare to have the slightest contempt.

After all, Jing Zhongyue's killing move had made them completely panic.

They all killed nine times, so logically, the gap between them should not be so big.

Even if there are differences in strength, it takes a long battle to decide the winner.

Where have you seen someone like Jing Zhongyue who kills people directly?

In fact, it is unimaginable.

The flowers bloomed, like the brightest light in the night, not only beautiful, but also with a desperate color.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Every ray of sword energy from the flower bud can accurately cut across the neck of a genius.

Not the heart, not the body, not the eyebrows, but the neck!

In Jing Zhongyue's view, the blood gushing out of their heads with sword energy is like flowers blooming.

How beautiful?

The Burial Flower Sword Art is worthy of its name.

In Jing Zhongyue's eyes, she has lost her novelty in killing, and she only wants to pursue a stronger sword.

Under the cover of night, this massacre was far bloodier than imagined.

But because Jing Zhongyue acted quickly and had strong killing intent, the whole process did not last long.

Half an hour later, when Jing Zhongyue stabbed Xu Zhan's chest with a sword, it meant that the battle was completely over.

Xu Zhan spurted blood foam from his mouth and his eyes trembled, "Jing Zhongyue, there are so many of us, but we are... not your opponent alone. You killed all of us, you must be very proud in your heart, I am not willing to lose." , I’m not convinced either…”

It can be seen that Xu Zhan is already very weak.

Facing various attacks and executions by Jing Zhongyue, he was already scarred.

The reason he was able to persist to the end was not because he was better than Yan Qi, but because he was lucky enough.

Jing Zhongyue chose to deal with Yan Qi first, not him.

Otherwise, Xu Zhan will definitely die before Yan Qi!

The swordsmanship and methods that the two were proud of were of no use at all in front of Jing Zhongyue.

"I'm not happy that I couldn't kill you."

Jing Zhongyue slowly shook her head, her beautiful eyes looking so calm from beginning to end.

After killing more than thirty geniuses in a row, her red dress was stained with a lot of blood, making it look even more brilliant.

In the virtual world, killing the opponent is not considered true death.

Jing Zhongyue was unhappy, she hated this approach.


Xu Zhan's eyes shrank violently. Jing Zhongyue's indifference towards killing made his heart seem to be grasped by a big hand, making him almost unable to breathe.

He finally realized that he was not even a little bit worse than Jing Zhongyue.

Together with Yan Qi, even if they faced a strong person who could transform into life and death, they would not be defeated so miserably.

But Jing Zhongyue did it!

This shows that her true strength must definitely be above the two transformations of life and death.

How far do you have to study the Flower Burial Sword Art to be so powerful and exaggerated?

Xu Zhan closed his eyes, with an absolutely unwilling emotion, and his figure completely disappeared.

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